opentibiabr / otcv8

OTCv8 for OpenTibia Community.
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feat: added an option to leave miniwindows the same as the official client #14

Closed brunoofgod closed 3 weeks ago

brunoofgod commented 2 months ago


Added an option to leave miniwidows the same as the official client, limiting the fixed space within the panels image image

When activated, the behavior will be the same as the official client. Placing the miniwindow in a panel image



If you drag a miniwindow it has a unique behavior, always staying where it is dropped


With the change, the otclient starts to have an additional behavior, and may have the same characteristics as the official client.


# (issue)

Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.

How Has This Been Tested

Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Provide instructions so we can reproduce. Please also list any relevant details for your test configuration

Test Configuration:
