openvinotoolkit / open_model_zoo

Pre-trained Deep Learning models and demos (high quality and extremely fast)
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to convert COCOSNET Demo! #2036

Closed dedoogong closed 3 years ago

dedoogong commented 3 years ago

Hello, I want to run cocosnet demo with command like

python3 \ -d CPU \ -m_trn /cocosnet.xml \ -is /input_mask.png \ -ri /reference_image.jpg \ -rs /reference_mask.png

As I need the IR files to run it and there's no pre-converted files, I should do it by myself.

I'm using python 3.6.6, torch 1.7.1 and openvino_2021.2.185 and I've tried to convert cocosnet openvino demo by MO but failed with below error messages.

mo.utils.error.Error: Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'>): The Squeeze layer "Squeeze_1931" should either have 2 inputs or one input and an "squeeze_dims" attribute

Below is my steps;

[Step 1. convert pth to onnx] I converted the downloaded pth file(by to onnx with the provided example files(model python files + 2 pth files) successfully as below;

import torch.onnx
import onnx
import time
from cocosnet.model import Pix2PixModel 

torch_model=Pix2PixModel(corr_weights, gen_weights)

input_seg_map = torch.randn(1,151,256,256).float()  
ref_image     = torch.randn(1,3,256,256).float()
ref_seg_map   = torch.randn(1,151,256,256).float()

torch.onnx.export(  torch_model,  
                    input_names = ['input_seg_map','ref_image','ref_seg_map'],  
                    output_names = ['exemplar_based_output']

[Step 2. convert onnx to IR ] python --input_model C:\Users\User\Downloads\WORKS\DnD_SH\cocosnet.onnx --data_type FP32 --mean_values=ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5] --scale_values=ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5] --reverse_input_channels --log_level DEBUG

