opentypejs / opentype.js

Read and write OpenType fonts using JavaScript.
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Lets Make a List of ToDos and RoadMap file #374

Open bawarkamalqader opened 5 years ago

bawarkamalqader commented 5 years ago

Just wanted to ask if it was possible to make a ToDo list , so that new contributors will be able to know where to start, and what to do , like a ROADMAP.

things like ::

brawer commented 5 years ago

Fix test failures?

bawarkamalqader commented 5 years ago

that goes into implementing remaining tables, currently 17 tables are supported, we need to add the remaining tables ::

Remaining Tables : TrueType Font Tables : 'acnt' , 'ankr' , 'avar' , 'bdat' , 'bhed' , 'bloc' , 'bsln' , 'cvar' , 'cvt ' , 'EBSC' , 'fdsc' , 'feat' , 'fmtx' , 'fond' , 'fpgm' , 'gasp' , 'gcid' , 'gvar' , 'hdmx' , 'just' , 'kerx' , 'lcar' , 'mort' , 'morx' , 'opbd' , 'prep' , 'prop' , 'sbix' , 'trak' , 'vhea' , 'vmtx' , 'xref' , 'Zapf' ,


bawarkamalqader commented 5 years ago

we need to sort the remaining tables by priority , i mean the tables that need to be supported earlier and implemented immediately .

brawer commented 5 years ago

I'm in no position to define a roadmap, but personally I'd recommend starting with the missing parts of cmap; then fixing shaping (GSUB/GPOS). The latter will need GDEF (easy), various barely-documented script-specific shaping engines (painful) plus the Universal Shaping Engine USE. The fontkit project has ported HarfBuzz to JavaScript, so have a look at the fontkit sources. Once all that is done, OpenType.js will be able to correctly render Unicode text.

Personally, I would recommend looking at variable fonts (gvar, hvar, avar, HVAR), color fonts, AAT tables, etc. only after the basics of text rendering are working without bugs. Just my personal two cents of course; others might have different opinions.

Jolg42 commented 5 years ago

Having a list sorted by priority would be great indeed! Thanks @brawer for your input.

@bawarkamalqader are you interested in something specific?

Adding (and first finding) good fonts with the associated tables to the list would be great as well to make sure everything works well.

About cmap adding the missing parts will probably need some refactoring but not for GSUB. So starting there will be easier. Also I recommend to start on the implementing reading first and then writing, both with tests.

solomancode commented 5 years ago

I was able to compose an overview of the current library status, what's been done and what needs to be done. each item has a severity value to indicate the importance of this item. I slightly adjusted Jakob's Nielsen Severity Scale to match the context of this document.

Severity Scale

0 = I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all 1 = Need not be fixed unless extra time is available 2 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority 3 = Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high priority 4 = Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product can be released

Required Tables

description status
cmap character to glyph mapping ✔️
head font header ✔️
hhea horizontal header ✔️
hmtx horizontal metrics ✔️
loca index to location ✔️
maxp maximum profile ✔️
name naming ✔️
post PostScript ✔️

Optional Tables

description status severity reference
cvt control value missing 2 reference
fpgm font program missing 2 reference
hdmx horizontal device metrics missing 2 reference
kern kerning ✔️ 4
OS/2 OS/2 ✔️ 3
prep control value program missing 2 reference
VORG Vertical Origin missing 2 reference
gasp Grid-fitting/Scan-conversion missing 2 reference
DSIG Digital signature missing 1 reference
LTSH Linear threshold data missing 2 reference
MERG Merge missing 2 reference
meta Metadata missing 1 reference
STAT Style attributes missing 3 reference
PCLT PCL 5 data missing 0 reference
VDMX Vertical device metrics missing 1 reference
vhea Vertical Metrics header missing 2 reference
vmtx Vertical Metrics missing 2 reference

Outlines Tables

description status
glyf glyph data for TrueType ✔️
CFF Compact Font Format 1.0 ✔️
CFF2 Compact Font Format 2.0 ✔️

