Mend ensures you have the greatest risk reduction ("Recommended Fix"-highlighted in green) by removing as many vulnerabilities as possible. Click to see how we calculate risk reduction.
Release Notes
facebook/react-native (react-native)
### [`v0.74.0`]( 0.74.0
[Compare Source](
0.74 stable is out!
This release includes over [1673 commits]( from 57 contributors! Thank you to all our contributors new and old! See the highlights of the release in our [release blog post](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
Hermes dSYMS:
- [Debug](
- [Release](
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.73.7`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
##### Android specific
- Fix possible deadlock in dispatchViewUpdates ([b741899f99]( by [@EvertEt](
- Fix crash in getChildDrawingOrder ([342ce6115b]( by [@huangtaibin](
- Fix Android HorizontalScrollView fling when content length less than ScrollView length ([bd19d0ec6a]( by [@NickGerleman](
##### iOS specific
- fix: build settings for custom build configuration ([2bcf18812a]( by [@jblarriviere](
- Fix archiving for Mac Catalyst ([a8a2f1a578]( by [@cipolleschi](
- add privacy manifest to pod install ([3ccbd9cd8c]( by [@philIip](
Hermes dSYMS:
- [Debug](
- [Release](
You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.73.6`]( 0.73.6
[Compare Source](
##### v0.73.6
##### Breaking
##### iOS specific
- Rename `BUILD_FROM_SOURCE` to `RCT_BUILD_HERMES_FROM_SOURCE` ([51b80477c7]( by [@cipolleschi](
##### Fixed
- Fix component stacks for tsx, ts, and jsx files ([28f604a97d]( by [@lunaleaps](
##### iOS specific
- Prevent unwanted border animation([d979491]( by [@sammy-SC](
- Fix flipper for Xcode 15.3 ([9d22a7fd0e]( by [@cipolleschi](
Hermes dSYMS:
- [Debug](
- [Release](
You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.73.5`]( 0.73.5
[Compare Source](
##### Changelog
##### Security
- Update CLI to 12.3.6 ([ffcd8f5249]( by [@szymonrybczak](
##### Changed
- Hermes bump ([3bdd54a51c]( by [@lunaleaps](
##### Fixed
- Fix: fix codegen not finding all third-party libraries ([67e2bb455f]( by [@tido64](
- Fix compiler flags passed to libraries ([929df582c8]( by [@cipolleschi](
##### How to Test
Generate a new project:
npx react-native@next init RN0735RC1 --version 0.73.5
- To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
- See changes from this release in the [changelog](
Hermes dSYMS:
- [Debug](
- [Release](
##### Help us testing 🧪
If you experience a regression, please [file an Upgrade issue]( and file a pick request in the appropriate discussion:
### [`v0.73.4`]( 0.73.4
[Compare Source](
##### v0.73.4
##### Fixed
- Fix: cannot find module `react-native-*/Libraries/Core/InitializeCore` ([562447be47]( by [@tido64](
##### Android
- Ignore the one-time NullPointerException and print error log ([ca9b6b5038](
##### iOS
- Fix warning when loading RCTUIManager and A11yManager ([f56bf1fa0a]( by [@cipolleschi](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.73.3`]( 0.73.3
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
##### Added
##### iOS specific
- Handle TSAsExpression when looking for the codegen declaration ([02957718d7]( by [@dmytrorykun](
##### Changed
- Bump CLI to 12.3.2 ([bcb229e8f8]( by [@szymonrybczak](
##### Android specific
- Call super.onRequestPermissionsResult in ReactActivity's onRequestPermissionsResult() ([96ed1190c6]( by [@LimAlbert](
##### iOS specific
- Remove ATS config patch from react_native_post_install ([41c601e478]( by [@gabrieldonadel](
##### Fixed
- Declare missing dependency `chalk` ([9155e2d182]( by [@tido64](
- TouchableBounce, TouchableHighlight and TouchableNativeFeedback dropping touches with React 18. ([e4708d661b]( by [@sammy-SC](
- TouchableWithoutFeedback and TouchableOpacity dropping touches with React 18. ([54166342f0]( by [@sammy-SC](
##### iOS specific
- Restrict Cocoapods versions < 1.15. ([3869ae4d80]( by [@blakef](
- Make `RCTDeviceInfo` listen to invalidate events and unregister observers while invalidating the bridge ([d46d80d2ef]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Fix support for SOURCEMAP_FILE path containing spaces ([63e893d23d]( by [@paulschreiber](
- Fix release build error due to a casing issue in hermes tarball path after download prebuilt tarball ([2e2f8a6689]( by [@wfern](
- Fix race condition between A11yManager and UIManager ([f39f34ed82]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Fix symbol not found \_jump_fcontext with use_frameworks ([a2771ce58a]( by [@cipolleschi](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.73.2`]( 0.73.2
