Open nitin-vavdiya opened 5 years ago
I haven't really used Spring Cloud Gateway, but here is something that might help - can you try setting:
opentracing.jaeger.enable-b3-propagation = true
in Service A and Service B please and let us know what happens?
@geoand After applying this, the link between Service A and Service B is broken, Now it's showing three different spans for each application
@3vild03r Can you please update your comment, it is not readable
@nitinvavdiya Unfortunately I don't have much time to look into this now (not being familiar with Spring Cloud Gateway does not help :) ). Hopefully I will soon.
@nitinvavdiya I fixed it, see pr:
@neatlife In which version you fixed it?
@neatlife I test the code,not work.
Hi guys, I run into the same issue... any ideas?
We created a GlobalFilter
go generate the span and pass the traceID to the next service. And it is working... but the problem is that we are creating the local spring cloud gateway span with the incoming request instead of the outgoing... that's why this solution is no good.
Does some of you how to interact with the underneath HttpClientConnect
I left the code explanation and also de question on stackoverglow.
Thanks in advance!
@nitinvavdiya I fixed it, see pr: opentracing-contrib/java-spring-cloud#233
Hi @neatlife Will you submit again? I see that the previous submission failed.
I met this issue too, now any update?
can anybody help
I have the exact same issue Spring Boot 2.3.1 "io.opentracing.contrib:opentracing-spring-jaeger-web-starter:3.3.1"
I am working on microservice architecture
User-------->Spring cloud gateway------------->Service A-------------->Service B
In Jaeger, It shows 2 different spans, one in gateway and other is service A --> Service B But it should be a single span ie. gateway-----> Service A----->Service B
API gateway is developed using spring cloud gateway Service A is developed using spring boot Service B is developed using spring boot
Version info for all 3 application:
compile group: 'commons-lang', name: 'commons-lang', version: '2.6' springBootVersion=2.1.4.RELEASE springDMPVersion=1.0.9.RELEASE springPlatformBomVersion=Cairo-SR8 springCloudVersion=Greenwich.SR1