opentok / opentok-ios-sdk-samples-swift

Sample applications using the OpenTok iOS SDK in Swift
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Is there a way to stream from BroadCast extension? #70

Closed dmyma closed 6 years ago

robjperez commented 6 years ago

Hi @dmyma , can you elaborate a little bit more on the question?

dmyma commented 6 years ago

Thank you for reply @robjperez . I am trying to implement a Broadcast extension(to stream the screen out-of-app) with Opentok. There are examples to share the screen in app, so my question is it possible to stream out-of-app, because I am struggling to implement it.

robjperez commented 6 years ago

iOS won't allow you to capture other apps content in real time. You can record freely what's in your app, but you cannot put your app in background and keep recording the screen. See our Screen Sharing sample for more details.

Apple introduced ReplayKit some years ago, but that allows you to record a video capturing any content from your phone. After finishing the recording, you can then send it anywhere, but it cannot be done in realtime.

Hope it helps

karolkulesza commented 5 years ago

@robjperez : Please refer to this video from WWDC 2018:

With ReplayKit 2 it IS possible to perform "iOS System Broadcast".

Igor-Techsee commented 5 years ago

same question

designtesbrot commented 5 years ago

Same question here. Is it possible using ReplayKit 2 to broadcast the Devices screen to a Tokbox session?

tuanit09 commented 3 years ago

@robjperez : Please refer to this video from WWDC 2018:

With ReplayKit 2 it IS possible to perform "iOS System Broadcast".

App Extension is memory limited. only 50MB is allowed when running on my phone. Tokbox uses above 70MB and the extension gets killed by system.

Anyone made a successful attempt?

mehmetbaykar commented 3 years ago

Hey @tuanit09 Same here :( Have you found any solution?

@robjperez It would be great if you guys can give us an update on this. The BroadCast-Ext Project is not working no matter how I change the way of consuming. Always passes the 50 Mb memory limit.

yashukla47 commented 3 years ago

hey @mehmetbaykar did you find any solution, for BroadCast-EXT

mehmetbaykar commented 3 years ago

Hi @yashukla47,

You can check out this repo and make this changes:

This was the only solution I had for iPhone 11.

yashukla47 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, Brother @mehmetbaykar, Will try these changes, I hope it works this time

yashukla47 commented 3 years ago

hey, @mehmetbaykar I am still facing the problem, It looks like I am able to send the data of the screen share from the publisher side but it's not able to receive it on the other end.

Any Idea

mehmetbaykar commented 3 years ago

Hey @yashukla47 How do you subscribe to the Screen Video and add it into your view hierarchy?

yashukla47 commented 3 years ago

Hey, now it's working fine .... changing the SDK to the version that you suggested i.e 2.18.1 ... worked for me


ledinhthi commented 2 years ago

HI anyone have this isssue? i start to sharing screen. But have this error:: Broadcast is stop, because you attempt to start an invalid broadcast session. :(( anyone experienced,

ledinhthi commented 2 years ago


ledinhthi commented 2 years ago

@mehmetbaykar i'm facing invalid broadcast even set constants to 0,3 and 2 for processSecondFrame. so i think this is overg 50mb so have you processed it? with the sample buffer ?

knightcode commented 2 years ago

@mehmetbaykar I'm having the same issue. I'm able to send a couple of frames to other clients on the session before the 50mb limit causes the extension to exit, and the phone shows the invalid broadcast session message. I'm sending 6 frames per second and have scaled them down to 111x240 pixels (in portrait).

I'm not sure what the pixel buffer pool is for. It looks like only one buffer is ever used.

I'm currently using OpenTok 2.21.2. Is the suggestion above advocating a downgrade?

I also implemented the extension in swift. Should I switch to Obj-C?

knightcode commented 2 years ago

Pared down the dependencies for the broadcast extension to ReplayKit, OpenTok, and OSLog with the processSampleBuffer below. Instruments still clocks the process steady state at around 330MB (305MB if I remove OSLog). Can anyone do better?

override func processSampleBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, with sampleBufferType: RPSampleBufferType) {
    switch sampleBufferType {
    case .video:
      guard capturing, let videoCaptureConsumer = videoCaptureConsumer else {
      let pts: CMTime = CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer) as CMTime
      if let last = lastTimestamp {
        let delta = CMTimeSubtract(pts, last).seconds
        guard delta > desiredFrameRate else { return }
      lastTimestamp = pts
      guard let ciContext = ciContext else { return }
      guard let imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else {
        print("Failed to get imageBuffer from sampleBuffer")

      var (width, height) = inspectBuffer(imageBuffer: imageBuffer)
      let orientation = orientationFromFrame(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer)
      let scale: CGFloat = 0.25

      do {
        width = Int(CGFloat(width) * scale)
        height = Int(CGFloat(height) * scale)

        if resizedBuffer == nil || imageWidth != width || imageHeight != height {
          imageWidth = width
          imageHeight = height
          let status = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, imageWidth, imageHeight, kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange, nil, &resizedBuffer)

          guard status == kCVReturnSuccess else {
            throw SSError(message: "Failed allocating pixel buffer")
        guard let pixelBuffer = resizedBuffer else {
          throw SSError(message: "resized buffer is nil")
        let ciImage = try self.scaleFilterImage(input: CIImage(cvImageBuffer: imageBuffer, options: nil), scale: scale)
        ciContext.render(ciImage, to: pixelBuffer)
        videoCaptureConsumer.consumeImageBuffer(pixelBuffer, orientation: orientation, timestamp: pts, metadata: nil)
      } catch {
        print("Error processing frame: \(error.localizedDescription)")
    case .audioApp:  break
    case .audioMic:  break
    @unknown default:
      print("Unknown type of sample buffer")

  func inspectBuffer(imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer) -> (Int, Int) {
    let w = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(imageBuffer)
    let h = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(imageBuffer)
    //let bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(imageBuffer)
    //let planeCount = CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(imageBuffer)
    //let format = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(imageBuffer)
    return (w, h)

  func scaleFilterImage(input: CIImage, scale: CGFloat) throws -> CIImage {
    guard let scaleFilter = scaleFilter else {
      throw SSError(message: "scalefilter not set")
    scaleFilter.setValue(input, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
    scaleFilter.setValue(scale, forKey: kCIInputScaleKey)
    guard let output = scaleFilter.outputImage else {
      throw SSError(message: "Failed scaling image")
    return output
mehmetbaykar commented 2 years ago

I found a better way to compress the pixelBuffer using Accelerate framework. It uses CPU not GPU. On iPhone, you should resize at least 0.5, and on the iPad at least 0.4. Here you have an extension that you can use inside of processSampleBuffer function.

Resize CVPixelBuffer