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- Unhandled promise rejection - attach non-standard Error object stack info if possible ([655b12dbfa]( by [@ospfranco](
##### Changed
- Bump Metro to ^v0.80.3 ([16dff523b0]( by [@huntie](
- Automatically reconnect to an existing debugger session on relaunching the app ([0806ad7854]( by [@motiz88](
##### iOS specific
- Update ios pod post_install logic for detecting if hermes is enabled ([d6163d7f43]( by [@gabrieldonadel](
##### Fixed
- Fix comment about adding packages in android template ([ac9b87cd57]( by [@janicduplessis](
- Fix boost download url ([7e721f09ad]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Removed invalid translations that prevented Play Store publishes. Fixes []( ([8edc36e33c]( by [@lunaleaps](
##### iOS specific
- Fix horizontal scrollview scrollTo coordinate space in RTL on oldarch ([e809e0aca7]( by [@NickGerleman](
- [enhance IP address retrieval for iOS devices in Metro bundler setup]( ([9f28616650]( by [@Morritz](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.73.1`]( 0.73.1
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- Add `enableNetworkInspector` experiment to enable Network panel and CDP handlers in inspector proxy ([8ef807bfb2]( by [@byCedric](
##### Changed
- Chore: bump CLI to 12.3.0 ([dff11ab993]( by [@szymonrybczak](
##### Fixed
- Fix last spacer constrain logic in VirtualizedList ([3ed4bf9046]( by [@janicduplessis](
##### Android specific
- Fix type for unrecognisable field mBinding ([31d8a93bf3]( by [@piaskowyk](
##### iOS specific
- Fix NSAppTransportSecurity being overwritten during pod install ([a0b76d90b7]( by [@robertying](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.73.0`]( 0.73.0
[Compare Source](
0.73 stable is out!
This release includes over [2259 commits]( from 68 contributors! Thank you to all our contributors new and old! See the highlights of the release in our [release blog post](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.13`]( 0.72.13
[Compare Source](
##### v0.72.13
##### Added
##### iOS specific
- Add privacy manifest to pod install ([d39712f54a]( by [@philIip](
##### Fixed
##### Android specific
- Fixed possible deadlock in dispatchViewUpdates ([b2ca41eef5]( by [@EvertEt](
You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.12`]( 0.72.12
[Compare Source](
##### v0.72.12
##### Changed
- Rename BUILD_FROM_SOURCE to RCT_BUILD_HERMES_FROM_SOURCE ([a215805eb7]( by [@cipolleschi](
##### iOS specific
- \[0.72] Fix flipper for Xcode 15.3 ([a316e0154e]( by [@cipolleschi](
##### Fixed
- Fix component stacks for tsx, ts, and jsx files ([dd311c9782](
- Fix flags for new arch ([0724c2769a]( by [@cipolleschi](
You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.11`]( 0.72.11
[Compare Source](
##### Changed
- Upgrade CLI to 11.4.1 ([c57a29a08c]( by [@szymonrybczak](
- Update Metro to ^0.76.9, CLI to ^11.4.0 ([ddff36f770]( by [@robhogan](
##### iOS specific
- Improve Swift support for 3rd party libs ([6939021518]( by [@cipolleschi](
##### Fixed
- Fix overriding EXCLUDED_ARCHS when installing Hermes on RN v0.72 ([a4282a91c3]( by [@ken0nek](
##### iOS specific
- Don't allow cocoapods 1.15. ([08fd9170fc]( by [@blakef](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.10`]( 0.72.10
[Compare Source](
##### Added
- Unhandled promise rejection - attach non-standard Error object stack info if possible ([655b12dbfa]( by [@ospfranco](
##### Fixed
- Revert the regression of iOS min version and updates Podfile.lock for Releases ([1f70f58aa4]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Fix flags ([565281105e]( by [@cipolleschi](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.9`]( 0.72.9
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- Fix installation error for `boost` dependency — see [](
- `React-Fabric` fails to build with `-std=c++20` because implicit constructors are no longer generated ([b7c1a40db]( by [@tido64](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.8`]( 0.72.8
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- Fix `build_codegen!` not finding `@react-native/codegen` in pnpm setups ([e70166a3a8]( by [@tido64](
- Correctly declare runtime dependencies ([df2bbba50b]( by [@tido64](
- Prevent LogBox from crashing on very long messages ([c3c6cf4]( by [@motiz88](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.7`]( 0.72.7
[Compare Source](
##### Changed
- Bump CLI to v11.3.10 ([e844a62ce9]( by [@szymonrybczak](
- Bump deprecated-react-native-prop-types to ^4.2.3 ([e031c05cdc]( by [@huntie](
##### Fixed
- Show correct stack frame on unhandled promise rejections on development mode.
