opentk / rift

Cross-platform Oculus Rift bindings for .Net and Mono
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Error building on windows #9

Open Anthz opened 9 years ago

Anthz commented 9 years ago

I've hit a brick wall trying to get this to compile for windows. I've tried different branches with different OS', cmake versions and visual studio editions with no success. When trying to build, I get 201 errors which mostly consist of mac line endings:

Error 1 Mac file format detected: please convert the source file to either DOS or UNIX format [Z:\home\USER\Documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\OpenTK.Rift\obj\x86\Debug\OVR.vcxproj] Z:\home\USER\Documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\OpenTK.Rift\LibOVR\Src\OVR_CAPI.cpp OpenTK.Rift

Many #if/#else mismatching errors:

Error 7 mismatched #if/#endif pair in file 'z:\home\USER\documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\opentk.rift\libovr\src\ovr_devicehandle.h' [Z:\home\USER\Documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\OpenTK.Rift\obj\x86\Debug\OVR.vcxproj] z:\home\USER\documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\opentk.rift\libovr\src\OVR_DeviceHandle.h 2 OpenTK.Rift

Cmake exits with code 3:

Error 375 The command "cd obj/x86/Debug && ((cmake -G"Visual Studio 12" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/MP" -DPROJECT_NAME=OVR -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DINSTALL_DIR:PATH=../../../../bin/Debug/lib/x86/ ../../../Wrapper) || (/usr/local/bin/cmake -G"Visual Studio 12" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/MP" -DPROJECT_NAME=OVR -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DINSTALL_DIR:PATH=../../../../bin/Debug/lib/x86/ ../../../Wrapper)) && ((cmake --build . --config Debug --target install) || (/usr/local/bin/cmake --build . --config Debug --target install)) && cd ../../../" exited with code 3. \net\dfs\home\USER\Documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\OpenTK.Rift\OpenTK.Rift.csproj 50 5 OpenTK.Rift

and finally OpenTK.Rift.dll could not be found:

Error 377 Metadata file '\net\dfs\home\USER\Documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\bin\Debug\OpenTK.Rift.dll' could not be found \net\dfs\home\USER\Documents\rift-sdk0.3.x\Test\Console\CSC Test.Console

Any ideas?

thefiddler commented 9 years ago

Try opening the file in visual studio, then ctrl-a, ctrl-x, ctrl-v and save. This should fix the line endings issue.

Anthz commented 9 years ago

Even if I edit the file (which I have many times), it's being generated by CMake on build so it creates a new one each time with the same Mac format.