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ELMS:LN Open Ulmus Course #6

Open mmilutinovic013 opened 7 years ago

mmilutinovic013 commented 7 years ago

We need an intro course for ELMS:LN to use as a POC for other future Open Ulmus courses. I'm actively developing this currently, and will update with progress on this issue as it progressed. Below will be a checklist for the courses -- as well as any links to streams about the building of these courses.

mmilutinovic013 commented 7 years ago

So...following up on Learning outcomes...they need to be measurable. So how do you know that they "got" this: What is ELMS:LN Why ELMS:LN? How do I get involved What ways can I contribute....

So ... learners will be able to explain what ELMS:LN is. How do you teach this to them? Have someone show them? Tell them?

Learners will be able to explain 3 reasons why they should use ELMS:LN

(out of how many reasons) Will they be able to identify their own personal reasons for using ELMS:LN? How do you convey this information besides just lecturing?

Getting involved is more of a behavioral outcome. Wouldn't it be cool if you could say, "upon completion of this training, learners will contribute 1 piece of code to the project." Very actionable, very measurable. These action outcomes are much more inspiring because they are acting...not just knowing

How do you get them to do this?

Is there a difference between being involved and contributing? This would be an important delineation? To be "active" maybe that is being noticeable on social media...blogging...sharing news. Then contributing is an even bigger deal.

So...following up... I agree with katrina...whatever you teach them, you need them to come away with the ability to "do" something. Something you can see/assess. At the same time, you need to come up with something that is active and engaging. Dynamic content. And knowing the system like you do, I'm sure it won't be hard. Hope some of this helps

gusaus commented 6 years ago

IF we're directing fundraising to ELMS it might not be a bad idea to keep this the initial POC. We would be able to produce such a class (especially in collab with other ELMS talents) faster than the other projects we've prioritized (any such classes would be produced post-launch for each). Such a class would also have more direct benefit to ELMS.

mmilutinovic013 commented 6 years ago

This would help move things quite quickly. I think @kat-wehr would be able to help build this our very well as she is an ID (and core contributor) with a great deal of experience on the system. I set up a course on open ulmus for this purpose that I can coordinate on how we want to build it out and concentrate on in a working session.

mmilutinovic013 commented 6 years ago

Melissa is also a good resource we could reach out to. I’m not sure of her github but I will see if she has any input too.

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

A couple more scope level questions here from me...

  1. When do we want this done by? Aka, when will the first participant be taking it?
  2. who are the participants? just people who want to use ELMS to do a project (aka, any kind of background, any level of technical ability from 0-10, etc.)? I could see doing an instruction design where the "deliverables" or the practice items are differentiated, so there is a "challenge" level for the high tech folks, a "moderate" for people who know how to do some things, and an "introductory" for people who are really not technical at all.
  3. Is this going to be self-paced or would I/someone be actively facilitating? Or would we rely on the community to facilitate together? That could be cool to get people into the community aspect of ELMS.
  4. Kind of based on the previous question, but how long should this course take people? Like, do we base it on rough number of hours to completion, or have 3 module/units and it takes you however long to work through it, etc.?
  5. Have we considered figuring out some kind of badge or certificate of completion to encourage people to finish? I know that seems fluffy but people like that stuff and psychology says a reward results in better completion rates....

Now, taking a crack at some of the objectives for this based on what I've read around (though these can absolutely change based on the answers to the above):

  1. Participants will be able to identify at least 3 strengths of a distributed learning environment
  2. Participants will be able to explain at least 3 reasons why ELMSLN is the right tool for their needs
  3. Participants will produce a timeline plan detailing their anticipated involvement in the ELMS community
  4. Participants will deploy their own course network for practice and testing
  5. Participants will produce at least one unit of instructional content in their practice course
  6. Participants will contribute feature ideas, process suggestions, or code via Github

I foresee these as course-level outcomes, with each having its own sub-objectives that will serve as foundation for the lessons. I'll work on an outline for the course once I hear back whether I'm on the right direction for these top-level goals.

The three items I've italicized are things that could easily change - for example, a timeline plan, I would ask participants to lay out a timeline that considers their goals for their own project but asks them to detail some milestones, such as project start/end, what they want to contribute and when. A contribution could be doing a presentation at a conference about how they used the system, producing and sharing a video about their project and why they chose ELMS, etc. or it could be way more technically involved, but I figure this provides a range for people of all abilities. Open to suggestions on how to make that a little more concrete - but may also need some input from others about how they'd want people contributing to the community.

For the 5th objective, in the context of this intro course I would define "one unit" as at least a page, some kind of interaction with a tool, and an assessment. My idea is to allow participants to choose their own topic of instruction, so they can play with a topic like "making beer!" or "safety regulations in my company" and run with it, but it should be something small and easy enough that they can complete it without a ton of hassle. this gives people confidence and something to base their contribution for Objective 3 on.