([18c9797ecc]( by [@ospfranco](
##### Android specific
- Fix android crash when apply PlatformColor to borders ([265af222aa]( by [@axinvd](
- Fix broken Loading/Refreshing indicator on Android ([5dedf277cb]( by [@cortinico](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.6`]( 0.72.6
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- Fix a potential bug in `EventEmitter` when used with certain Babel configurations that incorrectly polyfill the spread operator for iterables ([9b3bd63723]( by [@yungsters](
##### iOS specific
- Set the max version of Active support to 7.0.8 ([785f91b67a]( by [@cipolleschi](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.5`]( 0.72.5
[Compare Source](
##### Changed
- Bump CLI to 11.3.7 ([6f02d55deb]( by [@huntie](
- Bump [@react-native/codegen]( to 0.72.7 ([4da991407d]( by [@Titozzz](
##### Fixed
##### Android specific
- Fix building Android on Windows. ([054ab62be0]( by [@alespergl](
- A bug fix for Android builds with new arch on Windows host. ([a323249e0a]( by [@birdofpreyru](
- Fix null crash when using maintainVisibleContentPosition on Android ([1a1a79871b]( by [@janicduplessis](
##### iOS specific
- XCode 15 fixes ([21763e85e3](, [0dbd621c59]( & [8a5b2d6735](
- Fix timer background state when App is launched from background ([a4ea737ae1]( by [@zhongwuzw](
- Guard `JSGlobalContextSetInspectable` behind a compile time check for Xcode 14.3+ ([3eeee11d7a]( by [@Saadnajmi](
- Re-enable direct debugging with JSC on iOS 16.4+ ([8b1bf058c4]( by [@huntie](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.4`]( 0.72.4
[Compare Source](
##### Added
##### Android specific
- Native part of fixing ANR when having an inverted FlatList on android API 33+ ([6d206a3f54]( by [@hannojg](
- For targeting SDK 34 - Added RECEIVER_EXPORTED/RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED flag support in DevSupportManagerBase ([177d97d8ea]( by [@apuruni](
##### Changed
- Bump cli and metro ([40ea8ffcc7]( by [@lunaleaps](
- Hermes bump for hermes-2023-08-07-RNv0.72.4-813b2def12bc9df026 ([e9ea926ba3]( by Luna Wei)
- Bump CLI to 11.3.6 ([a3cfdf0a08]( by [@szymonrybczak](
##### Fixed
- Allow string `transform` style in TypeScript ([2558c3d4f5]( by [@NickGerleman](
- Fix missing Platform in VirtualizedList ([7aa8cd55be]( by Luna Wei)
- Mount react devtools overlay only when devtools are attached ([03187b68e5]( by [@hoxyq](
##### Android specific
- Remove option to paste rich text from Android EditText context menu ([b1ceea456d]( by [@fabriziobertoglio1987](
- Fixed ScrollView not responding to Keyboard events when nested inside a KeyboardAvoidingView ([c616148a05]( by [@andreacassani](
- ANR when having an inverted FlatList on android API 33+ ([3dd816c6b7]( by [@hannojg](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.3`]( 0.72.3
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
##### iOS specific
- Revert "Fix pod install for swift libs using new arch ([#38121](" to fix [build error with Xcode lower than Xcode 14.3]( ([8f41f25]( by [@kelset](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.2`]( 0.72.2
[Compare Source](
##### Changed
- Remove deprecated stub types `@types/metro-config` from template ([63f78ea8de]( by [@kelset](
- Bump CLI to 11.3.5 and Metro do 0.76.7 ([ba5fa9c394]( by [@kelset](
- Bump `@react-native/metro-config` to `0.72.9` ([21daa6e790](, [f37386176]( by [@kelset](
##### Android specific
- Remove okhttp3 internal util usage ([3e3032636d]( by [@adrianha](
##### iOS specific
- Update logic to add and remove views in the view registry for the interop layer. ([8d2eec367d]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Disable NSTextStorage caching in OSS ([5bda54c1f1]( by [@sammy-SC](
##### Fixed
- `global.performance` in undefined when starting metro from Expo CLI ([0ccbd65581]( by [@Kudo](
- Re-enabled debugging for debug builds ([41477c898c]( by Matt Blagden)
- Add global hook to assert that base Metro config is called ([29f2602ff9]( by [@huntie](
##### Android specific
- Do not create RuntimeExecutor on non-JSI executors ([#38125]( ([d73b61c7c7]( by [@lunaleaps](
- Prevent crash on OnePlus/Oppo devices in runAnimationStep ([a46a7cd1]( by [@hsource](
##### iOS specific
- Fix build error when there are multiple EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGS ([28f4ebab8a]( by [@fergusean](
- Build failure with pnpm and use_frameworks! due to incorrect header paths ([58adc5e4b9]( by evelant)
- Fix onChangeText not firing when clearing the value of TextInput with multiline=true on iOS ([0c9c57a9f7]( by [@kkoudev](
- Fix pod install for libraries using Swift code when the new architecture is enabled ([a4a0655496]( by [@louiszawadzki](
⚠️ we are aware of an issue with building iOS apps with Xcode 14.2, please refer [to this issue]( for more details and updates.