Font Variations Tables

description status severity reference
avar Axis variations missing 3 reference
cvar CVT variations (TrueType outlines only) missing 3 reference
fvar Font variations ✔️
gvar Glyph variations (TrueType outlines only) missing 3 reference
HVAR Horizontal metrics variations missing 3 reference
MVAR Metrics variations missing 3 reference
STAT Style attributes (required for variable fonts, optional for non-variable fonts) missing 3 reference
VVAR Vertical metrics variations missing 3 reference

Advanced Typographic Tables

description status severity reference
BASE Baseline data missing 4 reference
GDEF Glyph definition data missing 4 reference
GPOS Glyph positioning data partial 4 reference
GSUB Glyph substitution data partial 4 reference
JSTF Justification data missing 3 reference
MATH Math layout data missing 2 reference

GSUB table status

description status severity reference
1.1 Single Substitution format 1 missing 4 reference
1.2 Single Substitution format 2 ✔️
2.1 Multiple Substitution format 1 ✔️
3.1 Alternate Substitution missing 4 reference
4.1 Ligature Substitution missing 4 reference
5.1 Context Substitution Format 1 missing 4 reference
5.1 Context Substitution Format 2 missing 4 reference
5.1 Context Substitution Format 3 missing 4 reference
6.1 Chaining Context Substitution Format 1 missing 4 reference
6.2 Chaining Context Substitution Format 2 missing 4 reference
6.3 Chaining Context Substitution Format 3 ✔️

GPOS table status

description status severity reference
1 Single adjustment ✔️
2 Pair adjustment ✔️
3 Cursive attachment missing 4 reference
4 MarkToBase attachment missing 4 reference
5 MarkToLigature attachment missing 4 reference
6 MarkToMark attachment missing 4 reference
7 Context positioning missing 4 reference
8 Chained Context positioning missing 4 reference
9 Extension positioning missing 4 reference

Color Fonts & Bitmap Glyphs Tables

description status severity reference
COLR Color table missing 2 reference
CPAL Color palette table missing 2 reference
CBDT Color bitmap data missing 2 reference
CBLC Color bitmap location data missing 2 reference
sbix Standard bitmap graphics missing 2 reference
SVG The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) table missing 2 reference
EBDT Embedded bitmap data missing 2 reference
EBLC Embedded bitmap location data missing 2 reference
EBSC Embedded bitmap scaling data missing 2 reference


description status severity
Glyph Inspector Find a glyph by name, unicode or index missing 3
Glyph Inspector Add sidebearing marks missing 2
Glyph Inspector Fonts presets to easily inspect multiple languages missing 4
Font Inspector Add formatting and syntax highlighting to GSUB and cmap table data missing 4


I believe I didn't cover everything, please feel free to update existing items or add more items.

yisibl commented 4 years ago

Is there a plan to support Color Fonts?

kontur commented 4 years ago

woff2 decompression would be great (to be on the list).

cmloegcmluin commented 3 years ago

I'm very new to this world, so forgive me if I'm off-base. But I think I'm experiencing a problem using opentype.js because my font contains some GSUB lookup tables of type 7, extension substitution, which seem to be something like wrappers around lookup tables of other types (in my case, type 4, ligatures, which are otherwise working fine). Is there any plan to support GSUB type 7? Perhaps @bawarkamalqader was referring to this in the first post here, but @solomancode 's table cut off at 6.

cmloegcmluin commented 3 years ago

Ah, apologies. I was looking at a version of opentype.js that was a couple years old. It looks like extension substitution lookup tables may already be supported now. Thank you.

Connum commented 1 year ago

I added the Release 2.0.0 milestone, so we can re-evaluate the status quo. We should especially

ILOVEPIE commented 1 year ago

woff2 decompression would be great (to be on the list).

Woff2 decompression is out of scope for the library, you can use other libraries to do the decompression and then pass the results to opentype.js see

Connum commented 1 year ago

I made a repository where I will store test reports from that tool for different versions and commits from the master branch. The reports are directly available to view on GitHub Pages here: