opentracing / opentracing-php

OpenTracing API for PHP
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Allow method chaining for Span #64

Closed ellisv closed 4 years ago

ellisv commented 6 years ago

This allows the usage of

    ->setTag(Tags\ERROR, true);

This behavior is also found in other OpenTracing libraries.

jcchavezs commented 6 years ago

Hi Eligijus! Personally I am against fluent methods on interfaces. There is a very nice post from @ocramius about this:

Since Span is in fact an interface I think this will make the API more complex for implementors and users.

In the other hand I don't see what is the problem this is solving. However I am open to discuss it.


Ping @yurishkuro @beberlei

Ocramius commented 6 years ago

Indeed: there is no real need to chain methods this way, so I suggest avoiding it unless necessary

ellisv commented 6 years ago

The reason I suggest a change is that I'd like to keep this library as similar as possible with other language libraries. This is found on:

Ocramius commented 6 years ago

@ellisv the same issues described (linked) above are applicable to Python/Java in the same way

jcchavezs commented 6 years ago

Maybe @carlosalberto or @palazzem have something to say here too. However I don't think it is an option to change anything in java.

ellisv commented 6 years ago

@Ocramius great article that makes you think and I really appreciate expressed opinion in there.

In article you identified such problems with fluent interfaces:

Fluent Interfaces break Encapsulation

The point expressed there is that you do not know whenever a method returns a new instance or the same instance. Breaking encapsulation is quite a harsh statement to be saying. And we do have a way of communicating this

/** @return $this returns the same object instance */
/** @return self returns the same type of object that may not be the same instance */

Fluent Interfaces break Encapsulation (and Composition)

I do not agree with that statement again. So you gave the example of

class SpanDecorator implements Span
    // ...
    public function log(array $fields, $timestamp = null)
        return $this->original->log($fields, $timestamp);
    // ...

But that is not a correct way of doing a decorator whenever you have @return $this documented on the interface. To actually fulfill the interface you would have to do:

class SpanDecorator implements Span
    // ...
    public function log(array $fields, $timestamp = null)
        $this->original->log($fields, $timestamp);

        return $this;
    // ...

So this no longer hold to be true.

Fluent Interfaces are harder to Mock

I do agree on this remark!

Fluent Interfaces make diffs harder to read

On that I quote a comment in your page:

Making diffs harder to read is a red herring, IMHO, I often lack context in a diff even with non-fluent interfaces -- that's a failing of the code review tool (e.g. not using "git diff -U" to provide more context) not the interface.

Also this is for you as the user to decide whenever you want to use chaining or not in your code.

Fluent Interfaces are less readable

Is a personal opinion so no discussions there.

Fluent Interfaces cause BC breaks during early development stages

You mention there that changing from void return type to any type is backwards compatibile. Imagine this scenario:

And this is especially not true since php 7.1 as we explicitly specify return type of void.

Ocramius commented 6 years ago

Right, I'm gonna pull up something reeeeeeally simple and then bail out of the thread (regardless of outcome):

In such a scenario, unless there is a clear cut on the added value, as a maintainer I'd rather not introduce the change.

yurishkuro commented 6 years ago

TBH in all the instrumentations I've written with OpenTracing in different languages, I don't recall using fluent API. I may have done it but it didn't register.

carlosalberto commented 6 years ago

Similarly to @yurishkuro, I've written some Python instrumentation and haven't used the fluent API much.

jcchavezs commented 6 years ago

thoughts @ellisv?

ellisv commented 6 years ago

In my opinion fluent interface is not necessary and in most cases you do not have many calls on a Span itself in a single block of code. But because every other opentracing library does have that I thought I'd launch at least a discussion to have this in php library too.

piotrooo commented 5 years ago

As @ellisv wrote:

But because every other opentracing library does have that I thought I'd launch at least a discussion to have this in php library too.

That is only one reasons that convinces me, so maybe we also should have fluent interface (but I'm a Java dev, so this is only my opinion).

a-dyakov-mercuryo commented 4 years ago

I agree with @ellisv. Fluent interfaces more convenient and more readable.