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.1`]( 0.72.1
[Compare Source](
##### Added
##### iOS specific
- Add warning to help users migrate away from the interop layer. ([a702d0515f]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Allow to lookup for ViewManager without the RCT prefix in the Interop Layer ([a28881a3d7]( by [@cipolleschi](
##### Changed
- `react-native/metro-config` now includes all base config values from `metro-config` ([bbcedd385b]( by [@huntie](
- Bump CLI to 11.3.3 ([da84901f78]( by [@kelset](
- Bumped `@react-native/metro-config` to `0.72.7`, `@react-native/gradle-plugin` to `0.72.11`, `@react-native/virtualized-lists` to `0.72.6` ([95db9f98f2]( by [@kelset](
##### Fixed
- `react-native/virtualized-lists` does not need `react-test-renderer` at runtime ([7a2a3278d0]( by [@tido64](
##### Android specific
- Exclude trailing whitespace from newline character on measuring text line width ([83d7a48a46]( by [@bernhardoj](
\-Set on user projects ([10beefbbfa]( by [@cortinico](
##### iOS specific
- Bump SocketRocket to 0.6.1 ([8ce471e2fa]( by [@cipolleschi](
- fix `pod install --project-directory=ios` failing ([0b96bdcf32]( by [@tido64](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.72.0`]( 0.72.0
[Compare Source](
##### 🎉 0.72 stable is out 🎉
This release includes over **1100 commits** from **70+ contributors**! Thank you to all our contributors new and old!
See the highlights of the release in our [release blog post](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.71.18`]( 0.71.18
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
- Fix component stacks for tsx, ts, and jsx files ([631c013126]( by [@hurali97](
##### iOS specific
- Fix flipper for Xcode 15.3 ([2944ca6554]( by [@cipolleschi](
You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.71.17`]( 0.71.17
[Compare Source](
##### Changelog
##### Security
- Update CLI to 10.2.7 ([28998075d9]( by [@szymonrybczak](
##### How to Test
Generate a new project:
npx react-native@next init RN07117 --version 0.71.17
- To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
Hermes dSYMS:
- [Debug](
- [Release](
##### Help us testing 🧪
If you experience a regression, please [file an Upgrade issue]( and file a pick request in the appropriate discussion:
### [`v0.71.16`]( 0.71.16
[Compare Source](
##### Changed
##### Android specific
- Cherry-picking 'Call super.onRequestPermissionsResult in ReactActivity ([#42478](' onto 0.71 ([8593306b34]( by [@LimAlbert](
##### Fixed
- Symbolication stack fix (0.71.x) ([022a9f7835]( by [@joe-sam](
##### iOS specific
- Fix path to build-apple-framework ([9d6a740bf7]( by [@hurali97](
- Disable bitcode for Hermes ([d6fe029858]( by [@hurali97](
- Fix symbol not found \_jump_fcontext with use_frameworks! ([bb592ef0dd]( by [@hurali97](
- Fix flags ([c38cdb60ca]( by [@cipolleschi](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.71.15`]( 0.71.15
[Compare Source](
##### v0.71.15
##### Fixed
##### Android specific
- Fix android crash when apply PlatformColor to borders ([265af222aa]( by [@axinvd](
- Fixed crash occurring in certain native views when keyboard events are fired. ([9497203957]( by [@kot331107](
##### iOS specific
- Migrate away from JFrog to download boost ([ab19fd6aef]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Fix overriding `EXCLUDED_ARCHS` when installing Hermes on RN v0.71 ([16a605b6a3]( by [@ken0nek](
##### Changed
- Update node installation on debian (0.71) ([bdc0ef3466]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Bump cli to 10.2.6 ([0bc2dd03c1]( by [@hurali97](
- Fix version of react-native-codegen ([c74602fe47]( by [@lunaleaps](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.71.14`]( 0.71.14
[Compare Source](
##### Fixed
##### iOS specific
- Set the max version of Active support to 7.0.8 ([ce39931bc2]( by [@cipolleschi](
- Xcode 15 patch ([287482e57f]( by [@fortmarek](
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
### [`v0.71.13`]( 0.71.13
[Compare Source](
##### Added
##### Android specific
- For targeting SDK 34 - Added RECEIVER_EXPORTED/RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED flag support in DevSupportManagerBase ([177d97d8ea]( by [@apuruni](
##### iOS specific
- Added support to inline the source map via RCTBundleURLProvider
([f7219ec02d]( by [@Saadnajmi](
##### Fixed
- Fix: mount devtools overlay only if react devtools are connected ([b3c7a5d4cc](
This PR contains the following updates:
This PR resolves the vulnerabilities described in Issue #145
Version 0.71.8
| Risk Change | Critical | High | Medium | Low | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | N/A | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |Version 0.74.0-nightly-20240212-2090fe5cf
| Risk Change | Critical | High | Medium | Low | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | -100% | 0 (-1 ) | 0 (--) | 0 (--) | 0 (--) |Version 0.75.0-nightly-20240329-3f8882116
| Risk Change | Critical | High | Medium | Low | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | -85% | 0 (-1 ) | 2 (+2) | 0 (--) | 0 (--) |Mend ensures you have the greatest risk reduction ("Recommended Fix"-highlighted in green) by removing as many vulnerabilities as possible. Click to see how we calculate risk reduction.
