openvswitch / ovs-issues

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[Windows] Packet is dropped over the tunnel when the tunnel peer MAC is not found in ARP cache #253

Open wenyingd opened 2 years ago

wenyingd commented 2 years ago

On Windows platform, we run containers/VMs on host, and use OVS tunnel to support the container/VMs connections inter two Nodes. We use "ping" command to test the connectivity between the containers/VMs accross the Windows hosts. Then we find several packets are lost. After some capturing the packets, we find that the first packet which expected to be transferred over the tunnel is actually dropped, if the tunnel peer' MAC is not existing on the Windows host's ARP cache.

With tests, we got some output like this,

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 1, Lost = 1 (50% loss),

To reproduce it, the steps include,

  1. create tunnel port on OVS on each Windows host (there should be 2 Windows hosts at least in the setup)
  2. run one container per Windows host
  3. clear ARP cache on each Windows host
  4. login to the one container, and ping peer container
xfliu2665 commented 1 year ago

AFAIK, this issue also exists in linux. do you have any idea to solve it now?