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Bestiary charm runes. #1297

Closed marcosvf132 closed 3 years ago

marcosvf132 commented 4 years ago

Charm runes doesnt work on game.

Lycanzito commented 4 years ago

Charm runes doesnt work on game.

yep, a couple of things of this system is still needtobedone;

Be free if u want to contribute =)

marcosvf132 commented 4 years ago

I've manage to make some charm runes to work, but some of them are diferent from what it should be. I will post here what i've done so far.

1 \data\events\scripts\player.lua

     -- Start of player.lua
local Numbe = createConditionObject(CONDITION_PARALYZE)
setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 10000)
setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE)

local Crit = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES)
Crit:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 3000)

local canGut = 42352535

function doTargetCharmDamage(charmdmgtype, charmeffect, logmsg, infomsg, attacker, mnster) bestiaryDamage = string.format("%.0f",-(mnster:getMaxHealth()*((5)/100))) doTargetCombatHealth(attacker, mnster, charmdmgtype, -bestiaryDamage, -bestiaryDamage, charmeffect) doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "A " .. mnster:getName() .. " loses " .. -bestiaryDamage .. " hitpoints due to your attack. (" .. logmsg .. ")") doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, 21, "You " .. infomsg .. " the monster.") end -- End of archive player.lua

 At this point we have offensive charm runes working, like **freezy**, **enflame**, **poison**, **zap** and **curse**. **Cripple** rune is working pretty good too.
 The problem now is with **scavenge** rune, i've manage to make it work through a player storage system that we will add on the monster file, but the problem is that, when you attack a monster that is selected on the charm runes with scavenge on it, this script will grant you a condition for one minute that you will have more 'lucky' when you try to skin the corpse, but the problem on this script is that you will have lucky to scavenge **all corpse**, not only the selected creature corpse. If you know how to fix it, please post it here. (maybe when you kill a selected creature it will add some actionID on the creature corpse or something like that!)
 Other **big problem** here is on the **low blow** rune. With this script, when you attack a selected creature with low blow rune, it will grant you a 8% buff on the critical hit chance to you for 3 seconds, but when you trigger this rune, the buff works for **ALL MONSTER**, i can't find a way to make this buff individual only to the selected creature with low blow rune.

> 2 `\data\creaturescripts\scripts\others\login_events.lua`

3 \data\creaturescripts\creaturescripts.xml

<event type="healthchange" name="BestiaryDefensiveHP" script="others/BestiaryDefensive.lua"/>
<event type="manachange" name="BestiaryDefensiveMP" script="others/BestiaryDefensive.lua"/>


local Burst = createConditionObject(CONDITION_HASTE)
setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 10000)
setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE)

local Numbe = createConditionObject(CONDITION_PARALYZE) setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 10000) setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE) local canCleanse = 42352534

function onHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin) if not(attacker) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end if not(attacker:isMonster()) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end if ((Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker)) == nil) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end local bixo = Monster(attacker) local gente = Player(creature) if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker) then math.randomseed(os.time()) chanceTo = math.random(1,10) if(chanceTo == 1)then if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Dodge" then doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You dodged an attack. (dodge charm)") doSendMagicEffect(creature:getPosition(),CONST_ME_POFF) return 0, 0, 0, 0
elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Parry" then doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You reflected an attack. (parry charm)") doPlayerSendTextMessage(gente, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "You reflected a damage from " .. bixo:getName() .. ". (parry charm)") doTargetCombatHealth(gente, bixo, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, 2(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), 2(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONAREA) elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Adrenaline Burst" then setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, (creature:getBaseSpeed()*(3/2))) creature:addCondition(Burst) doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are hasted. (adrenaline burst charm)") doSendMagicEffect(creature:getPosition(),CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Numb" then setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, -((attacker:getBaseSpeed())/2)) attacker:addCondition(Numbe) doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You paralyze the creature. (numb charm)") doSendMagicEffect(attacker:getPosition(),CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end end if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Bless" then -- doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "Falta fazer esta runa.") -- Need to do this part elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Cleanse" then if not(getPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse) == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are now purified. (cleanse charm)") setPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse, 1) cleanAllConditions(creature) end end end return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end

function onManaChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin) if not(attacker) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end if not(attacker:isMonster()) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end if ((Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker)) == nil) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end local bixo = Monster(attacker) local gente = Player(creature) if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker) then math.randomseed(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage) chanceTo = math.random(1,10) if(chanceTo == 1)then if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Dodge" then doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You dodged an attack. (dodge charm)") doSendMagicEffect(creature:getPosition(),CONST_ME_POFF) return 0, 0, 0, 0
elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Parry" then doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You reflected an attack. (parry charm)") doPlayerSendTextMessage(gente, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "You reflected a damage from " .. bixo:getName() .. ". (parry charm)") doTargetCombatHealth(gente, bixo, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, 2(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), 2(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONAREA) elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Adrenaline Burst" then setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, (creature:getBaseSpeed()*(3/2))) creature:addCondition(Burst) doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are hasted. (adrenaline burst charm)") doSendMagicEffect(creature:getPosition(),CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Numb" then setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, -((attacker:getBaseSpeed())/2)) attacker:addCondition(Numbe) doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You paralyze the creature. (numb charm)") doSendMagicEffect(attacker:getPosition(),CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end end if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Bless" then -- doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "Falta fazer esta runa.") -- Need to do this part elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Cleanse" then if not(getPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse) == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are now purified. (cleanse charm)") setPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse, 1) cleanAllConditions(creature) end end end return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end

function cleanAllConditions(pplayer) local conditions = { CONDITION_POISON, CONDITION_FIRE, CONDITION_ENERGY, CONDITION_BLEEDING, CONDITION_PARALYZE, CONDITION_DRUNK, CONDITION_DROWN, CONDITION_FREEZING, CONDITION_DAZZLED, CONDITIONCURSED } for , conditionType in pairs(conditions) do if pplayer:getCondition(conditionType) then pplayer:removeCondition(conditionType) end end end

 Now this part, **dodge**, **parry**, **adrenaline burst** and **numb** is working fine, the only problem is that **dodge** rune is not blocking the creature condition, need to check it more.
 If you see, **cleanse** rune script part is very, very strange, but this is the only way i've done to make it work, and other big problem here is that it won't clean one atrribute from you and give you imunity to this condition, this script is cleaning **ALL THE CONDITIONS** and is **repeating** this process for 5 seconds with 250ms delay betwen the process. (Probably this will overload a bit you system, need to check it).
  To make it lighter, you can try to merge the onManaChange and onHealthChange. I don't know if you can do a onStatsChange, dont know if its possible, if it is, tell me please :)
**NOTE: Bless rune is not working, i can't find a way to grant the player more protection when you die to the selected creature, i'm trying to create a new bless, and grant this bless if you die to creature.**

> 5 `\data\events\scripts\monster.lua`
    if not player or player:getStamina() > 840 then
        local monsterLoot = mType:getLoot()
        for i = 1, #monsterLoot do
            local item = corpse:createLootItem(monsterLoot[i])
            --------------->Charm Rune<----------------------
             if Player.getCharmFromTarget(player, self) then
               local itemType = ItemType(monsterLoot[i].itemId)
              if (itemType:getLootCategory() == 24) and (Player.getCharmFromTarget(player, self).name == "Gut") then
               local item1 = corpse:createLootItem(monsterLoot[i])
                           -- To add more chance, only copy and paste the 'local item1' line
               player:sendTextMessage(21, "You dropped boosted loot. (gut charm)")
            if not item then
                print('[Warning] DropLoot:', 'Could not add loot item to corpse.')
Lycanzito commented 4 years ago

I've manage to make some charm runes to work, but some of them are diferent from what it should be. I will post here what i've done so far.

NOTE: The values are not exactly what it should be on the original tibia, so please, if you find some diferente values, i'm all ears.

1 \data\events\scripts\player.lua

     -- Start of player.lua
local Numbe = createConditionObject(CONDITION_PARALYZE)
setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 10000)
setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE)

local Crit = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES)
Crit:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 3000)

local canGut = 42352535
  • Now we go at the end of the script, on Player:onCombat(
  if Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target) then
   chanceTo =  math.random(1,10)
   if(chanceTo == 1)then
     if Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Wound" then
   doTargetCharmDamage(COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, CONST_ME_HITAREA, "wound charm", "wounded", self, target)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Enflame" then
   doTargetCharmDamage(COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, CONST_ME_HITBYFIRE, "enflame charm", "enflame", self, target)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Poison" then
   doTargetCharmDamage(COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE, CONST_ME_GREEN_RINGS, "poison charm", "poisoned", self, target)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Freeze" then
   doTargetCharmDamage(COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE, CONST_ME_ICEATTACK, "freeze charm", "frozen", self, target)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Zap" then
   doTargetCharmDamage(COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT, "zap charm", "electrocuted", self, target)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Curse" then
   doTargetCharmDamage(COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE, CONST_ME_SMALLCLOUDS, "curse charm", "curse", self, target)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Cripple" then
     setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, -((target:getBaseSpeed())/2))
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(self, 21, "You paralyze the monster. (cripple charm)")
   doSendMagicEffect(target:getPosition(),CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) end end
   if Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Low Blow" then
     setConditionParam(Crit, 1000)
   elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(self, target).name == "Scavenge" then
   if not(getPlayerStorageValue(self, canGut) == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(self, canGut, 1)
   addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(self, canGut, 0) end, 60000) end end
  return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end