below is the full error message in DEBUG mode after running

C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer>python --input_model C:\Users\User\Downloads\WORKS\DnD_SH\cocosnet.onnx --data_type FP32 --mean_values=ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5] --scale_values=ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5] --reverse_input_channels --log_level DEBUG >> C:\Users\User\Downloads\WORKS\DnD_SH\log.txt [ 2021-01-29 17:54:13,545 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:114 ] Namespace(batch=None, caffe_parser_path='mo\front\caffe\proto', counts=None, data_type='FP32', disable_fusing=None, disable_gfusing=None, disable_nhwc_to_nchw=False, disable_omitting_optional=False, disable_resnet_optimization=False, disable_weights_compression=False, enable_concat_optimization=False, enable_flattening_nested_params=False, enable_ssd_gluoncv=False, extensions='C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\extensions', finegrain_fusing=None, framework='onnx', freeze_placeholder_with_value=None, generate_deprecated_IR_V7=False, input=None, input_checkpoint=None, input_meta_graph=None, input_model='C:\Users\User\Downloads\WORKS\DnD_SH\cocosnet.onnx', input_model_is_text=False, input_proto=None, input_shape=None, input_symbol=None, k='extensions\front\caffe\CustomLayersMapping.xml', keep_shape_ops=True, legacy_mxnet_model=False, log_level='DEBUG', mean_file=None, mean_file_offsets=None, mean_values='ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5]', model_name=None, move_to_preprocess=None, nd_prefix_name=None, output=None, output_dir='C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\.', pretrained_model_name=None, progress=False, remove_memory=False, remove_output_softmax=False, reverse_input_channels=True, save_params_from_nd=False, saved_model_dir=None, saved_model_tags=None, scale=None, scale_values='ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5]', silent=False, static_shape=False, stream_output=False, tensorboard_logdir=None, tensorflow_custom_layer_libraries=None, tensorflow_custom_operations_config_update=None, tensorflow_object_detection_api_pipeline_config=None, tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config=None, transformations_config=None) [ 2021-01-29 17:54:13,546 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:115 ] Model Optimizer started [ 2021-01-29 17:54:13,549 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:130 ] Output model name would be cocosnet{.xml, .bin} [ 2021-01-29 17:54:14,474 ] [ DEBUG ] [ init:47 ] Creating converter from %s to %s [ 2021-01-29 17:54:14,474 ] [ DEBUG ] [ init:47 ] Creating converter from %s to %s [ 2021-01-29 17:54:14,476 ] [ DEBUG ] [ init:47 ] Creating converter from %s to %s [ 2021-01-29 17:54:14,477 ] [ DEBUG ] [ init:47 ] Creating converter from %s to %s [ 2021-01-29 17:54:15,685 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:208 ] Placeholder shapes : None [ INFO ] Importing extensions from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.parameter.Parameter'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Parameter [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Const [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.tensor_iterator.TensorIterator'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIterator [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Cast.Cast'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Cast [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Activation [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.assign.Assign'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Assign [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.gather.Gather'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Gather [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.gather.AttributedGather'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedGather [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.transpose.Transpose'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Transpose [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.broadcast.Broadcast'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Broadcast [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.clamp.AttributedClamp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedClamp [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Clamp [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Concat [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.constant_of_shape.ConstantOfShape'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantOfShape [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Convolution [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Crop [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.deconvolution.Deconvolution'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Deconvolution [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.deformable_convolution.DeformableConvolution'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DeformableConvolution [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Eltwise [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_n.EltwiseN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: EltwiseN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_ninputs_in_1.EltwiseNin1'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: EltwiseNin1 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExpandDims [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.fill.Fill'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Fill [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.flatten.Flatten'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Flatten [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.flatten.FlattenONNX'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: FlattenONNX [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.group_norm.GroupNorm'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GroupNorm [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.log_softmax.LogSoftmax'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LogSoftmax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.log_softmax.LogSoftmaxONNX'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LogSoftmaxONNX [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.lrn.LRN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LRN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.lrn.AttributedLRN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedLRN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.lstmnonlinearity.LstmNonLinearity'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LstmNonLinearity [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Memory [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.memoryoffset.MemoryOffset'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MemoryOffset [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pad.Pad'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Pad [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pad.AttributedPad'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedPad [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pad.TFPad'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TFPad [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pad.ONNXPad'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ONNXPad [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Permute [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Pooling [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.power.AttributedPower'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedPower [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.read_value.ReadValue'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReadValue [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Reshape [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.result.Result'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Result [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ROIPooling [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ScaleShift [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.shape.Shape'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ShapeOf [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.slice.AttributedSlice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedSlice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.slice.CaffeSlice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: CaffeSlice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.slice.TFSlice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TFSlice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.slice.MXSlice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MXSlice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.slice.Slice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Slice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SoftMax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.softmax.SoftmaxONNX'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SoftMaxONNX [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.space_to_batch.SpaceToBatch'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SpaceToBatch [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.space_to_batch.BatchToSpace'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: BatchToSpace [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Squeeze [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.strided_slice.StridedSlice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: StridedSlice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.tdnncomponent.TdnnComponent'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: tdnncomponent [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Tile [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.tile.AttributedTile'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedTile [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.unsqueeze.Unsqueeze'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Unsqueeze [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.load.loader.LoadFinish'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class ''> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: UnknownOp [ INFO ] New subclass: <class ''> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class ''> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.pass_separator.BackStart'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.pass_separator.BackFinish'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.RemoveConstOps'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.CreateConstNodesReplacement'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.RemoveConstToResult'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.NormalizeTI'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.RemoveUselessConvert.RemoveUselessConvert'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.op_versioning.OpVersioning'> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] Importing extensions from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\extensions [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.parameter.Parameter'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.tensor_iterator.TensorIterator'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.Cast.Cast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.assign.Assign'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.gather.Gather'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.gather.AttributedGather'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.transpose.Transpose'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.broadcast.Broadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.AttributedClamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.constant_of_shape.ConstantOfShape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.deconvolution.Deconvolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.deformable_convolution.DeformableConvolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_n.EltwiseN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_ninputs_in_1.EltwiseNin1'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.fill.Fill'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.flatten.Flatten'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.flatten.FlattenONNX'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.group_norm.GroupNorm'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.log_softmax.LogSoftmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.log_softmax.LogSoftmaxONNX'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lrn.LRN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lrn.AttributedLRN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lstmnonlinearity.LstmNonLinearity'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memoryoffset.MemoryOffset'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pad.Pad'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pad.AttributedPad'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pad.TFPad'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pad.ONNXPad'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.AttributedPower'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.read_value.ReadValue'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.result.Result'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.shape.Shape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.slice.AttributedSlice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.slice.CaffeSlice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.slice.TFSlice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.slice.MXSlice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.slice.Slice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.SoftmaxONNX'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.space_to_batch.SpaceToBatch'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.space_to_batch.BatchToSpace'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.strided_slice.StridedSlice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tdnncomponent.TdnnComponent'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.AttributedTile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.ops.unsqueeze.Unsqueeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.BlockLSTM.BlockLSTM'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: BlockLSTM [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DetectionOutput [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Enter.Enter'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Enter [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Exit.Exit'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Exit [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ExtractImagePatches.ExtractImagePatches'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExtractImagePatches [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.RNN.RNN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: RNN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.GRU.GRU'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GRU [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.GRUCell.GRUCell'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GRUCell [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.GatherTree.GatherTree'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GatherTree [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.LSTM.LSTM'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LSTM [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.LookupTableInsert.LookupTableInsert'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LookupTableInsert [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.MatMul.MatMul'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MatMul [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.MatMul.GemmONNX'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Gemm [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.MatMul.FullyConnected'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: FullyConnected [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.NextIteration.NextIteration'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: NextIteration [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ONNXResize11.ONNXResize11Op'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ONNXResize11 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.RNNCell.RNNCell'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: RNNCell [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ReduceOps.ReduceOp'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Reverse.Reverse'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Reverse [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArray.TensorArray'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayV3 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayGather.TensorArrayGather'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayGatherV3 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayRead.TensorArrayReader'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayReadV3 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayScatter.TensorArrayScatter'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayScatterV3 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArraySize.TensorArraySize'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArraySizeV3 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayWrite.TensorArrayWriter'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayWriteV3 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorInput'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorInput [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorOutput'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorOutput [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorCondition'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorCondition [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorBackEdge'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorBackEdge [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Accum [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.Activation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.LeakyReLU'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LeakyReLU [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.Swish'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Swish [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.adaptive_avg_pooling.AdaptiveAvgPooling'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AdaptiveAvgPooling [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.assert_op.Assert'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Assert [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.aten.ATen'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ATen [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.axpy.AxpyOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Axpy [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.binarization.Binarization'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Binarization [ INFO ] New subclass: <class ''> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: BN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.box_nms.BoxNms'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: _contrib_box_nms [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.bucketize.Bucketize'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Bucketize [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.constant_fill.ConstantFill'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantFill [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.copyop.CopyOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: copy [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Correlation [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: CTCGreedyDecoder [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_loss.CTCLoss'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: CTCLoss [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.cumsum.CumSum'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: CumSum [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.cumsum.MXNetCumSum'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MXNetCumSum [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DataAugmentation [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.depth_to_space.DepthToSpaceOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DepthToSpace [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.dequantize_linear.DequantizeLinear'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DequantizeLinear [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.detectionoutput_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.elementwise.Elementwise'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.embedding_bag.EmbeddingBagBase'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.fake_output.FakeOutput'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: FakeOutput [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.fakequantize.FakeQuantize'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: FakeQuantize [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.gathernd.GatherND'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GatherND [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.gelu.GeLUOP'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Gelu [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GRN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.hard_sigmoid.HardSigmoid'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: HardSigmoid [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.identity.Identity'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Identity [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.identity.IdentityN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: IdentityN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: InstanceNormalization [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Interp [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.interpolate.Interpolate'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Interpolate [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_cell.LSTMCell'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LSTMCell [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_sequence.LSTMSequence'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LSTMSequence [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.merge.Merge'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Merge [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MVN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.mxrepeat.MXRepeat'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MXRepeat [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.mxreshape.MXReshape'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MXReshape [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.non_max_suppression.NonMaxSuppression'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: NonMaxSuppression [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.non_zero.NonZero'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: NonZero [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Normalize [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.normalize_l2.NormalizeL2Op'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: NormalizeL2 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.one_hot.OneHot'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: OneHot [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.pack.PackOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Pack [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.pnorm.PNormOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: pnorm [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PowerFile [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PredictionHeatmap [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PReLU'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PReLU [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBox [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBoxClustered [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorgridgenerator_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Proposal [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.proposal_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PSROIPooling [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.quantize_linear.QuantizeLinear'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: QuantizeLinear [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.range.Range'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Range [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.rank.Rank'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Rank [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: RegionYolo [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReorgYolo [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Resample [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.resize.ResizeOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Resize [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.reverse_sequence.ReverseSequence'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReverseSequence [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.roialign.ROIAlign'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ROIAlign [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.roifeatureextractor_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.scatter.Scatter'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.scatternd.ScatterNDBase'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class ''> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Select [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.shufflechannel.ShuffleChannels'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ShuffleChannels [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SimplerNMS [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.size.Size'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Size [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.slice_like.SliceLike'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: slice_like [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.space_to_depth.SpaceToDepth'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SpaceToDepth [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_fill_empty_rows.SparseFillEmptyRows'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SparseFillEmptyRows [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_reshape.SparseReshape'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SparseReshape [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_segment_mean.SparseSegmentMean'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SparseSegmentMean [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_segment_sqrtn.SparseSegmentSqrtN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SparseSegmentSqrtN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_segment_sum.SparseSegmentSum'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SparseSegmentSum [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SpatialTransformer [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.splice.Splice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Splice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.split.VariadicSplitBase'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.split.SplitBase'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.stop_gradient.StopGradientOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: StopGradient [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.swapaxis.SwapAxis'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SwapAxis [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.switch.Switch'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Switch [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.topk.TopK'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TopK [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.topkrois_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.unique.Unique'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Unique [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.upsample.UpsampleOp'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Upsample [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.boolean_input.TrainingPhaseAnalysis'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.inputs.InputsAnalysis'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.json_print.AnalysisJSONPrint'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.nodes.IntermediatesNodesAnalysis'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_od_api.TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIAnalysis'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_retinanet.TensorFlowRetinaNet'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV1V2Analysis'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV3Analysis'> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.load.loader.LoadFinish'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.load.onnx.loader.ONNXLoader'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.AttributedGatherNormalizer.AttributedGatherNormalizer'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedGather [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Interpolate [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Log1p.Log1p'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Log1p [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Pack [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedPower [ INFO ] New subclass: <class ''> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: EltwiseN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.rank_decomposer.RankDecomposer'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Rank [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ImageScaler [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: InstanceNormalization [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Reciprocal [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.softsign_replacer.SoftSign'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Softsign [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.SqueezeAxis'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: UnknownOp [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ATenToEmbeddingBag.AtenToEmbeddingBag'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.AttributedClampNormalizer.AttributedClampNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.AttributedPadToPad.AttributedPadToPad'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ChangePlaceholderTypes.ChangePlaceholderTypes'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.OneHotDepthNormalizer.OneHotDepthNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ThresholdedReluDecomposition.ThresholdedReluDecomposition'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class ''> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.create_tensor_nodes.CreateTensorNodes'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.global_pooling_to_reduce.GlobalPoolingToReduce'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Pooling [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.interpolate_reshape.InterpolateWithConcat'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.scatter_normalizer.ScatterNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.transformations_config.TransformationsConfig'> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ChangeCastOutputType.ChangeCastOutputType'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.GeLUMerger_Erf.GeLUMergerErf'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.GeLUMerger_Tanh.GeLUMergerTanh'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithClamp'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithMinMax'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithReluDiv'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithReluMul'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.HSwish_fusion.HSwishWithClamp'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.HSwish_fusion.HSwishWithMinMax'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.LayerNorm.LayerNorm'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.MatMul_normalizer.FullyConnectedDecomposer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.MatMul_normalizer.GemmDecomposer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Softplus_fusion.SoftplusFusion'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Mish_fusion.MishFusion'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithoutBeta'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithBeta'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.broadcast_with_range.ExpandRangeConstant'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.flatten_to_reshape.FlattenToReshape'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.non_max_suppression_normalize.NonMaxSuppressionNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.SplitInputsReconnect'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.AttributedSplitToSplit'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.AttributedVariadicSplitToVariadicSplit'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.VariadicSplitInputsSwap'> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.YOLO.YoloRegionAddon'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.YOLO.YoloV3RegionAddon'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AbsExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Abs [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AcosExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Acos [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AcoshExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Acosh [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AsinExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Asin [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AsinhExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Asinh [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AtanExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Atan [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AtanhExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Atanh [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.CeilExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Ceil [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.CosExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Cos [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.CoshExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Cosh [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.EluExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Elu [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ErfExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Erf [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ExpExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Exp [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.FloorExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Floor [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ThresholdedReluExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ThresholdedRelu [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.LeakyReLUExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LeakyRelu [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.LogExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Log [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.NotExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Not [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ReLUExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Relu [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SigmoidExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Sigmoid [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SignExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Sign [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SinExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Sin [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SinhExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Sinh [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.TanExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Tan [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.TanhExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Tanh [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.affine_ext.AffineFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Affine [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.argmax_ext.ArgMaxFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.aten_ext.ATenFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ATen [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.cast_ext.CastFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Cast [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.clip_ext.ClipFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Clip [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.const_ext.ConstExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Const [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.const_ext.ConstantExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Constant [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_fill_ext.ConstantFillFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantFill [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_ext.ConstantOfShapeExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantOfShape [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Conv [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvTransposeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ConvTranspose [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.crop_ext.CropFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Crop [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.cumsum_ext.CumSumFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: CumSum [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.deformable_conv_ext.DeformableConvExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DeformableConv2D [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.depth_to_space_ext.DepthToSpaceFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DepthToSpace [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dequantize_linear_ext.DequantizeLinearFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DequantizeLinear [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detection_output.DetectionOutputFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DetectionOutput [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detectionoutput_ext.ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutputFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dropout_ext.DropoutFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Dropout [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AddFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Add [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SubFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Sub [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MulFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Mul [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.DivFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Div [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SumFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Sum [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.PowFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Pow [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.NegFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Neg [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SqrtExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Sqrt [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.ScaleFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Scale [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MaxExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Max [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MinExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Min [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.EqualExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Equal [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.LessExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Less [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.GreaterExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Greater [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AndExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: And [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.OrExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Or [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.XorExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Xor [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.RoundFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Round [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.expand_ext.ExpandExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Expand [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.flatten_ext.FlattenFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Flatten [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gather_ext.GatherFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Gather [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gathernd_ext.GatherNDFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GatherND [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gemm_ext.GemmFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Gemm [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.group_norm_ext.ExperimentalDetectronGroupNorm'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronGroupNorm [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.group_norm_ext.GroupNormExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GroupNorm [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gru_ext.GRUFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GRU [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.image_scaler_ext.ImageScalerFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ImageScaler [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.instance_normalization_ext.InstanceNormalizationExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: InstanceNormalization [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.loop_ext.LoopExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Loop [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lp_normalization_ext.LPNormalizeExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LpNormalization [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lrn_ext.LRNFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LRN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lstm_ext.LSTMFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LSTM [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.matmul_ext.MatMulFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MatMul [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.mean_variance_normalization_ext.MeanVarianceNormalizationExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MeanVarianceNormalization [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.non_max_suppression_ext.NonMaxSuppressionExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: NonMaxSuppression [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.non_zero_ext.NonZeroExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: NonZero [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.normalize_ext.NormalizeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Normalize [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.one_hot_ext.OneHotExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: OneHot [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pad_ext.PadFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Pad [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.parameter_ext.PlaceholderFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Parameter [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.AveragePoolFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AveragePool [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.MaxPoolFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: MaxPool [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalAveragePoolFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GlobalAveragePool [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalMaxPoolFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GlobalMaxPool [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_clustered_ext.PriorBoxClusteredFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBoxClustered [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_ext.PriorBoxFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBox [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorgridgenerator_ext.ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGeneratorFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.proposal_ext.ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImageFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_ext.FakeQuantizeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: FakeQuantize [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_linear_ext.QuantizeLinearFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: QuantizeLinear [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.range_ext.RangeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Range [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceL1Extractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceL1 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceL2Extractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceL2 [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceMaxFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceMax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceMeanFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceMean [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceMinFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceMin [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceProdFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceProd [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceSumFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceSum [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.resize_ext.ResizeExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Resize [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reverse_sequence_ext.ReverseSequenceExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ReverseSequence [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.rnn_ext.RNNFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: RNN [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.roialign_ext.ROIAlignExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ROIAlign [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.roifeatureextractor_ext.ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractorFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.scatter_ext.ScatterExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Scatter [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.scatter_ext.ScatterElementsExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ScatterElements [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.scatter_ext.ScatterNDExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ScatterND [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.shape_ext.ShapeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Shape [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.slice_ext.SliceFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Slice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmax_ext.SoftmaxExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Softmax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmax_ext.LogSoftmaxExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LogSoftmax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softplus_ext.SoftPlusExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Softplus [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.space_to_depth_ext.SpaceToDepthFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SpaceToDepth [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.split_ext.SplitFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Split [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.squeeze_ext.SqueezeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Squeeze [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.top_k_ext.TopKExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: TopK [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.topkrois_ext.ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIsFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.transpose_ext.TransposeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Transpose [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.unsqueeze_ext.UnsqueezeFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Unsqueeze [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.upsample_ext.UpsampleFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Upsample [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.where_ext.WhereExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Where [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.AttributedGatherNormalizer.AttributedGatherNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Log1p.Log1p'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.rank_decomposer.RankDecomposer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.softsign_replacer.SoftSign'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.SqueezeAxis'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.AttributedSliceToSlice.AttributedSliceToSliceReplacer'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: AttributedSlice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dequantize_linear_resolver.DequantizeLinearResolver'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: DequantizeLinear [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.hard_sigmoid_ext.HardSigmoidFrontExtractor'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: HardSigmoid [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.logsoftmaxONNX_to_logsoftmax.LogSoftmaxONNXFrontReplacer'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: LogSoftmaxONNX [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmaxONNX_to_softmax.SoftmaxONNXFrontReplacer'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: SoftMaxONNX [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pad_converter.ONNXPadToPad'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ONNXPad [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_linear_resolver.QuantizeLinearResolver'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: QuantizeLinear [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ATenToEmbeddingBag.AtenToEmbeddingBag'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.AttributedClampNormalizer.AttributedClampNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.AttributedPadToPad.AttributedPadToPad'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ChangePlaceholderTypes.ChangePlaceholderTypes'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.OneHotDepthNormalizer.OneHotDepthNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ThresholdedReluDecomposition.ThresholdedReluDecomposition'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.create_tensor_nodes.CreateTensorNodes'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.global_pooling_to_reduce.GlobalPoolingToReduce'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.interpolate_reshape.InterpolateWithConcat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.scatter_normalizer.ScatterNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.transformations_config.TransformationsConfig'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_to_broadcast.ConstantOfShapeToBroadcast'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.normalize_l2_normalize.NormalizeL2Normalize'> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ChangeCastOutputType.ChangeCastOutputType'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.GeLUMerger_Erf.GeLUMergerErf'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.GeLUMerger_Tanh.GeLUMergerTanh'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithClamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithMinMax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithReluDiv'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithReluMul'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.HSwish_fusion.HSwishWithClamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.HSwish_fusion.HSwishWithMinMax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.LayerNorm.LayerNorm'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.MatMul_normalizer.FullyConnectedDecomposer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.MatMul_normalizer.GemmDecomposer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Softplus_fusion.SoftplusFusion'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Mish_fusion.MishFusion'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithoutBeta'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithBeta'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.broadcast_with_range.ExpandRangeConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.flatten_to_reshape.FlattenToReshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.non_max_suppression_normalize.NonMaxSuppressionNormalize'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.SplitInputsReconnect'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.AttributedSplitToSplit'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.AttributedVariadicSplitToVariadicSplit'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.VariadicSplitInputsSwap'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.LoopNormalize.ONNXLoopNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_dequantize_linear.QuantizeDequantizeLinear'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.flattenONNX_to_reshape.FlattenONNXToReshape'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.one_hot_normalize.OneHotNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.remove_filtering_boxes_by_size.RemoveFilteringBoxesBySize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.resize_to_interpolate.ResizeToInterpolate2D'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.resize_to_interpolate.ResizeToInterpolate3D'> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.YOLO.YoloRegionAddon'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.front.YOLO.YoloV3RegionAddon'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.mask_rcnn_conversion.ONNXMaskRCNNTransformation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.person_detection_crossroad_conversion.ONNXPersonDetectionCrossroadReplacement'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PostMiddleStart'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.InsertLayoutPropagationTransposes.InsertLayoutPropagationTranspose'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MulFakeQuantizeFuse.MulFakeQuantizeFuse'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AddFakeQuantizeFuse.AddFakeQuantizeFuse'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AddIsCyclicAttribute.AddIsCyclicAttribute'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.LayoutChangeForConstantShapePaths.LayoutChangeForConstantShapePaths'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ApplyNHWCtoNCHWpermutation.ApplyNHWCtoNCHWpermutation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ApplyPermutations.ApplyPermutation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ArgMaxToTopK.ArgMaxToTopK'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AttributedTileNormalizer.AttributedTileNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.BiasAddBroadcasting.BiasAddInputBroadcasting'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.CheckForCycle.CheckForCycle'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteNotExecutable.DeleteNotExecutable'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.Eltwise1DInputReshape'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FuseReshapesSequence.FuseReshapesSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveRedundantReshapes.RemoveRedundantReshapes'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteControlFlowEdges.DeleteControlFlowEdges'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.MarkNodesToFuseUpToFakeQuantize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.FakeQuantizeFuse'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.fusings.Fusing'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConcatOptimization.ConcatOptimization'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConcatOptimization.ConcatOdInputEraserAndPortsReconnect'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConstSwitchResolver.ConstSwitchEraser'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvToBinaryConv.ConvToBinaryConv'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SliceConverter.ConvertSlice'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: Slice [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertMultiInputConv.ConvertMultiInputConv'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.CustomSubgraphCall.CustomSubgraphCall'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.CutInputHavingZeroDimFromConcat.CutInputHavingZeroDimFromConcat'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBias.DecomposeBias'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.Deconvolution3rdInputNormalization.Deconvolution3rdInputNormalization'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DilatedConvolution.DilatedConvolutionConverter'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DilatedConvolution.DilatedConvolution1DConverter'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FakeSplitOutputs.AddFakeOutputsToSplit'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FakeSplitOutputs.AddFakeOutputsToVariadicSplit'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormTraining.FusedBatchNormTraining'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GRURNNSequenceToTensorIterator.GRUAndRNNToTensorIterator'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GatherNdNormalizer.GatherNDNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GroupNorm.GroupNormToMVN'> [ INFO ] Registered a new subclass with key: GroupNorm [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.InputCut.MiddleInputCut'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.InsertSelect.AddSelectBeforeMemoryNodePattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.InterpolateSequenceToInterpolate.InterpolateSequenceToInterpolate'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.L2NormToNorm.L2NormToNorm'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.LSTMRNNSequenceToTensorIterator.LSTMToTensorIterator'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.LeakyReluPattern.LeakyReLUFusion'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetSplitMultiLayers.MXNetSplitLayersToRNNSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MXTileReplacer.MXTileReplacer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MarkSubgraphsWithCorrectLayout.MarkSubGraphsWithCorrectLayout'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXResize11ToInterpolateV4.ONNXResize11ToInterpolate4'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RandomUniformReplacer.RandomUniformReplacer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluFakeQuantizeMark'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ClampQuantizeMark'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluQuantizeFuse'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.RemoveMemoryDuplicationPattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.MergeNeighborSplicePattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveIdentity'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveDropout'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveNodesWithZeroPhase'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessConcatSplit.RemoveUselessConcatSplitPattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessCrops.RemoveUselessCropsPattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessPad.RemoveUselessPad'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetNodePattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithMemoryNodePattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplacePNorm.ReplacePNormNodePattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseTransposeNormalization.ReverseTransposeNormalization'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseV2ToReverseSequence.ReverseToReverseSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ScaleInput.ScaleInput'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SequenceLengthToMask.SequenceLengthToMask'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SliceLikeToStridedSlice.SliceLikeToStridedSlice'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SplitConcatPairToInterpolate.SplitConcatPairToInterpolate'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SwapAxesMiddleReplacer.SwapAxisMiddleReplacer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TF_lstm_cell_to_generic.TensorFlowLSTMtoGeneric'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.LoopConditionMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.SimpleConditionMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.DynamicDecoderConditionMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorBackEdge.BackEdgesMatching'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorConditionChecker.ConditionChecks'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SmartInputMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SimpleInputMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.BackEdgeSimpleInputMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorLSTMToLSTMSequence.TensorIteratorLSTM'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SmartOutputMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SimpleOutputMatcher'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UnsqueezeTileReshapeBlockToInterpolate.UnsqueezeTileReshapeBlockToInterpolate'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UpsampleToResample.UpsampleToResample'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UselessMerge.UselessMergeEraser'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UselessSplitEraser.UselessSplitEraser'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.preprocessing.CaffeMeanFileProcessing'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.reverse_tensor_iterator.ReverseTensorIteratorLSTM'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.sparse_reshape.SparseReshapeMiddleReplacer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.split_tdnn_memoryoffset.SplitTdnnMemoryOffset'> [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.pass_separator.BackStart'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.pass_separator.BackFinish'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.RemoveConstOps'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.CreateConstNodesReplacement'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.RemoveConstToResult'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.NormalizeTI'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.RemoveUselessConvert.RemoveUselessConvert'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ WARNING ] Skipped <class 'extensions.back.op_versioning.OpVersioning'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.AvgPool.AvgPool'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CellNormalizer.CellNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ClampNormalizer.ClampNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ForceStrictPrecision.ForceStrictPrecision'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReshapeMutation.ReshapeMutation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.InsertReverseChannels'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.ReverseChannelsPropagationDown'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.ReverseChannelsPropagationUp'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.DecomposeReverseChannels'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.ApplyReverseChannels'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.ConvolutionNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.V7ConvolutionWithGroupsResolver'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.V10ConvolutionWithGroupsResolver'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.ConvolutionWithGroupsResolver'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.PullReshapeThroughFQ'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.DeconvolutionNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CorrectName.RestoreOriginalFrameworkName'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CropToStridedSlice.CropToStridedSlice'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CutMemory.CutMemoryInput'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CutMemory.CutMemoryOutput'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.EnableConstantStridedSlice.EnableConstantStridedSlice'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.FakeOutputResolver.FakeOutputResolver'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.FuseTransposesSequence.FuseTransposesSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.GatherNormalizer.GatherTreeNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.GroupedConvWeightsNormalize.GroupedConvWeightsNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.InterpolateReshape.InterpolateConcat'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.InterpolateReshape.InterpolateReshapeWA'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.LRNToNorm.LRN_normalization'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.LayoutChangeForGatherND.LayoutChangeForGatherND'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.LeakyReLUMutation.LeakyReLUMutation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.MatMulNormalizer.MatMulConstTransposesExtraction'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.MatMulNormalizer.PullTransposeThroughFQUp'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.MatMulNormalizer.SmartReshape_HC_Reshape_MatMul'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.MaxPool.MaxPool'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.insert_compatibility_l2normalization.CompatibilityL2NormalizationPattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.NormalizeToNormalizeL2.NormalizeToNormalizeL2'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.OptimizeTransposeReshapeSequence.OptimizeTransposeReshapeSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.PackBinaryWeights.PackBinaryWeights'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.StridedSliceMasksNormalizer.StridedSliceMasksNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ProposalMutation.ProposalMutation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.RNNSequenceTypeRename.RNNSequence'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ScalarConstNormalize.ScalarNormalize'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReduceMerge.ReduceMerge'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReduceTransposeDimensions.ReduceTransposeDimensions'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.Reshape0DToSqueeze.Reshape0DToSqueeze'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ResultNormalizer.ResultNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.SelectBroadcast.SelectBroadcast'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization.ShuffleChannelFusion'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization.DepthToSpaceFusion'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ShufflenetReLUReorder.ShufflenetReLUReorder'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.TopKNormalizer.TopKNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.TransposeReduceFusing.TransposeReduce'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.UselessConcatRemoval.UselessConcatRemoval'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.blob_normalizer.BlobNormalizer'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.compress_quantized_weights.CompressQuantizeWeights'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.disable_unsupported_ND_operations.DisableUnsupportedNDOperations'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.fuse_sub_div_min.Negate'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.fuse_sub_div_min.EltwisesToSubtract'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.fuse_sub_div_min.EltwisesToDiv'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.priorbox_mutation.PriorboxMutation'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> [ INFO ] New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastLogSoftMaxPattern'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:16,847 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:48 ] All replacers has unique idxs. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:16,868 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:258 ] Replacers execution order: | id | enabled | class | 0 | True | <class 'extensions.load.onnx.loader.ONNXLoader'> | 1 | True | <class 'extensions.load.loader.LoadFinish'> | 2 | True | <class 'extensions.front.transformations_config.TransformationsConfig'> | 3 | None | <class 'extensions.analysis.boolean_input.TrainingPhaseAnalysis'> | 4 | None | <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV3Analysis'> | 5 | None | <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV1V2Analysis'> | 6 | None | <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_retinanet.TensorFlowRetinaNet'> | 7 | None | <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_od_api.TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIAnalysis'> | 8 | None | <class 'extensions.analysis.nodes.IntermediatesNodesAnalysis'> | 9 | None | <class 'extensions.analysis.inputs.InputsAnalysis'> | 10 | None | <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'> | 11 | False | <class 'extensions.analysis.json_print.AnalysisJSONPrint'> | 12 | True | <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> | 13 | True | <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'> | 14 | True | <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'> | 15 | True | <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'> | 16 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.LoopNormalize.ONNXLoopNormalize'> | 17 | True | <class 'extensions.front.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs'> | 18 | True | <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'> | 19 | True | <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'> | 20 | True | <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'> | 21 | None | <class 'extensions.front.YOLO.YoloV3RegionAddon'> | 22 | True | <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.VariadicSplitInputsSwap'> | 23 | True | <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'> | 24 | True | <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'> | 25 | True | <class 'extensions.front.ThresholdedReluDecomposition.ThresholdedReluDecomposition'> | 26 | True | <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithoutBeta'> | 27 | True | <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithBeta'> | 28 | False | <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'> | 29 | True | <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> | 30 | True | <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'> | 31 | True | <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.SplitInputsReconnect'> | 32 | True | <class 'extensions.front.Softplus_fusion.SoftplusFusion'> | 33 | True | <class 'extensions.front.Mish_fusion.MishFusion'> | 34 | True | <class 'extensions.front.softsign_replacer.SoftSign'> | 35 | True | <class 'extensions.front.scatter_normalizer.ScatterNormalizer'> | 36 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.resize_to_interpolate.ResizeToInterpolate3D'> | 37 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.resize_to_interpolate.ResizeToInterpolate2D'> | 38 | True | <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'> | 39 | True | <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'> | 40 | True | <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'> | 41 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_dequantize_linear.QuantizeDequantizeLinear'> | 42 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_linear_resolver.QuantizeLinearResolver'> | 43 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dequantize_linear_resolver.DequantizeLinearResolver'> | 44 | True | <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'> | 45 | True | <class ''> | 46 | True | <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'> | 47 | True | <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'> | 48 | True | <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'> | 49 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.one_hot_normalize.OneHotNormalize'> | 50 | True | <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.SqueezeAxis'> | 51 | True | <class 'extensions.front.OneHotDepthNormalizer.OneHotDepthNormalizer'> | 52 | None | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.person_detection_crossroad_conversion.ONNXPersonDetectionCrossroadReplacement'> | 53 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pad_converter.ONNXPadToPad'> | 54 | None | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.mask_rcnn_conversion.ONNXMaskRCNNTransformation'> | 55 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmaxONNX_to_softmax.SoftmaxONNXFrontReplacer'> | 56 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.normalize_l2_normalize.NormalizeL2Normalize'> | 57 | True | <class 'extensions.front.non_max_suppression_normalize.NonMaxSuppressionNormalize'> | 58 | True | <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'> | 59 | None | <class 'extensions.front.YOLO.YoloRegionAddon'> | 60 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.logsoftmaxONNX_to_logsoftmax.LogSoftmaxONNXFrontReplacer'> | 61 | True | <class 'extensions.front.Log1p.Log1p'> | 62 | True | <class 'extensions.front.LayerNorm.LayerNorm'> | 63 | True | <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'> | 64 | True | <class 'extensions.front.interpolate_reshape.InterpolateWithConcat'> | 65 | True | <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'> | 66 | True | <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'> | 67 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.hard_sigmoid_ext.HardSigmoidFrontExtractor'> | 68 | True | <class 'extensions.front.global_pooling_to_reduce.GlobalPoolingToReduce'> | 69 | True | <class 'extensions.front.MatMul_normalizer.GemmDecomposer'> | 70 | True | <class 'extensions.front.GeLUMerger_Tanh.GeLUMergerTanh'> | 71 | True | <class 'extensions.front.GeLUMerger_Erf.GeLUMergerErf'> | 72 | True | <class 'extensions.front.MatMul_normalizer.FullyConnectedDecomposer'> | 73 | True | <class 'extensions.front.flatten_to_reshape.FlattenToReshape'> | 74 | True | <class 'extensions.front.rank_decomposer.RankDecomposer'> | 75 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.flattenONNX_to_reshape.FlattenONNXToReshape'> | 76 | True | <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'> | 77 | True | <class ''> | 78 | True | <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'> | 79 | True | <class 'extensions.front.broadcast_with_range.ExpandRangeConstant'> | 80 | True | <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'> | 81 | False | <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'> | 82 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_to_broadcast.ConstantOfShapeToBroadcast'> | 83 | True | <class 'extensions.front.ChangePlaceholderTypes.ChangePlaceholderTypes'> | 84 | True | <class 'extensions.front.ChangeCastOutputType.ChangeCastOutputType'> | 85 | True | <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'> | 86 | True | <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.AttributedVariadicSplitToVariadicSplit'> | 87 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.remove_filtering_boxes_by_size.RemoveFilteringBoxesBySize'> | 88 | True | <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.AttributedSplitToSplit'> | 89 | True | <class 'extensions.front.onnx.AttributedSliceToSlice.AttributedSliceToSliceReplacer'> | 90 | True | <class 'extensions.front.AttributedPadToPad.AttributedPadToPad'> | 91 | True | <class 'extensions.front.AttributedGatherNormalizer.AttributedGatherNormalizer'> | 92 | True | <class 'extensions.front.AttributedClampNormalizer.AttributedClampNormalizer'> | 93 | True | <class 'extensions.front.HSwish_fusion.HSwishWithMinMax'> | 94 | True | <class 'extensions.front.HSwish_fusion.HSwishWithClamp'> | 95 | True | <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithReluMul'> | 96 | True | <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithReluDiv'> | 97 | True | <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithMinMax'> | 98 | True | <class 'extensions.front.HSigmoid_fusion.HSigmoidWithClamp'> | 99 | True | <class 'extensions.front.ATenToEmbeddingBag.AtenToEmbeddingBag'> | 100 | True | <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'> | 101 | True | <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'> | 102 | True | <class 'extensions.front.create_tensor_nodes.CreateTensorNodes'> | 103 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'> | 104 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseV2ToReverseSequence.ReverseToReverseSequence'> | 105 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteControlFlowEdges.DeleteControlFlowEdges'> | 106 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.MarkNodesToFuseUpToFakeQuantize'> | 107 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.FakeQuantizeFuse'> | 108 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'> | 109 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluFakeQuantizeMark'> | 110 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluQuantizeFuse'> | 111 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ClampQuantizeMark'> | 112 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.AddIsCyclicAttribute.AddIsCyclicAttribute'> | 113 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SmartInputMatcher'> | 114 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SmartOutputMatcher'> | 115 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SimpleOutputMatcher'> | 116 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.LoopConditionMatcher'> | 117 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.SimpleConditionMatcher'> | 118 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.DynamicDecoderConditionMatcher'> | 119 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorBackEdge.BackEdgesMatching'> | 120 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorConditionChecker.ConditionChecks'> | 121 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteNotExecutable.DeleteNotExecutable'> | 122 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SimpleInputMatcher'> | 123 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.BackEdgeSimpleInputMatcher'> | 124 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'> | 125 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.CheckForCycle.CheckForCycle'> | 126 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'> | 127 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'> | 128 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.UselessSplitEraser.UselessSplitEraser'> | 129 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.InputCut.MiddleInputCut'> | 130 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ScaleInput.ScaleInput'> | 131 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'> | 132 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveNodesWithZeroPhase'> | 133 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveIdentity'> | 134 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveDropout'> | 135 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.L2NormToNorm.L2NormToNorm'> | 136 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.DilatedConvolution.DilatedConvolutionConverter'> | 137 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.DilatedConvolution.DilatedConvolution1DConverter'> | 138 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.CustomSubgraphCall.CustomSubgraphCall'> | 139 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertMultiInputConv.ConvertMultiInputConv'> | 140 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'> | 141 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.UnsqueezeTileReshapeBlockToInterpolate.UnsqueezeTileReshapeBlockToInterpolate'> | 142 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.TF_lstm_cell_to_generic.TensorFlowLSTMtoGeneric'> | 143 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.SwapAxesMiddleReplacer.SwapAxisMiddleReplacer'> | 144 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.split_tdnn_memoryoffset.SplitTdnnMemoryOffset'> | 145 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.SplitConcatPairToInterpolate.SplitConcatPairToInterpolate'> | 146 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.sparse_reshape.SparseReshapeMiddleReplacer'> | 147 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.SliceLikeToStridedSlice.SliceLikeToStridedSlice'> | 148 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.SequenceLengthToMask.SequenceLengthToMask'> | 149 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseTransposeNormalization.ReverseTransposeNormalization'> | 150 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReplacePNorm.ReplacePNormNodePattern'> | 151 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithMemoryNodePattern'> | 152 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetNodePattern'> | 153 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessPad.RemoveUselessPad'> | 154 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.RemoveMemoryDuplicationPattern'> | 155 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.MergeNeighborSplicePattern'> | 156 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessCrops.RemoveUselessCropsPattern'> | 157 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.InsertSelect.AddSelectBeforeMemoryNodePattern'> | 158 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern'> | 159 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessConcatSplit.RemoveUselessConcatSplitPattern'> | 160 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RandomUniformReplacer.RandomUniformReplacer'> | 161 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXResize11ToInterpolateV4.ONNXResize11ToInterpolate4'> | 162 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'> | 163 | False | <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorLSTMToLSTMSequence.TensorIteratorLSTM'> | 164 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.MXTileReplacer.MXTileReplacer'> | 165 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetSplitMultiLayers.MXNetSplitLayersToRNNSequence'> | 166 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize'> | 167 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence'> | 168 | None | <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'> | 169 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.GRURNNSequenceToTensorIterator.GRUAndRNNToTensorIterator'> | 170 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.InterpolateSequenceToInterpolate.InterpolateSequenceToInterpolate'> | 171 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.UpsampleToResample.UpsampleToResample'> | 172 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.GatherNdNormalizer.GatherNDNormalize'> | 173 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormTraining.FusedBatchNormTraining'> | 174 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> | 175 | False | <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.Eltwise1DInputReshape'> | 176 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.Deconvolution3rdInputNormalization.Deconvolution3rdInputNormalization'> | 177 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBias.DecomposeBias'> | 178 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.CutInputHavingZeroDimFromConcat.CutInputHavingZeroDimFromConcat'> | 179 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.SliceConverter.ConvertSlice'> | 180 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice'> | 181 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations'> | 182 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ConvToBinaryConv.ConvToBinaryConv'> | 183 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ConstSwitchResolver.ConstSwitchEraser'> | 184 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.UselessMerge.UselessMergeEraser'> | 185 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ConcatOptimization.ConcatOdInputEraserAndPortsReconnect'> | 186 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence'> | 187 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.LSTMRNNSequenceToTensorIterator.LSTMToTensorIterator'> | 188 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'> | 189 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.reverse_tensor_iterator.ReverseTensorIteratorLSTM'> | 190 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.BiasAddBroadcasting.BiasAddInputBroadcasting'> | 191 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'> | 192 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.GroupNorm.GroupNormToMVN'> | 193 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.AttributedTileNormalizer.AttributedTileNormalizer'> | 194 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ArgMaxToTopK.ArgMaxToTopK'> | 195 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.FakeSplitOutputs.AddFakeOutputsToVariadicSplit'> | 196 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.FakeSplitOutputs.AddFakeOutputsToSplit'> | 197 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'> | 198 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize'> | 199 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.fusings.Fusing'> | 200 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.LeakyReluPattern.LeakyReLUFusion'> | 201 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.preprocessing.CaffeMeanFileProcessing'> | 202 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ConcatOptimization.ConcatOptimization'> | 203 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.FuseReshapesSequence.FuseReshapesSequence'> | 204 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveRedundantReshapes.RemoveRedundantReshapes'> | 205 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PostMiddleStart'> | 206 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.MarkSubgraphsWithCorrectLayout.MarkSubGraphsWithCorrectLayout'> | 207 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.InsertLayoutPropagationTransposes.InsertLayoutPropagationTranspose'> | 208 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.LayoutChangeForConstantShapePaths.LayoutChangeForConstantShapePaths'> | 209 