As the dependabot updates are set up to not create PR's for major version updates (question as to whether this would be useful or not? generally a major version bump would require more than just quickly accepting a dependabot PR merge, but as with all things, that is totally dependent on the library, some do major breaking updates on patch versions, some do insignificant updates on major versions 🤷 ), can't rely on dependabot to inform about being behind on major versions.
So this is a list of dependencies in this repo that are behind as of creation of this issue
As the dependabot updates are set up to not create PR's for major version updates (question as to whether this would be useful or not? generally a major version bump would require more than just quickly accepting a dependabot PR merge, but as with all things, that is totally dependent on the library, some do major breaking updates on patch versions, some do insignificant updates on major versions 🤷 ), can't rely on dependabot to inform about being behind on major versions.
So this is a list of dependencies in this repo that are behind as of creation of this issue
charset-normalizer anyio==3.5.0 certifi==2023.11.17 greenlet==1.1.2 python-dotenv==0.19.2 SQLAlchemy==1.4.27 urllib3==1.26.18