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gcc -MMD allows to find dependencies for #3842

Open AlekseyCherepanov opened 5 years ago

AlekseyCherepanov commented 5 years ago

Modifying I found it hard to account nested dependencies when .h file includes more .h files.

@rofl0r pointed out to me that it is possible to ask gcc to list dependencies of .c file onto .h files.

For example, my list of dependencies included all .h files included in .c file:

showformats.o:  showformats.c showformats.h loader.h options.h config.h dynamic.h
$ gcc -E -MMD showformats.c > /dev/null
$ cat showformats.d
showformats.o: showformats.c loader.h params.h arch.h list.h formats.h \
 misc.h jumbo.h omp_autotune.h options.h getopt.h common.h memory.h \
 john_mpi.h config.h dynamic.h simd-intrinsics.h pseudo_intrinsics.h \
 aligned.h simd-intrinsics-load-flags.h

So dependencies in might be improved.

AlekseyCherepanov commented 5 years ago

IIRC I saw another solution for includes from .h files: make fake target (IIRC .m file) for every header file that depends onto the header and onto targets of included header files; .c files depend onto fake targets of header files; files are just touched to build fake targets. I cannot find any standard description for such approach.

magnumripper commented 3 years ago

The gcc-generated list lacks a number of entries, such as os-autoconf.h

$ gcc -E -MMD john.c >/dev/null
$ cat john.d
john.o: john.c os.h params.h arch.h openssl_local_overrides.h misc.h \
 jumbo.h path.h memory.h list.h tty.h options.h loader.h formats.h \
 omp_autotune.h getopt.h common.h john_mpi.h signals.h idle.h dyna_salt.h \
 logger.h status.h recovery.h config.h bench.h charset.h single.h \
 wordlist.h prince.h inc.h mask.h mkv.h mkvlib.h subsets.h external.h \
 compiler.h batch.h dynamic.h simd-intrinsics.h pseudo_intrinsics.h \
 aligned.h simd-intrinsics-load-flags.h dynamic_compiler.h fake_salts.h \
 listconf.h crc32.h regex.h unicode.h gpu_common.h opencl_common.h \
 john_build_rule.h fmt_externs.h fmt_registers.h

$ ./ john.c | fold -s
john.o: john.c autoconfig.h os.h os-autoconf.h jumbo.h arch.h params.h 
openssl_local_overrides.h misc.h path.h memory.h list.h tty.h options.h 
loader.h formats.h omp_autotune.h getopt.h common.h john_mpi.h signals.h idle.h 
dyna_salt.h logger.h status.h recovery.h config.h bench.h fuzz.h charset.h 
single.h wordlist.h prince.h inc.h mask.h mkv.h mkvlib.h subsets.h external.h 
compiler.h batch.h dynamic.h simd-intrinsics.h pseudo_intrinsics.h aligned.h 
simd-intrinsics-load-flags.h dynamic_compiler.h fake_salts.h listconf.h crc32.h 
regex.h unicode.h gpu_common.h gpu_sensors.h opencl_common.h 
../run/opencl/opencl_device_info.h ztex_common.h john_build_rule.h 
fmt_externs.h fmt_registers.h

This is because things like this will be parsed:

#include "os-autoconf.h"

That's not how does it - it will ignore the #if ... #else and include everything (both sides). The gcc way is better, in that for example a non-OpenCL (re)build will ignore changed OpenCL source files.