openvinotoolkit / stable-diffusion-webui

Stable Diffusion web UI
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
247 stars 39 forks source link

[Bug]: Visual artifacts when using DPM++ schedulers and SDXL without the refiner model #109

Open meditat2001 opened 1 month ago

meditat2001 commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What happened?

When using OpenVino + SDXL 1.0 trained Model with 1024x1024 px and dpm samplers are used, artifacts occur (no refiner used).

Machine: Intel Iris Xe shared memory, 16GB Ram, PCIe 4, Windows 11, latest Chrome + Opera, OpenVino Toolkit, latest Intel Graphic driver.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Known Bug, please look at:

maybe solution is:

Interestingly with use of openvino has not the problem.

What should have happened?

Generate no artifacts


{ "Platform": "Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0", "Python": "3.10.6", "Version": "1.6.0", "Commit": "e5a634da06c62d72dbdc764b16c65ef3408aa588", "Script path": "D:\sd6\sd", "Data path": "D:\sd6\sd", "Extensions dir": "D:\sd6\sd\extensions", "Checksum": "564ad7b401cbfad4ee980db3c4aff31d7caa8904547bcd1593cff5be45671b22", "Commandline": [ "", "--skip-torch-cuda-test", "--precision", "full", "--no-half" ], "Torch env info": { "torch_version": "2.1.0+cpu", "is_debug_build": "False", "cuda_compiled_version": null, "gcc_version": null, "clang_version": null, "cmake_version": null, "os": "Microsoft Windows 11 Pro", "libc_version": "N/A", "python_version": "3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)] (64-bit runtime)", "python_platform": "Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0", "is_cuda_available": "False", "cuda_runtime_version": null, "cuda_module_loading": "N/A", "nvidia_driver_version": null, "nvidia_gpu_models": null, "cudnn_version": null, "pip_version": "pip3", "pip_packages": [ "numpy==1.23.5", "open-clip-torch==2.20.0", "pytorch-lightning==1.9.4", "torch==2.1.0", "torchdiffeq==0.2.3", "torchmetrics==1.4.0.post0", "torchsde==0.2.5", "torchvision==0.16.0" ], "conda_packages": null, "hip_compiled_version": "N/A", "hip_runtime_version": "N/A", "miopen_runtime_version": "N/A", "caching_allocator_config": "", "is_xnnpack_available": "True", "cpu_info": [ "Architecture=9", "CurrentClockSpeed=907", "DeviceID=CPU0", "Family=205", "L2CacheSize=5120", "L2CacheSpeed=", "Manufacturer=GenuineIntel", "MaxClockSpeed=2419", "Name=11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz", "ProcessorType=3", "Revision=" ] }, "Exceptions": [], "CPU": { "model": "Intel64 Family 6 Model 140 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel", "count logical": 8, "count physical": 4 }, "RAM": { "total": "16GB", "used": "10GB", "free": "5GB" }, "Extensions": [ { "name": "adetailer", "path": "D:\sd6\sd\extensions\adetailer", "version": "a89c01d3", "branch": "main", "remote": "" }, { "name": "deforum-for-automatic1111-webui", "path": "D:\sd6\sd\extensions\deforum-for-automatic1111-webui", "version": "5d63a339", "branch": "automatic1111-webui", "remote": "" }, { "name": "sd-webui-agent-scheduler", "path": "D:\sd6\sd\extensions\sd-webui-agent-scheduler", "version": "721a36f5", "branch": "main", "remote": "" } ], "Inactive extensions": [], "Environment": { "COMMANDLINE_ARGS": "--skip-torch-cuda-test --precision full --no-half", "GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED": "False" },

What browsers do you use to access the UI ?

Google Chrome, Other

Console logs


Additional information

No response