opentripplanner / OpenTripPlanner

An open source multi-modal trip planner
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OTP bug plan request on route calculation by bus #2873

Closed fanycolle closed 4 years ago

fanycolle commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have a problem with your library . When a choose BUS-WALK by clicking on the map, in some solutions proposed by the opendata, I see a strange intermediate step (please see the picture attached) in somewhere in Africa. I'm sure about the effectiveness by the opendata. It seems a bug in your software. Could you please verify? Thank you in advance!



abyrd commented 4 years ago

Hello, as stated in the issue template, we would need specific information to allow your problem to be investigated, including the input data files. Of course a bug is possible, but it seems likely to me that this is due to incorrect input data.

fanycolle commented 4 years ago

Hello, as stated in the issue template, we would need specific information to allow your problem to be investigated, including the input data files. Of course a bug is possible, but it seems likely to me that this is due to incorrect input data.

Hello, as stated in the issue template, we would need specific information to allow your problem to be investigated, including the input data files. Of course a bug is possible, but it seems likely to me that this is due to incorrect input data.


I took the file otp-1.4.0.jar   from here: this jar:

and execute it with command: java -Xmx4G -jar otp-1.4.0-shaded.jar --build D:\utils\tmp\graphs\current --inMemory

in my folder D:\utils\tmp\graphs\current I have: from but resource now it's not available. You can find old open data here:

This is my router-config.json:

{   "timeouts": [20, 20, 20],   "routingDefaults": {     "walkSpeed": 1.3,     "transferSlack": 120,     "maxTransfers": 4,     "waitReluctance": 0.99,     "waitAtBeginningFactor": 0.4,     "walkReluctance": 1.75,     "stairsReluctance": 1.65,     "walkBoardCost": 540,     "compactLegsByReversedSearch": false,     "walkOnStreetReluctance": 1.5,     "carParkCarLegWeight": 2,     "itineraryFiltering": 2.0   },

  "updaters": [     ],   "boardTimes": {     "AIRPLANE": 2700   },   "alightTimes": {     "AIRPLANE": 1200   } }

This is my build-config.json:

{   "areaVisibility": true,   "staticParkAndRide": true,   "parentStopLinking": true,   "subwayAccessTime": 0,   "elevationUnitMultiplier": 0.1,   "vertexConnector": "HSL" }  

Result of otp is this: `{

    "debugOutput": {         "pathCalculationTime": 8,         "timedOut": false,         "precalculationTime": 23,         "totalTime": 32,         "renderingTime": 1,         "pathTimes": [             5,             2,             1         ]     },     "requestParameters": {         "date": "11/07/2019",         "wheelchair": "false",         "fromPlace": "40.3387688,18.1254198",         "fuel": "default",         "weight": "default",         "maxWalkDistance": "2000",         "locale": "it",         "numItineraries": "3",         "mode": "BUS,WALK",         "arriveBy": "false",         "carType": "default",         "sexPerson": "default",         "optimize": "QUICK",         "showIntermediateStops": "true",         "toPlace": "40.3557389,18.193174",         "time": "4:00 PM"     },     "plan": {         "date": 1573138800000,         "itineraries": [             {                 "walkDistance": 1449.9763846212672,                 "transitTime": 1920,                 "walkTime": 1155,                 "waitingTime": 182,                 "walkLimitExceeded": false,                 "elevationGained": 0,                 "tooSloped": false,                 "duration": 3257,                 "transfers": 1,                 "legs": [                     {                         "legGeometry": {                             "length": 18,                             "points": "gteuFybsmB??Y}EW}D_AiOKwAW}DIsAK}AAIk@cJa@mGDSHINEPFfA~BHN"                         },                         "transitLeg": false,                         "distance": 980.9970000000001,                         "arrivalDelay": 0,                         "agencyTimeZoneOffset": 3600000,                         "departureDelay": 0,                         "steps": [                             {                                 "area": false,                                 "elevation": [],                                 "streetName": "Via Arnesano",                                 "distance": 869.254,                                 "bogusName": false,                                 "stayOn": false,                                 "lon": 18.12541976608542,                                 "absoluteDirection": "EAST",                                 "relativeDirection": "DEPART",                                 "lat": 40.33876897342273                             },                             {                                 "area": false,                                 "elevation": [],                                 "streetName": "Via Monteroni",                                 "distance": 111.74300000000001,                                 "bogusName": false,                                 "stayOn": false,                                 "lon": 18.1355431,                                 "absoluteDirection": "SOUTHEAST",                                 "relativeDirection": "RIGHT",                                 "lat": 40.3400219                             }                         ],                         "realTime": false,                         "mode": "WALK",                         "duration": 771,                         "route": "",                         "pathway": false,                         "startTime": 1573139048000,                         "from": {                             "vertexType": "NORMAL",                             "orig": "",                             "name": "Origin",                             "lon": 18.1254198,                             "departure": 1573139048000,                             "lat": 40.3387688                         },                         "endTime": 1573139819000,                         "to": {                             "stopIndex": 19,                             "stopCode": "387",                             "vertexType": "TRANSIT",                             "stopSequence": 20,                             "arrival": 1573139819000,                             "name": "Monteroni - 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Thanks for response!!!

abyrd commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the information, especially links to the input data. That allows checking very quickly.

You can see on TransitLand (via the link you shared, and clicking Routes: View as an interactive map in Interline Mobility Explorer) that even outside OTP, other tools also show routes going into the Red Sea. Specifically it's route 16:

If you look at the stops in Mobility Explorer, it seems there are no stops at that remote location. But if you click "Show stops served by route" when looking at route 16, it shows a stop "Cavallotti, 21" in the Red Sea.

Looking into the source data, in the stops table we have: 11,102,"Cavallotti, 21","Via Cesare Battisti, 4",18.176506,40.354472, Which appears to have the latitude and longitude fields reversed. This is a problem in the source data.

fanycolle commented 4 years ago

Yes, the problem was source data and latitude and longitude fields reverse on some stops! Thanks, I solved!