As a precursor to #35 - define a message format. Check what potential providers currently have and identify required and optional parameters for input.
Allow single GPS point input (lat, lon, vehicle Id, timestamp are required parameters. Determine if other parameters (e.g., transport mode) are required. Possible optional parameters could include speed (from GPS sensor, GPS accuracy, ...).
Potentially allow for multiple GPS point inputs (in cases where a provider might batch locations from a single vehicle). Probably need to specify a maximum so that message size is constrained.
As a precursor to #35 - define a message format. Check what potential providers currently have and identify required and optional parameters for input.
Allow single GPS point input (lat, lon, vehicle Id, timestamp are required parameters. Determine if other parameters (e.g., transport mode) are required. Possible optional parameters could include speed (from GPS sensor, GPS accuracy, ...).
Potentially allow for multiple GPS point inputs (in cases where a provider might batch locations from a single vehicle). Probably need to specify a maximum so that message size is constrained.