Hi, I've noticed that the skip url pattern configured by property opentracing.spring.web.skipPattern does not apply to RestTemplate requests.
My application uses RestTemplate to perform regular health check requests to other applications, which I need to stop tracing. Is there any way to achieve that?
I am looking into the code and I believe the TracingRestTemplateInterceptor may receive the Pattern with qualifier "skipPattern" and stop creating spans if it matches the URL in the request. It would be necessary to change SkipPatternAutoConfiguration to be loaded when opentracing.spring.web.client.enabled==true as well.
Hi, I've noticed that the skip url pattern configured by property opentracing.spring.web.skipPattern does not apply to RestTemplate requests.
My application uses RestTemplate to perform regular health check requests to other applications, which I need to stop tracing. Is there any way to achieve that?
I am looking into the code and I believe the TracingRestTemplateInterceptor may receive the Pattern with qualifier "skipPattern" and stop creating spans if it matches the URL in the request. It would be necessary to change SkipPatternAutoConfiguration to be loaded when opentracing.spring.web.client.enabled==true as well.