opentok / opentok-flutter-basic-video-chat

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component closing bug #2

Open Bygaga63 opened 3 years ago

Bygaga63 commented 3 years ago

Good afternoon. Thank you very much for the example. I have 3 questions: 1) are you planning to package this example in a plugin? 2) I didn’t find a disconnect call in the native code, is it just not added or everything should work like that? 3) I determined that if I navigate to another page or just change PlatformViewLink to some other component while streaming, my entire application crashes. How can i solve this issue? I would be very happy for a response or recommendations.

i use IPhone 6s.

Here is my logs.

The client connected to the session. -[NSDictionaryM longLongValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2827f2c80 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSDictionaryM longLongValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2827f2c80' *** First throw call stack: (0x1a7244654 0x1a6f66bcc 0x1a7148dd8 0x1a72487f8 0x1a724a71c 0x103e7dbb8 0x103e79400 0x10418ea60 0x103e9fd7c 0x1041a9070 0x1041431d4 0x1041459fc 0x1a71c3134 0x1a71c2e50 0x1a71c252c 0x1a71bd53c 0x1a71bcba8 0x1b1333344 0x1ab2f83e4 0x102e5b9fc 0x1a70448f0) libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

igorwojda commented 3 years ago
  1. Not for now
  2. Not implemented yet, feel free to open the PR
  3. This is a basic sample used to play with Flutter, so some problems may be present, ut thx for the report. Can you share some code, please?
adil-nangyal commented 2 years ago

i am facing the same issue can any one help me with that When i am tying to disconnect the session and go back to main flutter ui