Release Notes
facebook/react-native (react-native)
### [`v0.74.0`]( 0.74.0 [Compare Source]( 0.74 stable is out! This release includes over [1673 commits]( from 57 contributors! Thank you to all our contributors new and old! See the highlights of the release in our [release blog post]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** Hermes dSYMS: - [Debug]( - [Release]( *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.73.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed ##### Android specific - Fix possible deadlock in dispatchViewUpdates ([b741899f99]( by [@EvertEt]( - Fix crash in getChildDrawingOrder ([342ce6115b]( by [@huangtaibin]( - Fix Android HorizontalScrollView fling when content length less than ScrollView length ([bd19d0ec6a]( by [@NickGerleman]( ##### iOS specific - fix: build settings for custom build configuration ([2bcf18812a]( by [@jblarriviere]( - Fix archiving for Mac Catalyst ([a8a2f1a578]( by [@cipolleschi]( - add privacy manifest to pod install ([3ccbd9cd8c]( by [@philIip]( *** Hermes dSYMS: - [Debug]( - [Release]( *** You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.73.6`]( 0.73.6 [Compare Source]( ##### v0.73.6 ##### Breaking ##### iOS specific - Rename `BUILD_FROM_SOURCE` to `RCT_BUILD_HERMES_FROM_SOURCE` ([51b80477c7]( by [@cipolleschi]( ##### Fixed - Fix component stacks for tsx, ts, and jsx files ([28f604a97d]( by [@lunaleaps]( ##### iOS specific - Prevent unwanted border animation([d979491]( by [@sammy-SC]( - Fix flipper for Xcode 15.3 ([9d22a7fd0e]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** Hermes dSYMS: - [Debug]( - [Release]( *** You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.73.5`]( 0.73.5 [Compare Source]( ##### Changelog ##### Security - Update CLI to 12.3.6 ([ffcd8f5249]( by [@szymonrybczak]( ##### Changed - Hermes bump ([3bdd54a51c]( by [@lunaleaps]( ##### Fixed - Fix: fix codegen not finding all third-party libraries ([67e2bb455f]( by [@tido64]( - Fix compiler flags passed to libraries ([929df582c8]( by [@cipolleschi]( ##### How to Test Generate a new project: npx react-native@next init RN0735RC1 --version 0.73.5 *** - To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ - See changes from this release in the [changelog]( Hermes dSYMS: - [Debug]( - [Release]( *** ##### Help us testing 🧪 If you experience a regression, please [file an Upgrade issue]( and file a pick request in the appropriate discussion: ### [`v0.73.4`]( 0.73.4 [Compare Source]( ##### v0.73.4 ##### Fixed - Fix: cannot find module `react-native-*/Libraries/Core/InitializeCore` ([562447be47]( by [@tido64]( ##### Android - Ignore the one-time NullPointerException and print error log ([ca9b6b5038]( ##### iOS - Fix warning when loading RCTUIManager and A11yManager ([f56bf1fa0a]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.73.3`]( 0.73.3 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed ##### Added ##### iOS specific - Handle TSAsExpression when looking for the codegen declaration ([02957718d7]( by [@dmytrorykun]( ##### Changed - Bump CLI to 12.3.2 ([bcb229e8f8]( by [@szymonrybczak]( ##### Android specific - Call super.onRequestPermissionsResult in ReactActivity's onRequestPermissionsResult() ([96ed1190c6]( by [@LimAlbert]( ##### iOS specific - Remove ATS config patch from react_native_post_install ([41c601e478]( by [@gabrieldonadel]( ##### Fixed - Declare missing dependency `chalk` ([9155e2d182]( by [@tido64]( - TouchableBounce, TouchableHighlight and TouchableNativeFeedback dropping touches with React 18. ([e4708d661b]( by [@sammy-SC]( - TouchableWithoutFeedback and TouchableOpacity dropping touches with React 18. ([54166342f0]( by [@sammy-SC]( ##### iOS specific - Restrict Cocoapods versions < 1.15. ([3869ae4d80]( by [@blakef]( - Make `RCTDeviceInfo` listen to invalidate events and unregister observers while invalidating the bridge ([d46d80d2ef]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Fix support for SOURCEMAP_FILE path containing spaces ([63e893d23d]( by [@paulschreiber]( - Fix release build error due to a casing issue in hermes tarball path after download prebuilt tarball ([2e2f8a6689]( by [@wfern]( - Fix race condition between A11yManager and UIManager ([f39f34ed82]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Fix symbol not found \_jump_fcontext with use_frameworks ([a2771ce58a]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.73.2`]( 0.73.2 [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Unhandled promise rejection - attach non-standard Error object stack info if possible ([655b12dbfa]( by [@ospfranco]( ##### Changed - Bump