openvolley / ovscout2

An R Shiny app for scouting volleyball data files
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General UI considerations #5

Open raymondben opened 2 years ago

raymondben commented 2 years ago

Likely to be a growing list:

  1. is it better to have one complicated pop-up per step, or a series of simpler ones. e.g. when clicking the serve end location, the first popup could simply ask for confirmation of the serve type plus the serve outcome (error, ace, reception, rotation fault). Then if ace/reception, show a second one that asks for the receiving player. If error, ask for the error rype. etc.
raymondben commented 2 years ago
  1. the UI flow is oriented around the idea that you click the contact as it happens. But in many cases you don't know the outcome at the time of contact (e.g. shanked reception, is it a serve ace or is someone going to chase it down? Dodgy set, is it going to be called for a double contact or is it OK?) So there are many cases where you either have to guess what the outcome is, and maybe end up undoing and re-doing it, or you let the video play ahead and then rewind and do it, both of which are inefficient. Two potential solutions:

    i) the NEXT ui popup has the option to modify the previous one. This is currently implemented for reception error (you can click "reception in play" on the first contact, and then on the second contact you have the option of "reception error", which will ignore the second contact location that you just clicked and instead modify the already-entered reception row to an error and the serve to an ace. The same could be done with e.g. set errors, but I am not sure if this is realistic to implement for all relevant scenarios.

    ii) when a modal pops up, it includes a small video pane that plays a segment of video from (say) 1s before the clicked time to 3-5s after the clicked time, and plays it on repeat. (The time window covered by this clip could even be extended on each replay, so first time through it's -1s to +2s, then -1s to +4s, then -2s to +6s, etc). If you are unsure about something you can just watch that and hopefully not need to do/undo/redo the action. This would also help for situations where you didn't quite see what happened (did the attack deviate off the block, or the net? Which blocker touched it?)

raymondben commented 2 years ago

Attempt at a video review pane added in Fixed duration, layout needs some attention to stop it overlapping the elements on the modal. (The video review pane is a separate, absolute-positioned element)

Could alternatively loop the main video in the same way, instead of having the separate review pane. The user would hide the modal (shortcut key is currently z to do this) to view the loop.