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ApplyNHWCtoNCHWpermutation.ApplyNHWCtoNCHWpermutation'> | 210 | True | <class 'extensions.middle.ApplyPermutations.ApplyPermutation'> | 211 | True | <class 'extensions.back.pass_separator.BackStart'> | 212 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.V7ConvolutionWithGroupsResolver'> | 213 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.V10ConvolutionWithGroupsResolver'> | 214 | True | <class 'extensions.back.UselessConcatRemoval.UselessConcatRemoval'> | 215 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ShufflenetReLUReorder.ShufflenetReLUReorder'> | 216 | True | <class 'extensions.back.SelectBroadcast.SelectBroadcast'> | 217 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.ReverseChannelsPropagationUp'> | 218 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.ReverseChannelsPropagationDown'> | 219 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ResultNormalizer.ResultNormalizer'> | 220 | True | <class 'extensions.back.CorrectName.RestoreOriginalFrameworkName'> | 221 | False | <class 'extensions.back.RemoveUselessConvert.RemoveUselessConvert'> | 222 | True | <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> | 223 | True | <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastLogSoftMaxPattern'> | 224 | True | <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.RemoveConstToResult'> | 225 | True | <class 'extensions.back.RNNSequenceTypeRename.RNNSequence'> | 226 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.PullReshapeThroughFQ'> | 227 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ProposalMutation.ProposalMutation'> | 228 | True | <class 'extensions.back.priorbox_mutation.PriorboxMutation'> | 229 | True | <class 'extensions.back.PackBinaryWeights.PackBinaryWeights'> | 230 | False | <class 'extensions.back.op_versioning.OpVersioning'> | 231 | False | <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.NormalizeTI'> | 232 | True | <class 'extensions.back.fuse_sub_div_min.Negate'> | 233 | True | <class 'extensions.back.fuse_sub_div_min.EltwisesToSubtract'> | 234 | True | <class 'extensions.back.MaxPool.MaxPool'> | 235 | True | <class 'extensions.back.MatMulNormalizer.MatMulConstTransposesExtraction'> | 236 | True | <class 'extensions.back.MatMulNormalizer.SmartReshape_HC_Reshape_MatMul'> | 237 | True | <class 'extensions.back.MatMulNormalizer.PullTransposeThroughFQUp'> | 238 | True | <class 'extensions.back.LeakyReLUMutation.LeakyReLUMutation'> | 239 | True | <class 'extensions.back.LayoutChangeForGatherND.LayoutChangeForGatherND'> | 240 | True | <class 'extensions.back.LRNToNorm.LRN_normalization'> | 241 | True | <class 'extensions.back.InterpolateReshape.InterpolateConcat'> | 242 | False | <class 'extensions.back.InterpolateReshape.InterpolateReshapeWA'> | 243 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.InsertReverseChannels'> | 244 | True | <class 'extensions.back.GatherNormalizer.GatherTreeNormalizer'> | 245 | True | <class 'extensions.back.FuseTransposesSequence.FuseTransposesSequence'> | 246 | True | <class 'extensions.back.TransposeReduceFusing.TransposeReduce'> | 247 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ReduceMerge.ReduceMerge'> | 248 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ScalarConstNormalize.ScalarNormalize'> | 249 | True | <class 'extensions.back.TopKNormalizer.TopKNormalizer'> | 250 | True | <class 'extensions.back.Reshape0DToSqueeze.Reshape0DToSqueeze'> | 251 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization'> | 252 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization.ShuffleChannelFusion'> | 253 | False | <class 'extensions.back.OptimizeTransposeReshapeSequence.OptimizeTransposeReshapeSequence'> | 254 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ReduceTransposeDimensions.ReduceTransposeDimensions'> | 255 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization.DepthToSpaceFusion'> | 256 | True | <class 'extensions.back.FakeOutputResolver.FakeOutputResolver'> | 257 | True | <class 'extensions.back.EnableConstantStridedSlice.EnableConstantStridedSlice'> | 258 | True | <class 'extensions.back.fuse_sub_div_min.EltwisesToDiv'> | 259 | False | <class 'extensions.back.disable_unsupported_ND_operations.DisableUnsupportedNDOperations'> | 260 | False | <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.DecomposeReverseChannels'> | 261 | True | <class 'extensions.back.CutMemory.CutMemoryOutput'> | 262 | True | <class 'extensions.back.CutMemory.CutMemoryInput'> | 263 | True | <class 'extensions.back.CropToStridedSlice.CropToStridedSlice'> | 264 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.ConvolutionNormalizer'> | 265 | True | <class 'extensions.back.compress_quantized_weights.CompressQuantizeWeights'> | 266 | True | <class 'extensions.back.insert_compatibility_l2normalization.CompatibilityL2NormalizationPattern'> | 267 | True | <class 'extensions.back.NormalizeToNormalizeL2.NormalizeToNormalizeL2'> | 268 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ClampNormalizer.ClampNormalizer'> | 269 | True | <class 'extensions.back.CellNormalizer.CellNormalizer'> | 270 | True | <class 'extensions.back.AvgPool.AvgPool'> | 271 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ReverseInputChannels.ApplyReverseChannels'> | 272 | True | <class 'extensions.back.GroupedConvWeightsNormalize.GroupedConvWeightsNormalize'> | 273 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.DeconvolutionNormalizer'> | 274 | True | <class 'extensions.back.StridedSliceMasksNormalizer.StridedSliceMasksNormalizer'> | 275 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.ConvolutionWithGroupsResolver'> | 276 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ReshapeMutation.ReshapeMutation'> | 277 | True | <class 'extensions.back.ForceStrictPrecision.ForceStrictPrecision'> | 278 | True | <class 'extensions.back.pass_separator.BackFinish'> | 279 | False | <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.RemoveConstOps'> | 280 | True | <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> | 281 | False | <class 'extensions.back.SpecialNodesFinalization.CreateConstNodesReplacement'> | 282 | True | <class 'extensions.back.blob_normalizer.BlobNormalizer'> | 283 | False | <class 'extensions.middle.MulFakeQuantizeFuse.MulFakeQuantizeFuse'> | 284 | False | <class 'extensions.middle.AddFakeQuantizeFuse.AddFakeQuantizeFuse'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:16,886 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.load.onnx.loader.ONNXLoader'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,384 ] [ DEBUG ] [ loader:43 ] Number of nodes in graph_def: 3838 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,384 ] [ DEBUG ] [ loader:44 ] Number of all input ports (not true inputs) in graph_def: 3 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,387 ] [ DEBUG ] [ loader:45 ] Number of initializers in graph_def: 635 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,387 ] [ DEBUG ] [ loader:47 ] Number of real inputs in graph_def: -632 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,388 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Abs to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AbsExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,390 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Acos to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AcosExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,391 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Acosh to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AcoshExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,392 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Asin to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AsinExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,392 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Asinh to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AsinhExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,393 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Atan to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AtanExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,393 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Atanh to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.AtanhExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,394 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Ceil to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.CeilExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,395 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Cos to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.CosExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,395 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Cosh to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.CoshExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,396 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Elu to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.EluExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,398 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Erf to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ErfExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,398 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Exp to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ExpExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,400 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Floor to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.FloorExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,403 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ThresholdedRelu to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ThresholdedReluExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,405 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry LeakyRelu to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.LeakyReLUExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,405 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Log to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.LogExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,406 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Not to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.NotExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,407 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Relu to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.ReLUExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,408 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Sigmoid to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SigmoidExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,409 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Sign to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SignExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,410 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Sin to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SinExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,411 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Sinh to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.SinhExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,411 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Tan to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.TanExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,412 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Tanh to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.activation_ext.TanhExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,413 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Affine to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.affine_ext.AffineFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,413 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ArgMax to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.argmax_ext.ArgMaxFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,414 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ATen to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.aten_ext.ATenFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,414 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Cast to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.cast_ext.CastFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,415 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Clip to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.clip_ext.ClipFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,416 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Const to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.const_ext.ConstExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,417 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Constant to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.const_ext.ConstantExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,417 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ConstantFill to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_fill_ext.ConstantFillFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,419 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ConstantOfShape to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_ext.ConstantOfShapeExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,420 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Conv to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,421 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ConvTranspose to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvTransposeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,422 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Crop to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.crop_ext.CropFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,423 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry CumSum to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.cumsum_ext.CumSumFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,424 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry DeformableConv2D to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.deformable_conv_ext.DeformableConvExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,424 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry DepthToSpace to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.depth_to_space_ext.DepthToSpaceFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,425 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry DequantizeLinear to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dequantize_linear_ext.DequantizeLinearFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,426 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry DetectionOutput to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detection_output.DetectionOutputFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,427 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detectionoutput_ext.ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutputFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,427 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Dropout to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dropout_ext.DropoutFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,428 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Add to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AddFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,429 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Sub to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SubFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,430 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Mul to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MulFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,430 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Div to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.DivFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,431 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Sum to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SumFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,432 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Pow to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.PowFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,432 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Neg to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.NegFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,433 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Sqrt to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SqrtExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,434 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Scale to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.ScaleFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,434 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Max to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MaxExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,435 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Min to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MinExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,435 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Equal to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.EqualExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,436 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Less to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.LessExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,436 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Greater to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.GreaterExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,437 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry And to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AndExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,437 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Or to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.OrExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,438 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Xor to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.XorExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,439 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Round to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.RoundFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,440 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Expand to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.expand_ext.ExpandExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,442 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Flatten to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.flatten_ext.FlattenFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,442 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Gather to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gather_ext.GatherFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,442 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry GatherND to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gathernd_ext.GatherNDFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,443 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Gemm to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gemm_ext.GemmFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,443 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronGroupNorm to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.group_norm_ext.ExperimentalDetectronGroupNorm'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,444 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry GroupNorm to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.group_norm_ext.GroupNormExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,444 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry GRU to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gru_ext.GRUFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,445 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ImageScaler to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.image_scaler_ext.ImageScalerFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,445 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry InstanceNormalization to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.instance_normalization_ext.InstanceNormalizationExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,446 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Loop to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.loop_ext.LoopExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,447 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry LpNormalization to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lp_normalization_ext.LPNormalizeExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,447 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry LRN to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lrn_ext.LRNFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,448 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry LSTM to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lstm_ext.LSTMFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,448 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry MatMul to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.matmul_ext.MatMulFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,449 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry MeanVarianceNormalization to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.mean_variance_normalization_ext.MeanVarianceNormalizationExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,450 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry NonMaxSuppression to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.non_max_suppression_ext.NonMaxSuppressionExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,451 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry NonZero to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.non_zero_ext.NonZeroExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,451 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Normalize to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.normalize_ext.NormalizeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,452 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry OneHot to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.one_hot_ext.OneHotExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,455 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Pad to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pad_ext.PadFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,455 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Parameter to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.parameter_ext.PlaceholderFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,456 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry AveragePool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.AveragePoolFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,456 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry MaxPool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.MaxPoolFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,457 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry GlobalAveragePool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalAveragePoolFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,457 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry GlobalMaxPool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalMaxPoolFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,458 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry PriorBoxClustered to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_clustered_ext.PriorBoxClusteredFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,458 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry PriorBox to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_ext.PriorBoxFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,458 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorgridgenerator_ext.ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGeneratorFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,459 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.proposal_ext.ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImageFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,463 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry FakeQuantize to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_ext.FakeQuantizeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,465 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry QuantizeLinear to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_linear_ext.QuantizeLinearFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,466 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Range to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.range_ext.RangeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,466 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReduceL1 to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceL1Extractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,467 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReduceL2 to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceL2Extractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,468 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReduceMax to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceMaxFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,468 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReduceMean to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceMeanFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,469 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReduceMin to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceMinFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,470 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReduceProd to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceProdFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,470 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReduceSum to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_ext.ReduceSumFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,471 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Resize to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.resize_ext.ResizeExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,471 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ReverseSequence to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reverse_sequence_ext.ReverseSequenceExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,472 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry RNN to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.rnn_ext.RNNFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,472 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ROIAlign to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.roialign_ext.ROIAlignExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,473 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.roifeatureextractor_ext.ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractorFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,473 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Scatter to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.scatter_ext.ScatterExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,474 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ScatterElements to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.scatter_ext.ScatterElementsExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,475 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ScatterND to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.scatter_ext.ScatterNDExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,477 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Shape to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.shape_ext.ShapeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,477 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Slice to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.slice_ext.SliceFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,478 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Softmax to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmax_ext.SoftmaxExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,479 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry LogSoftmax to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmax_ext.LogSoftmaxExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,479 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Softplus to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softplus_ext.SoftPlusExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,480 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry SpaceToDepth to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.space_to_depth_ext.SpaceToDepthFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,480 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Split to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.split_ext.SplitFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,481 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Squeeze to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.squeeze_ext.SqueezeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,481 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry TopK to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.top_k_ext.TopKExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,484 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.topkrois_ext.ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIsFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,486 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Transpose to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.transpose_ext.TransposeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,487 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Unsqueeze to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.unsqueeze_ext.UnsqueezeFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,488 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Upsample to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.upsample_ext.UpsampleFrontExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,488 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ] Added a new entry Where to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.where_ext.WhereExtractor'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,488 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorIterator to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.tensor_iterator.TensorIterator'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,488 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Activation to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,489 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Assign to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.assign.Assign'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,493 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AttributedGather to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.gather.AttributedGather'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,494 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Broadcast to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.broadcast.Broadcast'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,496 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AttributedClamp to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.clamp.AttributedClamp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,496 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Clamp to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,497 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Convolution to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,497 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Deconvolution to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.deconvolution.Deconvolution'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,498 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry DeformableConvolution to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.deformable_convolution.DeformableConvolution'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,498 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Eltwise to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,499 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry EltwiseN to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_n.EltwiseN'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,499 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry EltwiseNin1 to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_ninputs_in_1.EltwiseNin1'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,500 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ExpandDims to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,500 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Fill to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.fill.Fill'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,501 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry FlattenONNX to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.flatten.FlattenONNX'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,502 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry LogSoftmaxONNX to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.log_softmax.LogSoftmaxONNX'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,503 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AttributedLRN to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.lrn.AttributedLRN'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,503 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry LstmNonLinearity to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.lstmnonlinearity.LstmNonLinearity'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,504 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Memory to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,504 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry MemoryOffset to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.memoryoffset.MemoryOffset'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,504 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AttributedPad to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.pad.AttributedPad'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,506 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TFPad to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.pad.TFPad'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,507 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ONNXPad to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.pad.ONNXPad'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,508 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Permute to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,509 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Pooling to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,509 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AttributedPower to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.power.AttributedPower'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,510 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ReadValue to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.read_value.ReadValue'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,511 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Result to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.result.Result'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,511 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ROIPooling to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,512 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ScaleShift to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,512 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ShapeOf to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.shape.Shape'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,512 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AttributedSlice to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.slice.AttributedSlice'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,513 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry CaffeSlice to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.slice.CaffeSlice'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,513 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TFSlice to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.slice.TFSlice'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,514 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry MXSlice to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.slice.MXSlice'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,515 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SoftMaxONNX to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.softmax.SoftmaxONNX'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,517 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SpaceToBatch to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.space_to_batch.SpaceToBatch'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,518 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry BatchToSpace to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.space_to_batch.BatchToSpace'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,518 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry StridedSlice to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.strided_slice.StridedSlice'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,519 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry tdnncomponent to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.tdnncomponent.TdnnComponent'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,519 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Tile to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,520 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AttributedTile to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.tile.AttributedTile'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,520 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry BlockLSTM to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.BlockLSTM.BlockLSTM'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,520 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Enter to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.Enter.Enter'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,520 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Exit to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.Exit.Exit'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,521 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ExtractImagePatches to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.ExtractImagePatches.ExtractImagePatches'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,522 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry GRUCell to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.GRUCell.GRUCell'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,522 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry GatherTree to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.GatherTree.GatherTree'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,523 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry LookupTableInsert to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.LookupTableInsert.LookupTableInsert'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,524 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry FullyConnected to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.MatMul.FullyConnected'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,525 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry NextIteration to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.NextIteration.NextIteration'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,527 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ONNXResize11 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.ONNXResize11.ONNXResize11Op'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,527 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry RNNCell to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.RNNCell.RNNCell'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,527 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Reverse to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.Reverse.Reverse'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,528 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorArrayV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArray.TensorArray'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,528 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorArrayGatherV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayGather.TensorArrayGather'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,529 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorArrayReadV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayRead.TensorArrayReader'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,529 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorArrayScatterV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayScatter.TensorArrayScatter'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,530 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorArraySizeV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArraySize.TensorArraySize'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,531 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorArrayWriteV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayWrite.TensorArrayWriter'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,531 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorIteratorInput to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorInput'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,532 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorIteratorOutput to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorOutput'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,532 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorIteratorCondition to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorCondition'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,533 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry TensorIteratorBackEdge to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorBackEdge'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,534 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Accum to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,535 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Swish to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.Swish'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,535 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry AdaptiveAvgPooling to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.adaptive_avg_pooling.AdaptiveAvgPooling'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,538 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Assert to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.assert_op.Assert'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,538 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Axpy to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.axpy.AxpyOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,539 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Binarization to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.binarization.Binarization'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,539 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry BN to extractors with custom op class <class ''>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,540 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry _contrib_box_nms to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.box_nms.BoxNms'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,540 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Bucketize to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.bucketize.Bucketize'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,541 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry copy to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.copyop.CopyOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,542 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Correlation to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,542 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry CTCGreedyDecoder to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,543 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry CTCLoss to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_loss.CTCLoss'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,543 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry MXNetCumSum to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.cumsum.MXNetCumSum'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,544 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry DataAugmentation to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,544 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry FakeOutput to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.fake_output.FakeOutput'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,545 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Gelu to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.gelu.GeLUOP'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,547 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry GRN to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,548 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry HardSigmoid to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.hard_sigmoid.HardSigmoid'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,549 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry IdentityN to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.identity.IdentityN'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,550 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Interp to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,551 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Interpolate to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.interpolate.Interpolate'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,551 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry LSTMCell to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_cell.LSTMCell'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,552 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry LSTMSequence to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_sequence.LSTMSequence'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,552 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Merge to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.merge.Merge'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,553 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry MVN to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,554 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry MXRepeat to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.mxrepeat.MXRepeat'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,554 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry MXReshape to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.mxreshape.MXReshape'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,554 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry NormalizeL2 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.normalize_l2.NormalizeL2Op'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,555 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Pack to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.pack.PackOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,555 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry pnorm to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.pnorm.PNormOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,556 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry PowerFile to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,556 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry PredictionHeatmap to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,557 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry PReLU to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PReLU'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,559 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Proposal to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,560 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry PSROIPooling to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,561 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Rank to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.rank.Rank'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,563 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry RegionYolo to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,564 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ReorgYolo to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,565 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Resample to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,566 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Select to extractors with custom op class <class ''>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,566 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry ShuffleChannels to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.shufflechannel.ShuffleChannels'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,567 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SimplerNMS to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,567 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Size to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.size.Size'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,569 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry slice_like to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.slice_like.SliceLike'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,570 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SparseFillEmptyRows to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_fill_empty_rows.SparseFillEmptyRows'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,570 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SparseReshape to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_reshape.SparseReshape'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,571 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SparseSegmentMean to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_segment_mean.SparseSegmentMean'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,572 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SparseSegmentSqrtN to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_segment_sqrtn.SparseSegmentSqrtN'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,572 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SparseSegmentSum to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_segment_sum.SparseSegmentSum'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,573 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SpatialTransformer to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,573 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Splice to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.splice.Splice'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,574 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry StopGradient to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.stop_gradient.StopGradientOp'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,574 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry SwapAxis to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.swapaxis.SwapAxis'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,575 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Switch to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.switch.Switch'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,575 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ] Added a new entry Unique to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.unique.Unique'>. [ 2021-01-29 17:54:17,710 ] [ DEBUG ] [ loader:60 ] Number of nodes in NX graph: 4477 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,687 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.load.loader.LoadFinish'> [ INFO ] Skip replacer <class 'extensions.front.transformations_config.TransformationsConfig'> (graph_condition not satisfied) [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,718 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.boolean_input.TrainingPhaseAnalysis'> [ INFO ] Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV3Analysis'> (graph_condition not satisfied) [ INFO ] Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV1V2Analysis'> (graph_condition not satisfied) [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,736 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_retinanet.TensorFlowRetinaNet'> [ INFO ] Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_od_api.TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIAnalysis'> (graph_condition not satisfied) [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,840 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.nodes.IntermediatesNodesAnalysis'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,866 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.inputs.InputsAnalysis'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,889 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'> [ INFO ] Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.json_print.AnalysisJSONPrint'> (enabled = False) [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,900 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,913 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,940 ] [ DEBUG ] [ graph:1063 ] Sink: exemplar_based_output/sink_port_0 for node exemplar_based_output [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,941 ] [ DEBUG ] [ graph:1064 ] {'kind': 'op', 'op': 'Result', 'type': 'Result', 'version': 'opset1', 'infer': <function Result.init.. at 0x0000024CA57240D0>, 'value': None, 'data_type': None, 'in_ports_count': 1, 'name': 'exemplar_based_output/sink_port_0', 'dim_attrs': ['spatial_dims', 'channel_dims', 'axis', 'batch_dims'], 'shape_attrs': ['pad', 'window', 'stride', 'shape', 'output_shape'], 'IE': [('layer', [('id', <function Op.substitute_ie_attrs.. at 0x0000024D05E33950>), 'name', 'type', 'version'], [('data', [], []), '@ports', '@consts'])], '_in_ports': {0: {}}, '_out_ports': {}} [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,942 ] [ DEBUG ] [ graph:1065 ] Add edge from exemplar_based_output to exemplar_based_output/sink_port_0 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:18,969 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:66 ] The following nodes are seeded as output reachable: exemplar_based_output/sink_port_0 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,260 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:142 ] Removing the following dead nodes: [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,287 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,333 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:66 ] The following nodes are seeded as output reachable: exemplar_based_output/sink_port_0 [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,555 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:142 ] Removing the following dead nodes: [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,582 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,622 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.onnx.LoopNormalize.ONNXLoopNormalize'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,656 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs.MoveEmbeddedInputsToInputs'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,785 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:19,883 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,082 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,115 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.YOLO.YoloV3RegionAddon'> [ WARNING ] Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFYOLOV3' doesn't exist [ INFO ] Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFYOLOV3' [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,151 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.split_normalizer.VariadicSplitInputsSwap'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,185 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,376 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,417 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.ThresholdedReluDecomposition.ThresholdedReluDecomposition'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,453 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithoutBeta'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,582 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.Swish_fusion.SwishWithSigmoidWithBeta'> [ INFO ] Skip replacer <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'> (enabled = False) [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,699 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,933 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:282 ] Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'> [ ERROR ] Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'>): The Squeeze layer "Squeeze_1931" should either have 2 inputs or one input and an "squeeze_dims" attribute [ 2021-01-29 17:54:20,939 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:310 ] Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\utils\", line 288, in apply_transform for_graph_and_each_sub_graph_recursively(graph, replacer.find_and_replace_pattern) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\middle\", line 58, in for_graph_and_each_sub_graph_recursively func(graph) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\extensions\front\", line 44, in find_and_replace_pattern 'attribute'.format(squeeze_node.soft_get('name'))) mo.utils.error.Error: The Squeeze layer "Squeeze_1931" should either have 2 inputs or one input and an "squeeze_dims" attribute

