The Open vStorage VolumeDriver is the core of the Open vStorage solution: a high performance distributed block layer. It converts block storage into objects (Storage Container Objects).
@JeffreyDevloo : the Python API looks like this (backward compatible due to the defaults)
In [2]: src.LockedClient.get_scrubbing_workunits?
get_scrubbing_workunits( (LockedClient)arg1 [, (object)start_snapshot_id=None [, (object)end_snapshot_id=None [, (object)req_timeout_secs=None]]]) -> object :
get a list of scrubbing work units -- opaque strings
@param start_snapshot_id: optional string, start snapshot (*exclusive* if specified: (start, end])
@param end_snapshot_id: optional string, end snapshot (*inclusive* if specified: (start, end])
@param req_timeout_secs: optional timeout in seconds for this request
@returns: list of strings
SnapshotNotFoundException (if an invalid start/end snapshot was specified)
InvalidOperationException (on template)
Addresses #143 and #389 while at it.
@JeffreyDevloo : the Python API looks like this (backward compatible due to the defaults)