Currently, the wallet displays pop-up error messages on PIN screens. We propose showing in-line error messages to the users to help them easily understand the error and correct it instead of dismissing the pop up and then fixing the error.
Acceptance Criteria
Given when the user is setting up the PIN or entering a PIN previously set
And the criteria for the PIN field hasn't been satisfied
Then the user sees error messages above the component
When the user fulfills the criteria
Then the error message automatically goes away
And the user is allowed to save changes or move forward to the next step in the app
Wireframes or relevant image assets / links
Attached image is just for reference purposes.
The text will need to be customizable to enable the developers to use this on components wherever applicable.
Description of feature / user story
Currently, the wallet displays pop-up error messages on PIN screens. We propose showing in-line error messages to the users to help them easily understand the error and correct it instead of dismissing the pop up and then fixing the error.
Acceptance Criteria
Given when the user is setting up the PIN or entering a PIN previously set And the criteria for the PIN field hasn't been satisfied Then the user sees error messages above the component
AND When the user fulfills the criteria Then the error message automatically goes away And the user is allowed to save changes or move forward to the next step in the app
Wireframes or relevant image assets / links