openvstorage / framework

The Framework is a set of components and tools which brings the user an interface (GUI / API) to setup, extend and manage an Open vStorage platform.
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vDisk gui work #854

Closed wimpers closed 7 years ago

wimpers commented 8 years ago

On a vDisk detail page remove the caching section (strategy, dedupe, read cache limit)

kvanhijf commented 7 years ago --> openvstorage-2.7.4-rev.4243.1b1eb26

kvanhijf commented 7 years ago

@QA: VDiskController.get_config_params should no longer return any information regarding caching: Caching strategy, caching behavior, readcache limit

In the GUI, on the management actions tab, all 'caching' information should be gone

JeffreyDevloo commented 7 years ago


API test code

Test the fetching of the information (as mentioned in the ticket) and the changing of the caching (editing the values of the cache - test for backwards compatibility eg. old api still functions)(Not mentioned in the ticket)

# Copyright (C) 2016 iNuron NV
# This file is part of Open vStorage Open Source Edition (OSE),
# as available from
# and
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (GNU AGPLv3)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 as it comes
# in the LICENSE.txt file of the Open vStorage OSE distribution.
# Open vStorage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.

from ci.helpers.api import OVSClient

class VDiskTest(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.api = OVSClient('', 'admin', 'admin')

    def run(self):
        # Run all test cases


    def _get_config_params(self, vdisk_guid):
        task_guid = self.api.get('/vdisks/{0}/get_config_params'.format(vdisk_guid))

        task_result = self.api.wait_for_task(task_id=task_guid, timeout=30)
        if not task_result[0]:
            error_msg = "Fetching config_params for vdisk '{0}' failed with '{1}'".format(vdisk_guid, task_result[1])
            raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
        return task_result[1]

    def _set_config_params(self, vdisk_guid, data):
        task_guid ='/vdisks/{0}/set_config_params'.format(vdisk_guid), data)

        task_result = self.api.wait_for_task(task_id=task_guid, timeout=30)
        if not task_result[0]:
            error_msg = "Setting config_params for vdisk '{0}' with config '{1}' failed with '{2}'".format(vdisk_guid, data, task_result[1])
            raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
        return task_result[0]

    def test_get_config_params(self):
        # GUID fetched on GUI
        guid = 'da968368-978a-4d1b-907c-5999d6d622a3'

        required_keys = ['dtl_mode', 'dtl_target', 'metadata_cache_size', 'sco_size', 'write_buffer']

        config_params = self._get_config_params(guid)
        if len(config_params.keys()) != len(required_keys):
            raise ValueError("Found more keys than expected. Expected '{0}' and found '{1}'".format(', '.join(required_keys), ', '.join(config_params.keys())))
        elif set(required_keys) != set(config_params.keys()):
            raise ValueError("Found different keys than expected. Expected '{0}' and found '{1}'".format(', '.join(required_keys),', '.join(config_params.keys())))
            # Test passed
            print "get_config_params test passed"

    def test_set_config_params(self, old=False):
        # GUID fetched on GUI
        guid = 'da968368-978a-4d1b-907c-5999d6d622a3'

        if old is True:
            data = {
                'new_config_params': {
                    'dtl_mode': 'no_sync',
                    'dtl_target': [],
                    'readcache_limit': 1,
                    'write_buffer': 128,
                    'cache_strategy': None,
                    'dedupe_mode': 'non_dedupe',
                    'sco_size': 4

            data = {
                    'dtl_mode': 'no_sync',
                    'dtl_target': [],
                    'write_buffer': 128,
                    'sco_size': 4
        success = self._set_config_params(guid, data)
        if success is True:
            # Store checked keys
            failed_keys = []
            successful_keys = []

            required_succesful_keys = ['dtl_mode', 'dtl_target', 'sco_size', 'write_buffer']
            config_params = self._get_config_params(guid)
            for key in config_params.keys():
                if key in config_params and key in data['new_config_params']:
                    if data['new_config_params'][key] == config_params[key]:
            if set(successful_keys) != set(required_succesful_keys):
                raise ValueError("Certain keys do not match the required keys. Found '{0}' and expected '{1}'".format(', '.join(successful_keys), ', '.join(required_succesful_keys)))
                print "set_config_params test passed"
            raise RuntimeError('Setting config went wrong')

if __name__ == "__main__":



Previous vdisk detail page: selection_033

New detail page: selection_034


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/OpenvStorage/ci/test/", line 114, in <module>
  File "/opt/OpenvStorage/ci/test/", line 29, in run
  File "/opt/OpenvStorage/ci/test/", line 90, in test_set_config_params
    success = self._set_config_params(guid, data)
  File "/opt/OpenvStorage/ci/test/", line 46, in _set_config_params
    raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
RuntimeError: Setting config_params for vdisk 'da968368-978a-4d1b-907c-5999d6d622a3' with config '{'new_config_params': {'write_buffer': 128, 'sco_size': 4, 'cache_strategy': None, 'dtl_target': [], 'dedupe_mode': 'non_dedupe', 'readcache_limit': 1, 'dtl_mode': 'no_sync'}}' failed with 'Failed to update the values for vDisk myvdisk01'

Process finished with exit code 1

The api code seems to fail when supplying the old params of set_config_params. Log:

2016-11-02 11:39:31 53700 +0100 - ovs-node1 - 12701/140444680058688 - lib/vdisk - 880 - ERROR - Error updating "cache_strategy": u'cache_strategy'
2016-11-02 11:39:31 53700 +0100 - ovs-node1 - 12701/140444680058688 - lib/vdisk - 881 - ERROR - Error updating "dedupe_mode": u'dedupe_mode'
2016-11-02 11:39:31 53700 +0100 - ovs-node1 - 12701/140444680058688 - lib/vdisk - 882 - ERROR - Error updating "readcache_limit": u'readcache_limit'

Test result

API is not backwards compatible.

Test failed.


kvanhijf commented 7 years ago --> openvstorage-2.7.4-rev.4254.b181bf9

This fixes the API backwards incompatibility

JeffreyDevloo commented 7 years ago


Backwards compatible fix has been implemented.



get_config_params test passed
set_config_params test passed with new settings
set_config_params test passed with old settings

Test result

Test passed.