function doTargetCharmDamage(charmdmgtype, charmeffect, logmsg, infomsg, attacker, mnster)
   bestiaryDamage = string.format("%.0f",-(mnster:getMaxHealth()*((5)/100)))
   doTargetCombatHealth(attacker, mnster, charmdmgtype, -bestiaryDamage, -bestiaryDamage, charmeffect)
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "A " .. mnster:getName() .. " loses " .. -bestiaryDamage .. " hitpoints due to your attack. (" .. logmsg .. ")")
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, 21,  "You " .. infomsg .. " the monster.")
-- End of archive player.lua

At this point we have offensive charm runes working, like freezy, enflame, poison, zap and curse. Cripple rune is working pretty good too. The problem now is with scavenge rune, i've manage to make it work through a player storage system that we will add on the monster file, but the problem is that, when you attack a monster that is selected on the charm runes with scavenge on it, this script will grant you a condition for one minute that you will have more 'lucky' when you try to skin the corpse, but the problem on this script is that you will have lucky to scavenge all corpse, not only the selected creature corpse. If you know how to fix it, please post it here. (maybe when you kill a selected creature it will add some actionID on the creature corpse or something like that!) Other big problem here is on the low blow rune. With this script, when you attack a selected creature with low blow rune, it will grant you a 8% buff on the critical hit chance to you for 3 seconds, but when you trigger this rune, the buff works for ALL MONSTER, i can't find a way to make this buff individual only to the selected creature with low blow rune.

2 \data\creaturescripts\scripts\others\login_events.lua


3 \data\creaturescripts\creaturescripts.xml

  <event type="healthchange" name="BestiaryDefensiveHP" script="others/BestiaryDefensive.lua"/>
  <event type="manachange" name="BestiaryDefensiveMP" script="others/BestiaryDefensive.lua"/>


local Burst = createConditionObject(CONDITION_HASTE)
setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 10000)
setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE)

local Numbe = createConditionObject(CONDITION_PARALYZE)
setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 10000)
setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE)
     local canCleanse = 42352534

function onHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin)
if not(attacker) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end
if not(attacker:isMonster()) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end
     if ((Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker)) == nil) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end
   local bixo = Monster(attacker)
   local gente = Player(creature)
  if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker) then
  chanceTo =  math.random(1,10)
   if(chanceTo == 1)then
     if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Dodge" then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You dodged an attack. (dodge charm)")
   doSendMagicEffect(creature:getPosition(),CONST_ME_POFF) return 0, 0, 0, 0   
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Parry" then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You reflected an attack. (parry charm)")
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(gente, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "You reflected a damage from " .. bixo:getName() .. ". (parry charm)")
   doTargetCombatHealth(gente, bixo, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, 2*(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), 2*(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONAREA)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Adrenaline Burst" then
     setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, (creature:getBaseSpeed()*(3/2)))
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are hasted. (adrenaline burst charm)")
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Numb" then
     setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, -((attacker:getBaseSpeed())/2))
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You paralyze the creature. (numb charm)")
   end end
   if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Bless" then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "Falta fazer esta runa.")
   -- Need to do this part
   elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Cleanse" then
   if not(getPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse) == 1) then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are now purified. (cleanse charm)")
   setPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse, 1)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   setPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse, 0)
   end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250)
   end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250)
   return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType

function onManaChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin)
if not(attacker) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end
if not(attacker:isMonster()) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end
     if ((Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker)) == nil) then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end
   local bixo = Monster(attacker)
   local gente = Player(creature)
  if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker) then
    math.randomseed(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage)
  chanceTo =  math.random(1,10)
   if(chanceTo == 1)then
     if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Dodge" then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You dodged an attack. (dodge charm)")
   doSendMagicEffect(creature:getPosition(),CONST_ME_POFF) return 0, 0, 0, 0   
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Parry" then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You reflected an attack. (parry charm)")
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(gente, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "You reflected a damage from " .. bixo:getName() .. ". (parry charm)")
   doTargetCombatHealth(gente, bixo, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, 2*(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), 2*(primaryDamage + secondaryDamage), CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONAREA)
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Adrenaline Burst" then
     setConditionParam(Burst, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, (creature:getBaseSpeed()*(3/2)))
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are hasted. (adrenaline burst charm)")
     elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Numb" then
     setConditionParam(Numbe, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, -((attacker:getBaseSpeed())/2))
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You paralyze the creature. (numb charm)")
   end end
   if Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Bless" then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT, "Falta fazer esta runa.")
   -- Need to do this part
   elseif Player.getCharmFromTarget(creature, attacker).name == "Cleanse" then
   if not(getPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse) == 1) then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(creature, 21, "You are now purified. (cleanse charm)")
   setPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse, 1)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature) addEvent(function() cleanAllConditions(creature)
   setPlayerStorageValue(creature, canCleanse, 0)
   end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250)
   end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250) end, 250)
   return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType

function cleanAllConditions(pplayer)
      local conditions = {
      for _, conditionType in pairs(conditions) do
          if pplayer:getCondition(conditionType) then

Now this part, dodge, parry, adrenaline burst and numb is working fine, the only problem is that dodge rune is not blocking the creature condition, need to check it more. If you see, cleanse rune script part is very, very strange, but this is the only way i've done to make it work, and other big problem here is that it won't clean one atrribute from you and give you imunity to this condition, this script is cleaning ALL THE CONDITIONS and is repeating this process for 5 seconds with 250ms delay betwen the process. (Probably this will overload a bit you system, need to check it). To make it lighter, you can try to merge the onManaChange and onHealthChange. I don't know if you can do a onStatsChange, dont know if its possible, if it is, tell me please :) NOTE: Bless rune is not working, i can't find a way to grant the player more protection when you die to the selected creature, i'm trying to create a new bless, and grant this bless if you die to creature.

5 \data\events\scripts\monster.lua

  if not player or player:getStamina() > 840 then
      local monsterLoot = mType:getLoot()
      for i = 1, #monsterLoot do
          local item = corpse:createLootItem(monsterLoot[i])
          --------------->Charm Rune<----------------------
           if Player.getCharmFromTarget(player, self) then
             local itemType = ItemType(monsterLoot[i].itemId)
            if (itemType:getLootCategory() == 24) and (Player.getCharmFromTarget(player, self).name == "Gut") then
             local item1 = corpse:createLootItem(monsterLoot[i])
                           -- To add more chance, only copy and paste the 'local item1' line
             player:sendTextMessage(21, "You dropped boosted loot. (gut charm)")
          if not item then
              print('[Warning] DropLoot:', 'Could not add loot item to corpse.')
  • This part is to activate the gut charm rune, you will double your chance to drop more creature products items, to add more chance only add more 'corpse:createlootitem' on the -- line.

6 \data\actions\scripts\tools\skinning.lua

     -- Start of skinning.lua
     local canGut = 42352535   

01 At:

  local random, effect, transform = math.random(1, 100000), CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN, true

01 Replace to:


      local user1 = Player(player)
       if (getPlayerStorageValue(user1, canGut) == 1) then
        local chanceTo = 50000
        local chanceTo = 100000
   local random, effect, transform = math.random(1, chanceTo), CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN, true

02 At:

      for i = 1, #skin do
          _skin = skin[i]
          if random <= _skin.value then

02 Replace to:

      for i = 1, #skin do
          _skin = skin[i]
          if random <= _skin.value then
     if (getPlayerStorageValue(user1, canGut) == 1) then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(user1, 21, "You scavange the creature. (scavange charm)")  
   addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(user1, canGut, 0) end, 20000)

03 At:

          effect = CONST_ME_POFF
          transform = false
  elseif random <= skin.value then

03 Replace to:

          effect = CONST_ME_POFF
          transform = false
  elseif random <= skin.value then
     if (getPlayerStorageValue(user1, canGut) == 1) then
   doPlayerSendTextMessage(user1, 21, "You scavange the creature. (scavange charm)")  
   addEvent(function() setPlayerStorageValue(user1, canGut, 0) end, 20000)
  • This part was already explained, this is the scavenge charm rune.

As you can see, i'm not a pro on programing, my scripts are far from perfect, if you can help me making it lighter and better, please i'm here to learn. If you find a way to make BLESS charm rune working, just post it here and i will try.

Need to check for bugs in game, i tested it on my offline server, try it on your server first before implementing this online for your players.

  • I hope i can contribute with otserverbr with my script, i know i'm newbie on this but maybe it can help someone!. cya

Seens good, =)