The GUI prohibits the ability to configure a disk, that has been claimed for a backend, with any of the roles.
The API however still allows the disk/partition to be configured to your liking.
Testing code
# Copyright (C) 2016 iNuron NV
# This file is part of Open vStorage Open Source Edition (OSE),
# as available from
# and
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (GNU AGPLv3)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 as it comes
# in the LICENSE.txt file of the Open vStorage OSE distribution.
# Open vStorage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
from ci.helpers.api import OVSClient
from ovs.dal.lists.storagerouterlist import StorageRouterList
class ConfigureTest(object):
def test():
# Current configuration uses sda, sdb and sdc for backend
ip = ''
roles = ['WRITE']
diskname = 'sda'
api = OVSClient(ip, 'admin', 'admin')
ConfigureTest.add_disk_role(ip, diskname, roles, api)
# Expecting an error to occur
print 'Test failed'
def add_disk_role(ip, diskname, roles, api, min_size=2):
Partition and adds roles to a disk
:param ip: storagerouter ip where the disk is located
:type ip: str
:param diskname: shortname of a disk (e.g. sdb)
:type diskname: str
:param roles: list of roles you want to add to the disk
:type roles: list
:param api: specify a valid api connection to the setup
:type api: ci.helpers.api.OVSClient
:param min_size: minimum total_partition_size that is required to allocate the disk role
:type min_size: int
:param config: configuration file
:type config: dict
# Fetch information
storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(ip)
storagerouter_guid = storagerouter.guid
disk = ConfigureTest.get_disk_by_name(storagerouter, diskname)
# Check if there are any partitions on the disk, if so check if there is enough space
unused_partitions = []
if len(disk.partitions) > 0:
total_partition_size = 0
for partition in disk.partitions:
total_partition_size += partition.size
# Check if the partition is in use - could possibly write role on unused partition
# if partition.mountpoint is None:
# Means no output -> partition not mounted
# @Todo support partitions that are not sequentional
# Elect biggest unused partition as potential candidate
biggest_unused_partition = None
if len(unused_partitions) > 0:
# Sort the list based on size
unused_partitions.sort(key=lambda x: x.size, reverse=True)
biggest_unused_partition = unused_partitions[0]
if ((disk.size-total_partition_size)/1024**3) > min_size:
# disk is still large enough, let the partitioning begin and apply some roles!
ConfigureTest._configure_disk(storagerouter_guid=storagerouter_guid, disk_guid=disk.guid, offset=total_partition_size+1,
size=(disk.size-total_partition_size)-1, roles=roles, api=api)
elif biggest_unused_partition is not None and (biggest_unused_partition.size/1024**3) > min_size:
ConfigureTest._configure_disk(storagerouter_guid=storagerouter_guid, disk_guid=disk.guid, offset=biggest_unused_partition.offset,
size=biggest_unused_partition.size, roles=roles, api=api, partition_guid=biggest_unused_partition.guid)
# disk is too small
raise RuntimeError("Disk `{0}` on node `{1}` is too small for role(s) `{2}`, min. total_partition_size is `{3}`"
.format(diskname, ip, roles, min_size))
# there are no partitions on the disk, go nuke it!
ConfigureTest._configure_disk(storagerouter_guid, disk.guid, 0, disk.size, roles, api)
def _configure_disk(storagerouter_guid, disk_guid, offset, size, roles, api, partition_guid=None,
Partition a disk and add roles to it
:param storagerouter_guid: guid of a storagerouter
:type storagerouter_guid: str
:param disk_guid: guid of a disk
:type disk_guid: str
:param offset: start of the partition
:type offset: int
:param size: size of the partition
:type size: int
:param roles: roles to add to a partition (e.g. ['DB', 'WRITE'])
:type roles: list
:param api: specify a valid api connection to the setup
:type api: ci.helpers.api.OVSClient
:param timeout: time to wait for the task to complete
:type timeout: int
:param partition_guid: guid of the partition
:type partition_guid: str
:return: tuple that consists of disk_guid and storagerouter_guid
:rtype: tuple
data = {
'disk_guid': disk_guid,
'offset': offset,
'size': size,
'roles': roles,
'partition_guid': partition_guid
task_guid =
task_result = api.wait_for_task(task_id=task_guid, timeout=timeout)
if not task_result[0]:
error_msg = "Adjusting disk `{0}` has failed on storagerouter `{1}` with error '{2}'" \
.format(disk_guid, storagerouter_guid, task_result[1])
print (error_msg)
raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
print ("Adjusting disk `{0}` should have succeeded on storagerouter `{1}`"
.format(disk_guid, storagerouter_guid))
return disk_guid, storagerouter_guid
def get_disk_by_name(storagerouter, diskname):
disks = storagerouter.disks
for d in disks:
if == diskname:
return d
if __name__ == "__main__":
Adjusting disk `3984a040-7130-49eb-a80b-468b9a25b7c5` should have succeeded on storagerouter `32783fe3-b2df-471a-9db5-41419e07efa1`
Test failed
Problem description
The GUI prohibits the ability to configure a disk, that has been claimed for a backend, with any of the roles. The API however still allows the disk/partition to be configured to your liking.
Testing code
Possible solution
Return an error when the role is ['BACKEND']