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OpenTracer.StartTrace could use map[string]interface{} to be more type safe #9

Closed slimsag closed 8 years ago

slimsag commented 8 years ago

I've use log packages like log15 which "do bad things" when you provide an uneven number of arguments.

Right here we open ourselves up to this. Where "do bad things" is really up to the implementation.

I think it would be nicer to change keyValueTags from ...interface{} to map[string]interface{}.

bhs commented 8 years ago

I struggle with this one... it's such a mouthful to write map[string]interface{}{...}.

A compromise would be to have that keyValueTags be of type opentracing.Tags, per ... then callers could just do something like this:

package main

import "fmt"

type Tags map[string]interface{}

func takesTags(t Tags) {
    for k, v := range t {
        fmt.Printf("%v -> %v\n", k, v)

func main() {
        "forty-two": 42,
        "a string":  "abcd",

Best of both worlds?

bhs commented 8 years ago

(I guess it would be more like someFunction(..., opentracing.Tags{ ... }), but still a little more palatable than map[string]interface{})

slimsag commented 8 years ago

@bensigelman I think that opentracing.Tags{...} would be better too. I agree writing out map[string]interface{}{} is a mouthful. My motivation for this is that using the map type is more sane (even in the form type Tags map[string]interface{}) just due to the added type safety, as it is the native Go representation for such an object.

bhs commented 8 years ago

For me it's less about type safety and more about making it easy for people to generate and augment these tags things as they see fit... That's of course doable but annoying if it involves rolling/unrolling the flattened version.

yurishkuro commented 8 years ago

+1 for type. A negative of using a map is an extra object allocation / gc pressure (I assume vararg slice is read off the stack).

slimsag commented 8 years ago

For ideas sake, another solution could be:

package main

import "fmt"

type Tags map[string]interface{}

// Tags allows you to write Tags("key", "value", "key2", "value2") and returns a map.
func Tags(pairs ...interface{}) map[string]interface{} {

func takesTags(t map[string]interface{}) {
    for k, v := range t {
        fmt.Printf("%v -> %v\n", k, v)

func main() {
        "forty-two", 42,
        "a string",  "abcd",

This allows for the simpler usage you are aiming for while still allowing others to use map[string]interface{} if they desire.

yurishkuro commented 8 years ago

Another alternative is to provide a batch update mode for a span, which will obtain the lock once and execute a function. Then people can simply call addTag multiple times within that function, along with other mutating methods like addLog etc.

func (* span) batch(f func (*span)) {
   defer span.lock.Unlock()

func main() {
  span = beginTrace("get_user")
  span.batch(func (s *span) {
     span.addTag(x, y)
     span.addLog("you killing me")
slimsag commented 8 years ago

Interesting idea .. I do think that adds a lot of unneeded complexity for new users to understand, though.

bhs commented 8 years ago

Oh -- I was looking into just making one of these changes and remembered why I did it the way I did it: I think Tags are great and everything, but they're not the common case. So from an API-decluttering standpoint it's nice to only have a StartTrace(opName string, keyValueTags ...interface{}) method rather than separate StartTrace(opName string) and StartTraceWithTags(opName string, tags Tags) methods.

bhs commented 8 years ago

If we want to do something like the latter (separate methods, I mean), then using a type is a no-brainer.

slimsag commented 8 years ago

Span already has a method AddTag:

    // Adds a tag to the span. The `value` is immediately coerced into a string
    // using fmt.Sprint().
    // If there is a pre-existing tag set for `key`, it is overwritten.
    SetTag(key string, value interface{}) Span

so what if we additionally had a SetTags method and just StartTrace(opName string)?

// SetTags sets the tags of this span to the given ones. It overwrites all of the old
// tags, and the tags map should be considered owned by the span (not accessed) after
// calling this method.
SetTags(tags Tags) Span

This would make usage look like:

span := tracer.StartTrace("MadeAnHTTPRequest").SetTags(opentracing.Tags{
    "Key": "Value",
    "Key2": "Value",
    "Key3": "Value",
bhs commented 8 years ago

Sorry, had a long weekend with minimal internet access!

Anyway, that seems fine to me... I'd probably do MergeTags for the new method.

I'd still like to support the existing variadic syntax since it's less typing, though I don't feel strongly.

yurishkuro commented 8 years ago

@slimsag @bensigelman ok to close this?

bhs commented 8 years ago


On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Yuri Shkuro wrote:

@slimsag @bensigelman ok to close this?

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