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\", line 297, in main ret_code = driver(argv) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\", line 264, in driver ret_res = emit_ir(prepare_ir(argv), argv) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\", line 233, in prepare_ir graph = unified_pipeline(argv) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\pipeline\", line 29, in unified_pipeline class_registration.ClassType.BACK_REPLACER File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\utils\", line 338, in apply_replacements apply_replacements_list(graph, replacers_order) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\utils\", line 328, in apply_replacements_list num_transforms=len(replacers_order)) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\utils\", line 124, in wrapper function(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\mo\utils\", line 308, in apply_transform )) from err mo.utils.error.Error: Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'>): The Squeeze layer "Squeeze_1931" should either have 2 inputs or one input and an "squeeze_dims" attribute

dedoogong commented 3 years ago

samething happend even when I run the provided way of using as below;

C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader>python --name cocosnet ========== Converting cocosnet to ONNX Conversion to ONNX command: "C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\" "--model-path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\models\public\cocosnet" "--model-path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet/model_files" --model-name=Pix2PixModel --import-module=model --input-shape=[1,151,256,256],[1,3,256,256],[1,151,256,256] "--output-file=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet/cocosnet.onnx" "--model-param=corr_weights=r\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet/model_files/ckpt/latest_net_Corr.pth\"" "--model-param=gen_weights=r\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet/model_files/ckpt/latest_net_G.pth\"" --input-names=input_seg_map,ref_image,ref_seg_map --output-names=exemplar_based_output

apex not found Network [NoVGGCorrespondence] was created. Total number of parameters: 59.3 million. To see the architecture, do print(network). Network [SPADEGenerator] was created. Total number of parameters: 96.7 million. To see the architecture, do print(network). C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\ UserWarning: nn.functional.tanh is deprecated. Use torch.tanh instead. warnings.warn("nn.functional.tanh is deprecated. Use torch.tanh instead.") C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet/model_files\models\networks\ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python integer might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! feature_height = int(image_height // self.opt.down) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet/model_files\models\networks\ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python integer might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! feature_width = int(image_width // self.opt.down) ONNX check passed successfully.

