opentensor / subtensor

Bittensor Blockchain Layer
The Unlicense
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RPC Testing #577

Open sam0x17 opened 1 week ago

sam0x17 commented 1 week ago


There are currently two bug with the RPC we need to resolve , in order to unblock the stao workstream. While the bugs are the main blocker, we are taking this opportunity to also write tests for the RPCS

Get all stake for cold key

This RPC currently returns the following error :

2024-03-29 08:14:34        RPC-CORE: getAllStakeInfoForColdKey(coldkeyAccountVec: Vec<u8>, at?: Option<BlockHash>): Vec<u8>:: createType(Vec<u8>):: Bytes length 421326324 exceeds 10485760
Error: createType(Vec<u8>):: Bytes length 421326324 exceeds 10485760

Get Neuron In Lite.

There is currently a bug in the python project that when a neuron is registered and multiple hot keys are staked , adding stake to an individual hot key add to all the hot keys balance.

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