Metro to ^v0.80.3 ([16dff523b0]( by [@huntie]( - Automatically reconnect to an existing debugger session on relaunching the app ([0806ad7854]( by [@motiz88]( ##### iOS specific - Update ios pod post_install logic for detecting if hermes is enabled ([d6163d7f43]( by [@gabrieldonadel]( ##### Fixed - Fix comment about adding packages in android template ([ac9b87cd57]( by [@janicduplessis]( - Fix boost download url ([7e721f09ad]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Removed invalid translations that prevented Play Store publishes. Fixes []( ([8edc36e33c]( by [@lunaleaps]( ##### iOS specific - Fix horizontal scrollview scrollTo coordinate space in RTL on oldarch ([e809e0aca7]( by [@NickGerleman]( - [enhance IP address retrieval for iOS devices in Metro bundler setup]( ([9f28616650]( by [@Morritz]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.73.1`]( 0.73.1 [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Add `enableNetworkInspector` experiment to enable Network panel and CDP handlers in inspector proxy ([8ef807bfb2]( by [@byCedric]( ##### Changed - Chore: bump CLI to 12.3.0 ([dff11ab993]( by [@szymonrybczak]( ##### Fixed - Fix last spacer constrain logic in VirtualizedList ([3ed4bf9046]( by [@janicduplessis]( ##### Android specific - Fix type for unrecognisable field mBinding ([31d8a93bf3]( by [@piaskowyk]( ##### iOS specific - Fix NSAppTransportSecurity being overwritten during pod install ([a0b76d90b7]( by [@robertying]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.73.0`]( 0.73.0 [Compare Source]( 0.73 stable is out! This release includes over [2259 commits]( from 68 contributors! Thank you to all our contributors new and old! See the highlights of the release in our [release blog post]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.13`]( 0.72.13 [Compare Source]( ##### v0.72.13 ##### Added ##### iOS specific - Add privacy manifest to pod install ([d39712f54a]( by [@philIip]( ##### Fixed ##### Android specific - Fixed possible deadlock in dispatchViewUpdates ([b2ca41eef5]( by [@EvertEt]( *** You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.12`]( 0.72.12 [Compare Source]( ##### v0.72.12 ##### Changed - Rename BUILD_FROM_SOURCE to RCT_BUILD_HERMES_FROM_SOURCE ([a215805eb7]( by [@cipolleschi]( ##### iOS specific - \[0.72] Fix flipper for Xcode 15.3 ([a316e0154e]( by [@cipolleschi]( ##### Fixed - Fix component stacks for tsx, ts, and jsx files ([dd311c9782]( - Fix flags for new arch ([0724c2769a]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.11`]( 0.72.11 [Compare Source]( ##### Changed - Upgrade CLI to 11.4.1 ([c57a29a08c]( by [@szymonrybczak]( - Update Metro to ^0.76.9, CLI to ^11.4.0 ([ddff36f770]( by [@robhogan]( ##### iOS specific - Improve Swift support for 3rd party libs ([6939021518]( by [@cipolleschi]( ##### Fixed - Fix overriding EXCLUDED_ARCHS when installing Hermes on RN v0.72 ([a4282a91c3]( by [@ken0nek]( ##### iOS specific - Don't allow cocoapods 1.15. ([08fd9170fc]( by [@blakef]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.10`]( 0.72.10 [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Unhandled promise rejection - attach non-standard Error object stack info if possible ([655b12dbfa]( by [@ospfranco]( ##### Fixed - Revert the regression of iOS min version and updates Podfile.lock for Releases ([1f70f58aa4]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Fix flags ([565281105e]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.9`]( 0.72.9 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - Fix installation error for `boost` dependency — see []( - `React-Fabric` fails to build with `-std=c++20` because implicit constructors are no longer generated ([b7c1a40db]( by [@tido64]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.8`]( 0.72.8 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - Fix `build_codegen!` not finding `@react-native/codegen` in pnpm setups ([e70166a3a8]( by [@tido64]( - Correctly declare runtime dependencies ([df2bbba50b]( by [@tido64]( - Prevent LogBox from crashing on very long messages ([c3c6cf4]( by [@motiz88]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.7`]( 0.72.7 [Compare Source]( ##### Changed - Bump CLI to v11.3.10 ([e844a62ce9]( by [@szymonrybczak]( - Bump deprecated-react-native-prop-types to ^4.2.3 ([e031c05cdc]( by [@huntie]( ##### Fixed - Show correct stack frame on unhandled promise rejections on development mode. ([18c9797ecc]( by [@ospfranco]( ##### Android specific - Fix android crash when apply PlatformColor to borders ([265af222aa]( by [@axinvd]( - Fix broken Loading/Refreshing indicator