The 6th objective is in total flux... not sure if we would want to "require" this or create a space in github for participants to come together just to get their feet wet with it...

gusaus commented 6 years ago

My thoughts on objectives and other ramblings from the Slack thread

Regarding some kind of badge or certificate of completion to encourage people to finish... I'd say yes. What exactly I'm not sure... I do think there's some overlap with this feature idea (something we could build into our platforms)

In terms of what participants can get out of the class... They'd learn 'why ELMS, get a better feel for how to contribute, how to use ELMS/Open Ulmus for their own purposes, etc...

Seems like we'd also be able to provide an entry point to learn more about the underlying or associated technology - Drupal, GravCMS, Polymer, OpenCollective, etc.

All of which could be future courses

Also seems like we could provide opportunities to train up teams. i.e. these are the people you need to teach a class or run a training program.

That kinda training could happen on the local/community level -

cleverington commented 6 years ago

(Seriously, I'm gonna straight up apologize early on. I tend to create WallOfTextCrits every time I turn around. Rollin' 20 all the way.)

I think I would limit the Scope of the initial training to completely Open Ulmus. Thoughts actually align closer with

Like many online platforms, your big-picture End Users are not going to care in the least about the underlying infrastructure (and nor should they). Their focus is going to be very A/B: A: "Does it work for my needs?"

The overall ELMS:LN documentation, for example, is great for the current usage of Development and Learning Teams. A huge slew of "here's all the things". For our long-term goals on Open Ulmus though, we will be (in many cases) getting individuals who represent (or are trying to garner interest) for OSS Community projects which will most likely already have other resources elsewhere. In addition, this Convertible Traffic most likely already has preconceptions on Positives and Negatives for different software packages (Drupal is too hard, REST is overused/unreliable, etc.). We should avoid placing Convertible Traffic in a position early on where innate software bias could affect their decision to start using the OSS independent SERVICE.

Instead, I feel part of the Objective for the training is to communicate how having the completed suite of tools within this Learning Network will provide benefit for their Use Case.

End-User Questions-To-Answer

  1. What is Open Ulmus for and how does it relate to ELMS:LN?
  2. What is a Learning Network for and why is it better than a traditional LMS?
  3. What other plugins/widgets/themes/features/etc. are available?
  4. How Open Ulmus can be extended.
  5. Creating your own Open Ulmus training environment.

To me, I see End Users (Course Developers, etc.) visualizing Open Ulmus like a Community, funding, and platform for a varied set of projects and Use Cases.

On Badges

I am all for badges, provided we also include Quizzes (preferable those with interactive Code completion tasks, if needed).

cleverington commented 6 years ago

Random Thoughts on a few possible Use Cases

( I feel like we should have like.... fifteen Use Cases, which all can walk away happy, before we call the created Open Ulmus Introduction Course complete )

Use Case No. 1

I should be able to take this initial Course and get a good feeling about creating an easy-to-create, easy-to-connect course on networking in the React Community.

Use Case No. 2

Use Case No. 3

Use Case No. 4

mmilutinovic013 commented 6 years ago

@cleverington - I really like the use case approach. Perhaps it would be best to take an Agile approach to this and break these down into user stories. Maybe building out the 4-15 use cases could allow us to go out into the wild and talk to users that fit these molds. This can help us engage customers and build solutions that people are looking for to meet their needs.

I think that we should still run with your questions to answer and @kat-wehr 's learning objectives that I know she is refining. I believe she is currently scoping out some course outlines for the initial elmsln course.

If we bring these user stories into scope with her course outline then we should be done with the task. However, should we consider iterating on the courses to address a specific user first and then expanding the content to meet the use cases of all types of users we hope to find as customers?

These are ramblings - but let me know if any of this is making sense!

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

What I'm gleaning from this is that I'm way off base with my initial assumption of target audience. So to reframe, the initial build will be for technically adept users who know they want to use an open source platform to design a course, and perhaps this introductory course is 1/3 "selling" on why our resources are the way to go (highlighting the features, the community, the ideology behind it) and 2/3s "This is how you make a good training" - more of the theory/practice combined with which features in our system align with those theories and practices?

How does that sound? this is a bit of a jump from where I was, but definitely a re-alignment I'm comfortable with. I think @mmilutinovic1313 is on target with this:

However, should we consider iterating on the courses to address a specific user first and then expanding the content to meet the use cases of all types of users we hope to find as customers?

For the sake of hitting your deadlines, I think starting small and then iterating up is necessary. I could see a sort of "choose your own adventure" model of intro course in the future, where you'd select the user that most describes you (based on the stories identified) and have a tailored experience based on your selection.

cleverington commented 6 years ago

I am completely onboard with the iterative approach and agree on the 1/3 & 2/3. If we aproach our Platform from the mindset of Community Independence from the get-go, it'll help set the tone for documentation in the future.

Spealing of Tone, it will also decrease our Audience if the Intro Course is too technical. We should think about running the proposed verbiage through a Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tester and ensure at least one visual every two pages (at a min.). (Both items, mind, could be comoleted on the second or tird iteration of the Course.)

(Aplogize if below verbiage might be backwards. Mobile atm, so I cant go Google it.)

I also think we need to have it separated into an entire (albeit small) Course, having a separate Training to complete each of the Course Objectives. This will showcase "in action" the different tools available. Adding in a couple of Quizzes wouldnt be remiss either.

Then, in the long-run, we could conceivably have a tiny-intro Training on each of the Services (Forums, Courses, Gradebooks, etc.) offered through ELMS:LN. These mini-trainings could then be refactored later into full-blown trainings on each Service.

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

Ok, cool. So here's what I'm thinking:

Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the strengths of using ELMS/Ulmus for their training project This will be the sales pitch part (without being too sales pitchy). Some of the topics that are useful to cover based on the discussions i've seen around here include:

I think I need more information about what the benefits relative to Open Collective are. I looked at a doc referenced in #1 where the features listed "integration with open collective APIs" and I don't really know what that means in laymen's terms.

The next objectives are relative to "parts of a good training experience" where it will take people through bite-sized pieces of how to create digital training experiences. I think it would be worthwhile for me to develop them as stand-alone pieces that also make sense strung together in one longer "Course"

The steps I plan to cover will be (excuse me here, its going to be a bit 'meta'...)

  1. Identifying objectives
  2. Choosing appropriate assessments (this will cover the discussions, quizzing, any other ulmus features related to assessment)
  3. Developing effective content (talk about the organization features in ulmus, pages, the authoring experience, etc.)
  4. When and how to use multimedia (will talk about the media side of ulmus in addition to tips for when to use video in training and guidelines for developing training videos)

I think, for the moment, this is enough to get started. I'm seeing 5 bite size pieces total (sales pitch, and then each topic/feature). If I am overlooking a topic that would be important for a first iteration, please let me know - CC @mmilutinovic1313 @cleverington @btopro et al

btopro commented 6 years ago

+1 - I added * next to the things above in @kat-wehr post that I added just to place it on the same bullet point thing. I think by using and creating the thing we often underestimate the selling points. Asset managment Interactive content management (H5P) Collaborative learning space (studio) Rich content management solution (course outline)

are all things that most systems in the space don't have :)

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

Posting for sake of transparency: worked out an outline for Mini Training 1: Objectives & Assessments (I'll try to come up with a fluffy name later)

btopro commented 6 years ago

@kat-wehr Re: "Discussions" - As much as possible early prototypes especially, should be on-rails / solo. Perhaps with access to discussion forums but that wouldn't be in an initial MVP most likely.

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

@btopro got it - i'll list it as "coming soon" ;)

cleverington commented 6 years ago


Quick checkin, now that the Holidays are finally past us, how are things on the Course Development side?

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

Hi @cleverington - I just got through course launch at my day job (our semester starts right after the break). I'm traveling next week to a conference, but I'd like to hit this hard after I get back the following week. Are you guys still doing the biweekly calls? I'd love to jump on one of these weeks if I can!

cleverington commented 6 years ago

@kat-wehr @mmilutinovic1313 has stepped back a little, so it has just be myself and Gus, but I would definitely welcome your presence on a call!

I'll try and get an Agenda out Sunday for our next meeting and do a roll-call in-channel on who can make it.

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

Where is this course going to live? Are we spinning up an elms/ulmus course space? I have content for the first mini unit:

btopro commented 6 years ago

Space off site which I can add if we have a course slug for it (/whatever name = slug)

kat-wehr commented 6 years ago

How do we feel about /objectives1? 1 could be for version 1 or course 1, depending on how others visualize this scaling out.

gusaus commented 6 years ago

Based on, subsequent comments, and discussion in this thread, it seems pretty clear this should be the first of many ELMS:LN related courses (@btopro residing under the ELMS or ELMSLN slug?).

If we started with ELMS, we'd be able to start with an established, compelling program that many more learners, contributors, and backers would buy into if this was both a proof of concept for Open Ulmus and Drupal Open Learning.

Since a lot of the source material we'll need for can be derived from, we can collaborate with groups in like #documentation #mentoring and #drupaldojo to create user guides, documentation, tutorials, videos, and other materials that would benefit ELMS and all related programs and sites.

Drupalize.Me provides proof of that concept

btopro commented 6 years ago

sounds like a good place to start and build out from

gusaus commented 6 years ago

...especially if we can be set up and rolling before Drupalcon.

If this approach also sounds good with @kat-wehr @cleverington and others who have some role/interest in producing this and subsequent courses, I guess the next steps would be to spin up the ELMS:LN space and maybe use focus the course scope/outline on 'Intro to ELMS:LN'?

If there's still some murkiness, let's converse in our Slack room.

gusaus commented 6 years ago

There's definitely been a lot of buzz/interest since the epic Drupalcon session -

Also could be some additional material as we incorporate DDEV into our flow

Even if we start with an evolving course outline, having a public ELMSLN slugged out would be a great way to demo for potential contributors and sustainers.

How can we give the people what they need?

MehrdadDARK commented 4 years ago


MehrdadDARK commented 4 years ago

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