openv / vcontrold

:fire: vcontrold Daemon for control and logging of Viessmann® type heating devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need XML Files #99

Closed Issr4k closed 1 year ago

Issr4k commented 2 years ago

Someone who can provide the XML files for a Vitocall 222-G Device ID 204B?

Thx in advance!

Issr4k commented 1 year ago

The following except the "getTest" works for my 204B Devide-ID :)

Maybe it will help somebody else.

<device ID="204B" name="V200WO1C" protocol="KW2"/>
<!-- Gerätedaten -->
<command name="getTempA" protocmd="getaddr">
<description>Ermittle Aussentemperatur in Grad C</description>
<!-- HEIZUNG -->
<command name="getRoomtemp" protocmd="getaddr">
<description>Ermittle Soll-Raumtemperatur in Grad C</description>
<command name="setRoomtemp" protocmd="setaddr">
<description>Setze Soll-Raumtemperatur in Grad C</description>
<command name="getTempP" protocmd="getaddr">
<description>Ermittle Warmwassertemperatur in Grad C</description>
<command name="getTempWWsoll" protocmd="getaddr">
<description>Ermittle Warmwassersolltemperatur in Grad C</description>
<command name="setTempWWsoll" protocmd="setaddr">
<description>Setze Warmwassersolltemperatur in Grad C</description>
<!-- Test -->
<command name="getTest" protocmd="getaddr">
<description>Bedienung WW 1xWW Bereitung</description>