on Android ([5dedf277cb]( by [@cortinico]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.6`]( 0.72.6 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - Fix a potential bug in `EventEmitter` when used with certain Babel configurations that incorrectly polyfill the spread operator for iterables ([9b3bd63723]( by [@yungsters]( ##### iOS specific - Set the max version of Active support to 7.0.8 ([785f91b67a]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.5`]( 0.72.5 [Compare Source]( ##### Changed - Bump CLI to 11.3.7 ([6f02d55deb]( by [@huntie]( - Bump [@react-native/codegen]( to 0.72.7 ([4da991407d]( by [@Titozzz]( ##### Fixed ##### Android specific - Fix building Android on Windows. ([054ab62be0]( by [@alespergl]( - A bug fix for Android builds with new arch on Windows host. ([a323249e0a]( by [@birdofpreyru]( - Fix null crash when using maintainVisibleContentPosition on Android ([1a1a79871b]( by [@janicduplessis]( ##### iOS specific - XCode 15 fixes ([21763e85e3](, [0dbd621c59]( & [8a5b2d6735]( - Fix timer background state when App is launched from background ([a4ea737ae1]( by [@zhongwuzw]( - Guard `JSGlobalContextSetInspectable` behind a compile time check for Xcode 14.3+ ([3eeee11d7a]( by [@Saadnajmi]( - Re-enable direct debugging with JSC on iOS 16.4+ ([8b1bf058c4]( by [@huntie]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.4`]( 0.72.4 [Compare Source]( ##### Added ##### Android specific - Native part of fixing ANR when having an inverted FlatList on android API 33+ ([6d206a3f54]( by [@hannojg]( - For targeting SDK 34 - Added RECEIVER_EXPORTED/RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED flag support in DevSupportManagerBase ([177d97d8ea]( by [@apuruni]( ##### Changed - Bump cli and metro ([40ea8ffcc7]( by [@lunaleaps]( - Hermes bump for hermes-2023-08-07-RNv0.72.4-813b2def12bc9df026 ([e9ea926ba3]( by Luna Wei) - Bump CLI to 11.3.6 ([a3cfdf0a08]( by [@szymonrybczak]( ##### Fixed - Allow string `transform` style in TypeScript ([2558c3d4f5]( by [@NickGerleman]( - Fix missing Platform in VirtualizedList ([7aa8cd55be]( by Luna Wei) - Mount react devtools overlay only when devtools are attached ([03187b68e5]( by [@hoxyq]( ##### Android specific - Remove option to paste rich text from Android EditText context menu ([b1ceea456d]( by [@fabriziobertoglio1987]( - Fixed ScrollView not responding to Keyboard events when nested inside a KeyboardAvoidingView ([c616148a05]( by [@andreacassani]( - ANR when having an inverted FlatList on android API 33+ ([3dd816c6b7]( by [@hannojg]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.3`]( 0.72.3 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed ##### iOS specific - Revert "Fix pod install for swift libs using new arch ([#38121](" to fix [build error with Xcode lower than Xcode 14.3]( ([8f41f25]( by [@kelset]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.2`]( 0.72.2 [Compare Source]( ##### Changed - Remove deprecated stub types `@types/metro-config` from template ([63f78ea8de]( by [@kelset]( - Bump CLI to 11.3.5 and Metro do 0.76.7 ([ba5fa9c394]( by [@kelset]( - Bump `@react-native/metro-config` to `0.72.9` ([21daa6e790](, [f37386176]( by [@kelset]( ##### Android specific - Remove okhttp3 internal util usage ([3e3032636d]( by [@adrianha]( ##### iOS specific - Update logic to add and remove views in the view registry for the interop layer. ([8d2eec367d]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Disable NSTextStorage caching in OSS ([5bda54c1f1]( by [@sammy-SC]( ##### Fixed - `global.performance` in undefined when starting metro from Expo CLI ([0ccbd65581]( by [@Kudo]( - Re-enabled debugging for debug builds ([41477c898c]( by Matt Blagden) - Add global hook to assert that base Metro config is called ([29f2602ff9]( by [@huntie]( ##### Android specific - Do not create RuntimeExecutor on non-JSI executors ([#38125]( ([d73b61c7c7]( by [@lunaleaps]( - Prevent crash on OnePlus/Oppo devices in runAnimationStep ([a46a7cd1]( by [@hsource]( ##### iOS specific - Fix build error when there are multiple EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGS ([28f4ebab8a]( by [@fergusean]( - Build failure with pnpm and use_frameworks! due to incorrect header paths ([58adc5e4b9]( by evelant) - Fix onChangeText not firing when clearing the value of TextInput with multiline=true on iOS ([0c9c57a9f7]( by [@kkoudev]( - Fix pod install for libraries using Swift code when the new architecture is enabled ([a4a0655496]( by [@louiszawadzki]( *** ⚠️ we are aware of an issue with building iOS apps with Xcode 14.2, please refer [to this issue]( for more