Closed dejonghb closed 8 years ago
Retrieve PID of DTL service
Both on systemd and upstart check /proc/
root@Ubuntu-16-04:~# cat /proc/32281/limits Max open files 4096 4096 files
from ovs.dal.lists.vpoollist import VPoolList
from subprocess import check_output
dtl_paths = []
prefix = '/usr/bin/failovercache --path'
limit = 4096
for v in VPoolList.get_vpools():
for p in v.storagedrivers[0].partitions:
if 'DTL' in p.role or 'DTL' in p.sub_role:
for dtl_path in dtl_paths:
psid = check_output('ps aux | grep "{0} {1}" | grep -v grep'.format(prefix,dtl_path), shell=True).split()[1]
soft_limit = None
hard_limit = None
with open('/proc/{0}/limits'.format(psid), 'r') as f:
# Softlimit = 2nd column, #Hard limit is 3rd column
for line in f.readlines():
if line.startswith('Max open files'):
soft_limit = line.split()[3]
hard_limit = line.split()[4]
if (soft_limit and hard_limit) is not None and (soft_limit and hard_limit) == str(limit):
# Test passed
print 'DTL is fine.'
raise ValueError('DTL limits are not correct. Found soft limit = {0} and hard limit = {1}'.format(soft_limit, hard_limit))
In [8]: %cpaste
Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop or use Ctrl-D.
:from ovs.dal.lists.vpoollist import VPoolList
:from subprocess import check_output
:dtl_paths = []
:prefix = '/usr/bin/failovercache --path'
:limit = 4096
:for v in VPoolList.get_vpools():
: for p in v.storagedrivers[0].partitions:
: if 'DTL' in p.role or 'DTL' in p.sub_role:
: dtl_paths.append(p.path)
: break
:for dtl_path in dtl_paths:
: psid = check_output('ps aux | grep "{0} {1}" | grep -v grep'.format(prefix,dtl_path), shell=True).split()[1]
: soft_limit = None
: hard_limit = None
: with open('/proc/{0}/limits'.format(psid), 'r') as f:
: # Softlimit = 2nd column, #Hard limit is 3rd column
: for line in f.readlines():
: if line.startswith('Max open files'):
: soft_limit = line.split()[3]
: hard_limit = line.split()[4]
: if (soft_limit and hard_limit) is not None and (soft_limit and hard_limit) == str(limit):
: # Test passed
: print 'DTL is fine.'
: else:
: raise ValueError('DTL limits are not correct. Found soft limit = {0} and hard limit = {1}'.format(soft_limit, hard_limit))
DTL is fine.
DTL is fine.
root@ovs-node1:~# ps -aux | grep dtl | grep -v grep
root 26407 0.0 0.0 56384 6712 ? Ssl 14:37 0:00 /usr/bin/failovercache --path /mnt/hdd1/myvpool01_write_dtl_1 --address --port 26202 --transport TCP --logrotation --logsink console:
root 28257 0.0 0.0 56384 6484 ? Ssl 14:40 0:00 /usr/bin/failovercache --path /mnt/hdd1/myvpool02_write_dtl_1 --address --port 26207 --transport TCP --logrotation --logsink console:
root@ovs-node1:~# ps -aux | grep dtl | grep -v grep
root 26407 0.0 0.0 56384 6712 ? Ssl 14:37 0:00 /usr/bin/failovercache --path /mnt/hdd1/myvpool01_write_dtl_1 --address --port 26202 --transport TCP --logrotation --logsink console:
root 28257 0.0 0.0 56384 6484 ? Ssl 14:40 0:00 /usr/bin/failovercache --path /mnt/hdd1/myvpool02_write_dtl_1 --address --port 26207 --transport TCP --logrotation --logsink console:
root@ovs-node1:~# cat /proc/26407/limits
Limit Soft Limit Hard Limit Units
Max cpu time unlimited unlimited seconds
Max file size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max data size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max stack size 8388608 unlimited bytes
Max core file size 0 unlimited bytes
Max resident set unlimited unlimited bytes
Max processes 64100 64100 processes
Max open files 4096 4096 files
Max locked memory 65536 65536 bytes
Max address space unlimited unlimited bytes
Max file locks unlimited unlimited locks
Max pending signals 64100 64100 signals
Max msgqueue size 819200 819200 bytes
Max nice priority 0 0
Max realtime priority 0 0
Max realtime timeout unlimited unlimited us
root@ovs-node1:~# cat /proc/28257/limits
Limit Soft Limit Hard Limit Units
Max cpu time unlimited unlimited seconds
Max file size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max data size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max stack size 8388608 unlimited bytes
Max core file size 0 unlimited bytes
Max resident set unlimited unlimited bytes
Max processes 64100 64100 processes
Max open files 4096 4096 files
Max locked memory 65536 65536 bytes
Max address space unlimited unlimited bytes
Max file locks unlimited unlimited locks
Max pending signals 64100 64100 signals
Max msgqueue size 819200 819200 bytes
Max nice priority 0 0
Max realtime priority 0 0
Max realtime timeout unlimited unlimited us
Test passed.
Please add "limit nofile 4096 4096" to the upstart / systemd service scripts for the ovs-dtl (failovercache)
Increases allowed number of open files to 4096 (from 1024)