It will take a week or so until we get some real data to work with. In the meantime, we need to create some mock objects that we can use to build out parts of the user interface
[x] Create a new directory for our data model : prototype/models should be good
[x] Create a file for each model (very much subject to change!)
[x] prototype/models/trial.js
[x] Fields: ID (char, unique), Public Title (char), Scientific Title (char), Condition (char, rel.), Drug (char, rel.) Intervention (text), Funding Source (char), Criteria (text), Age Range (range of ints), Sex (choice: M/F/Both), Target Sample Size (int), Actual Sample Size (int)
[x] prototype/models/drug.js
[x] Fields: ID (char, unique), Technical Name, Common Name
[x] prototype/models/condition.js
[x] Fields: ID (char, unique), Technical Name, Common Name
[x] prototype/models/review.js
[x] Fields: TBD
[x] prototype/models/participant.js
[x] Fields: TBD
[x] Generate some fake data: say, 20 trials with an appropriate related number of drugs, conditions, participants and so on
[x] Display basic list of trials in a table on the home page
[x] Each trial has a link to its detailed page. Just dump there whatever data we have generated for the trial
It will take a week or so until we get some real data to work with. In the meantime, we need to create some mock objects that we can use to build out parts of the user interface
should be goodprototype/models/trial.js