openwallet-foundation / credential-format-comparison-sig

Information about available credential formats
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Check enums in schema during CICD #61

Closed cre8 closed 1 year ago

cre8 commented 1 year ago

In case someone adds a new profile and needs to add a new key management algorithm, he also needs to update the enum that are used to validate the profiles based on the json schema.

In case the new key agreement is not in the list, we need to cancel the CICD pipeline because the new profile is not compliant to the schema. We need also to inform the user what he has to do. In case he added the key management algorithm, he needs to run the schema command npm run schema so the enum values can be updated.

It would be nice to add this action as a hook, so people do not forget to do it. But for this case they needed to install the dependencies, that you only need when working on the angular application...

We could ignore the enum validation and check with another script if we find the new used resource in the folder (it could be that the user also forgot to add it)

cre8 commented 1 year ago

Enums are validated during the CI, but only a warning is thrown. Updating enums via the Github Actions seems to complicated and can be ignored for now