details and updates. *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.1`]( 0.72.1 [Compare Source]( ##### Added ##### iOS specific - Add warning to help users migrate away from the interop layer. ([a702d0515f]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Allow to lookup for ViewManager without the RCT prefix in the Interop Layer ([a28881a3d7]( by [@cipolleschi]( ##### Changed - `react-native/metro-config` now includes all base config values from `metro-config` ([bbcedd385b]( by [@huntie]( - Bump CLI to 11.3.3 ([da84901f78]( by [@kelset]( - Bumped `@react-native/metro-config` to `0.72.7`, `@react-native/gradle-plugin` to `0.72.11`, `@react-native/virtualized-lists` to `0.72.6` ([95db9f98f2]( by [@kelset]( ##### Fixed - `react-native/virtualized-lists` does not need `react-test-renderer` at runtime ([7a2a3278d0]( by [@tido64]( ##### Android specific - Exclude trailing whitespace from newline character on measuring text line width ([83d7a48a46]( by [@bernhardoj]( \-Set on user projects ([10beefbbfa]( by [@cortinico]( ##### iOS specific - Bump SocketRocket to 0.6.1 ([8ce471e2fa]( by [@cipolleschi]( - fix `pod install --project-directory=ios` failing ([0b96bdcf32]( by [@tido64]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.72.0`]( 0.72.0 [Compare Source]( ##### 🎉 0.72 stable is out 🎉 This release includes over **1100 commits** from **70+ contributors**! Thank you to all our contributors new and old! See the highlights of the release in our [release blog post]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.71.18`]( 0.71.18 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - Fix component stacks for tsx, ts, and jsx files ([631c013126]( by [@hurali97]( ##### iOS specific - Fix flipper for Xcode 15.3 ([2944ca6554]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.71.17`]( 0.71.17 [Compare Source]( ##### Changelog ##### Security - Update CLI to 10.2.7 ([28998075d9]( by [@szymonrybczak]( ##### How to Test Generate a new project: npx react-native@next init RN07117 --version 0.71.17 *** - To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ Hermes dSYMS: - [Debug]( - [Release]( *** ##### Help us testing 🧪 If you experience a regression, please [file an Upgrade issue]( and file a pick request in the appropriate discussion: ### [`v0.71.16`]( 0.71.16 [Compare Source]( ##### Changed ##### Android specific - Cherry-picking 'Call super.onRequestPermissionsResult in ReactActivity ([#42478](' onto 0.71 ([8593306b34]( by [@LimAlbert]( ##### Fixed - Symbolication stack fix (0.71.x) ([022a9f7835]( by [@joe-sam]( ##### iOS specific - Fix path to build-apple-framework ([9d6a740bf7]( by [@hurali97]( - Disable bitcode for Hermes ([d6fe029858]( by [@hurali97]( - Fix symbol not found \_jump_fcontext with use_frameworks! ([bb592ef0dd]( by [@hurali97]( - Fix flags ([c38cdb60ca]( by [@cipolleschi]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.71.15`]( 0.71.15 [Compare Source]( ##### v0.71.15 ##### Fixed ##### Android specific - Fix android crash when apply PlatformColor to borders ([265af222aa]( by [@axinvd]( - Fixed crash occurring in certain native views when keyboard events are fired. ([9497203957]( by [@kot331107]( ##### iOS specific - Migrate away from JFrog to download boost ([ab19fd6aef]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Fix overriding `EXCLUDED_ARCHS` when installing Hermes on RN v0.71 ([16a605b6a3]( by [@ken0nek]( ##### Changed - Update node installation on debian (0.71) ([bdc0ef3466]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Bump cli to 10.2.6 ([0bc2dd03c1]( by [@hurali97]( - Fix version of react-native-codegen ([c74602fe47]( by [@lunaleaps]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.71.14`]( 0.71.14 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed ##### iOS specific - Set the max version of Active support to 7.0.8 ([ce39931bc2]( by [@cipolleschi]( - Xcode 15 patch ([287482e57f]( by [@fortmarek]( *** You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this [discussion]( *** To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️ *** You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file]( ### [`v0.71.13`]( 0.71.13 [Compare Source]( ##### Added ##### Android specific - For targeting SDK 34 - Added RECEIVER_EXPORTED/RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED flag support in DevSupportManagerBase ([177d97d8ea]( by [@apuruni]( ##### iOS specific - Added support to inline the source map via RCTBundleURLProvider ([f7219ec02d]( by [@Saadnajmi]( ##### Fixed - Fix: mount devtools overlay only if react devtools are connected ([b3c7a5d4cc](