========== Converting cocosnet to IR (FP16) Conversion command: "C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe" -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\" --framework=onnx --data_type=FP16 "--output_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet\FP16" --model_name=cocosnet "--input_model=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\public\cocosnet/cocosnet.onnx" --input=input_seg_map,ref_image,ref_seg_map --output=exemplar_based_output --mean_values=ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5] --scale_values=ref_image[127.5,127.5,127.5] --reverse_input_channels

Model Optimizer arguments: Common parameters:

eaidova commented 3 years ago

@dedoogong please carefully look to model converter requirements, it does not include torch 1.7 It is well-know issue that this model can not be successfully converted with pytorch 1.7 usage. Please downgrade pytorch version

vladimir-dudnik commented 3 years ago

@dedoogong if there any special reason for you to use MO directly? It is easy to make mistakes in cmd options. We'd recommend to use OMZ script instead. This will call MO with correct cmd line params using model.yml as a config file. It should be more convenient way to call simple --name cocosnet. It does not free you up from setting correct python environment though.

dedoogong commented 3 years ago

Ok thank you. By the way I've been trying to run accuracy check for cocosnet model but failed with some error;

my command is below; the IR files are saved in a folder named "FP32".

accuracy_check -c accuracy-check.yml -m FP32 -s /workspace/openvino/ADEChallengeData2016/images/training/ -a /workspace/openvino/ADEChallengeData2016/annotations/training/

root@1e24ec94ade6:/workspace/openvino/cocosnet# accuracy_check -c accuracy-check.yml -m FP32 -s /workspace/openvino/ADEChallengeData2016/images/training/ -a /workspace/openvino/ADEChallengeData2016/annotations/training/ Processing info: model: cocosnet launcher: dlsdk device: CPU dataset: cocosnet_image_translation OpenCV version: 4.5.1-openvino IE version: 2.1.2021.2.0-1877-176bdf51370-releases/2021/2 Loaded CPU plugin version: CPU - MKLDNNPlugin: 2.1.2021.2.0-1877-176bdf51370-releases/2021/2 cocosnet_network - Found model: FP32/cocosnet.xml cocosnet_network - Found weights: FP32/cocosnet.bin cocosnet_network - Input info: Layer name: input_seg_map precision: FP32 shape [1, 151, 256, 256]

    Layer name: ref_image
    precision: FP32
    shape [1, 3, 256, 256]

    Layer name: ref_seg_map
    precision: FP32
    shape [1, 151, 256, 256]

cocosnet_network - Output info Layer name: exemplar_based_output precision: FP32 shape: [1, 3, 256, 256]

0%| | 0/20210 [00:00<?]

05:59:52 accuracy_checker ERROR: OpenCV(4.5.1-openvino) ../opencv/modules/imgproc/src/color.simd_helpers.hpp:92: error: (-2:Unspecified error) in function 'cv::impl::{anonymous}::CvtHelper<VScn, VDcn, VDepth, sizePolicy>::CvtHelper(cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, int) [with VScn = cv::impl::{anonymous}::Set<3, 4>; VDcn = cv::impl::{anonymous}::Set<1>; VDepth = cv::impl::{anonymous}::Set<0, 2, 5>; cv::impl::{anonymous}::SizePolicy sizePolicy = (cv::impl::::SizePolicy)2; cv::InputArray = const cv::_InputArray&; cv::OutputArray = const cv::_OutputArray&]'

Invalid number of channels in input image: 'VScn::contains(scn)' where 'scn' is 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/", line 314, in main stored_predictions=args.stored_predictions, progress_reporter=progress_reporter, evaluator_kwargs File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/evaluators/", line 39, in process_dataset *args, stored_predictions=stored_predictions, progress_reporter=progress_reporter, *kwargs File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/evaluators/custom_evaluators/", line 151, in process_dataset batch_inputs = self._preprocessing_for_batch_input(batch_annotation, batch_inputs) File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/evaluators/custom_evaluators/", line 119, in _preprocessing_for_batch_input batch_annotation=batch_annotation)[0].data File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/preprocessor/", line 74, in process image=images[i], annotation_meta=batch_annotation[i].metadata if batch_annotation else None File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/preprocessor/", line 37, in call return self.process(args, kwargs) File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/preprocessor/", line 44, in process = process_data( if not isinstance(, list) else [ File "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/accuracy_checker/accuracy_checker/preprocessor/", line 42, in process_data return np.expand_dims(cv2.cvtColor(data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).astype(np.float32), -1) cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.1-openvino) ../opencv/modules/imgproc/src/color.simd_helpers.hpp:92: error: (-2:Unspecified error) in function 'cv::impl::{anonymous}::CvtHelper<VScn, VDcn, VDepth, sizePolicy>::CvtHelper(cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, int) [with VScn = cv::impl::{anonymous}::Set<3, 4>; VDcn = cv::impl::{anonymous}::Set<1>; VDepth = cv::impl::{anonymous}::Set<0, 2, 5>; cv::impl::{anonymous}::SizePolicy sizePolicy = (cv::impl::::SizePolicy)2; cv::InputArray = const cv::_InputArray&; cv::OutputArray = const cv::_OutputArray&]' Invalid number of channels in input image: 'VScn::contains(scn)' where 'scn' is 1

plus I faced similar error message when I run " python3 --name cocosnet --dataset_dir /workspace/openvino/ADEChallengeData2016" ========== Skipping cocosnet (quantization not supported)

So, I guess that AccuracyCheck + POT is not prepared for this multi input model yet right?

eaidova commented 3 years ago

@dedoogong Accuracy Checker supports this model (otherwise, you would not have config file for it, right?), the error comes from opencv and speaks that something went wrong during data reading, please check your data. Regarding quantizer, yes, currently, we did not release support for this model from its side, but it does not mean that POT does not support it, you still can create config and use POT CLI directly without quantizer wrapper

dedoogong commented 3 years ago

yeah right I understand. Can you give me some info about the data source? I downloaded ADE dataset and it looks like below;

ADEChallengeData2016/images/training/ ADE_train_00000001 ~ ADE_train_00020210.jpg ADEChallengeData2016/images/validataion/ ADE_val_00000001 ~ ADE_val_00002000.jpg ADEChallengeData2016/annotations/training/ ADE_train_00000001 ~ ADE_train_00020210.png ADEChallengeData2016/annotations/validataion/ ADE_val_00000001 ~ ADE_val_00002000.png

and I found the png(depth) files are for input_seg_map/ref_seg_map inputs and one jpg file is for ref_image input in the accuracy-check.yml file. 20 - name: "input_seg_map" 21 type: INPUT 22 value: "(.)ADE(.)val(.).png" 23 - name: "ref_image" 24 type: INPUT 25 value: "(.)train(.).jpg" 26 - name: "ref_seg_map" 27 type: INPUT 28 value: "(.)ADE(.)train(.).png"

to make the situation simple, I just copied all image files from traning/validation images, annnotations to one folder "/workspace/openvino/ADEChallengeData2016/images/training" and I just added

data_source: '/workspace/openvino/ADEChallengeData2016/images/training' under datasets item.

I hope you can see what is the wrong point of my setting. Sorry I never used cocosnet before and my goal is just to understand how to set the yml file and make the accuracy checker recognize multi inputs correctly.

Thank you

eaidova commented 3 years ago

@akorobeinikov could you please help to set up dataset for cocosnet accuracy testing?

@dedoogong you said that you need only understand how to recognize multi input, I am not sure that cocosnet is the best choise for it, because it is not use default AC pipeline natively and use custom pipeline evaluator. Possibly, better to use some different model for it? e.g. single-image-super-resolution models-1032

akorobeinikov commented 3 years ago

@dedoogong you should specify reference file (file for setting match val - train). You can download from here (ade20k_ref_test.txt). Also for psnr and ssim metrics you should set classification model (example googlenet-v3). So you should use the next command line: accuracy_check -c --models -s .

dedoogong commented 3 years ago

@eaidova thank you for your fast/kind reply. Yes SISR model is much simpler. Can you tell me what converter should I use for my own model? my model is similar as mono depth estimator but it uses sparse depth data to predect dense depth data. So I need to make my own converter.

Do I need to write my own converter? If yes, is there some guide docs? if not, what converter I need to use?

Maybe I guess, I need to make some a dataset_meta json file for my model and then openvino will convert and generate pickle/json files.

Is there a templete or guideline for the custom annotation? I guess my pickle should look like {"path":['00000001.png',........,'0001000.png']} right? anyway this trial actually gives me an json decoding error.

Well, I tried to find pre-conversion annotation meta file like dataset_meta.json, but there was nothing in whole openvino repo or model downloader or any in the openvino installed folder. I guess a pickle/ a json file which are defined in "dataset_definitions.yml" e.g. semantic_segmentation_adas.pickle semantic_segmentation_adas.json willl be generated from the datast_meta.json, right?

I need to write my own metric as it uses custom evaluation which is not listed in the existing metrics provided by openvino. But as you said cocosnet's custom evaluator is quite difficult to catch the overall flow. Is there some simpler example? Thank you very much.

vladimir-dudnik commented 3 years ago

@dedoogong you may start looking at accuracy checker documentation from here. Then each accuracy checker module also has documentation, located in its subfolder. For example, model adapters, annotation_converters and so on.

vladimir-dudnik commented 3 years ago

@dedoogong do you have additional questions on this?