openwallet-foundation / credo-ts

Typescript framework for building decentralized identity and verifiable credential solutions
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to share specific credential in a multi credential definition proof challenge. #1790

Open trta2352 opened 4 months ago

trta2352 commented 4 months ago

Wallet has 4 credentials. 2 times name_credential (same credential definition, different data) and 2 times email_credential(same credential definition, but different data). User then receives a proof challenge asking for both types of credentials. To fulfil the proof challenge user has to share 1 name_credential and 1 email_credential. But sine they have 2 of each type they have to choose which ones to share.

Using the following code I accept the proof challenge and I provide it with the filtered proof format containing the credentials I want to share.

   const acceptedRequest = await agent.proofs.acceptRequest({
            proofFormats: credentialToShare,
                                "name":"Miha Novak"


Agent in this case completely disregards what I added in the proofFormats parameter and defaults to the credentials it deems that fulfil the proof challenge.

Using this code:

  const _credentialsForRequest = await agent.proofs.getCredentialsForRequest({
        proofRecordId: proofExchangeRecord[0].id,

I get this:

                                "name":"Name 2"
                                "name":"Miha Novak"


So even though Aries knows that multiple credentials fulfil the proof challenge it automatically reverts to the first credential that was added per credential definition. In this case for name_credential thats "Name 2" and for email_credential is "".

TimoGlastra commented 4 months ago

Hey @trta2352, thanks for raising this issue, which version of Credo are you using?

TimoGlastra commented 4 months ago

Also -- which version of the proof protocol are you using?

trta2352 commented 4 months ago

This are all related packages:

   "@aries-framework/anoncreds": "0.4.2",
    "@aries-framework/anoncreds-rs": "0.4.2",
    "@aries-framework/askar": "0.4.2",
    "@aries-framework/core": "0.4.2",
    "@aries-framework/indy-sdk": "^0.4.2",
    "@aries-framework/indy-vdr": "0.4.2",
    "@aries-framework/react-hooks": "0.5.0",
    "@aries-framework/react-native": "0.4.2",
    "@hyperledger/anoncreds-react-native": "0.1.0",
    "@hyperledger/aries-askar-react-native": "0.1.0",
    "@hyperledger/indy-vdr-react-native": "0.1.0",

And we are using v1 version of the proof protocol.

Just for reference here is also our agent setup:

 const config: InitConfig = {
        label: 'redacted-wallet-label',
        logger: ariesAnalytics,
        autoUpdateStorageOnStartup: true,
        walletConfig: {
          id: walletId,
          key: code,

      // ID manager uses V1 protocol which is only compatible with LegacyIndyCredentialFormatService
      const legacyIndyCredentialFormatService = new LegacyIndyCredentialFormatService();
      const legacyIndyProofFormatService = new LegacyIndyProofFormatService();

      const agent = new Agent({
        dependencies: agentDependencies,
        modules: {
          // Askar handles the wallet functionalities
          askar: new AskarModule({
          connections: new ConnectionsModule({ autoAcceptConnections: true }),
          credentials: new CredentialsModule({
            autoAcceptCredentials: AutoAcceptCredential.ContentApproved,
            credentialProtocols: [
              new V1CredentialProtocol({
                indyCredentialFormat: legacyIndyCredentialFormatService,
              new V2CredentialProtocol({
                credentialFormats: [
                  new AnonCredsCredentialFormatService(),
          mediationRecipient: new MediationRecipientModule({
            mediatorInvitationUrl: MEDIATOR_CONNECTIONS_INVITE,
            mediatorPickupStrategy: MediatorPickupStrategy.Implicit,
            mediatorPollingInterval: appConfig.debugApp ? 10000 : 5000,
          // Proof management
          proofs: new ProofsModule({
            autoAcceptProofs: AutoAcceptProof.Always,
            proofProtocols: [
              new V1ProofProtocol({
                indyProofFormat: legacyIndyProofFormatService,
              // V2 protocol is setup, but it is not being used.
              new V2ProofProtocol({
                proofFormats: [legacyIndyProofFormatService, new AnonCredsProofFormatService()],
          anoncredsRs: new AnonCredsRsModule({
          anoncreds: new AnonCredsModule({
            registries: [new IndyVdrAnonCredsRegistry(), new IndySdkAnonCredsRegistry()],
          // indyVdr handles the ledger functionalities.
          indyVdr: new IndyVdrModule({
            networks: [
                isProduction: appConfig.testEnv,
                indyNamespace: 'did:sov',
                genesisTransactions: genesis,
                connectOnStartup: true,

      agent.registerOutboundTransport(new HttpOutboundTransport());
      agent.registerOutboundTransport(new WsOutboundTransport());

      await agent.initialize();
trta2352 commented 4 months ago

@TimoGlastra Any suggestions or is upgrading to V2 protocol the only option?

trta2352 commented 4 months ago

@TimoGlastra Issue resolved. If you provide a custom proof format then selectedCredentials.selfAttestedAttributes is not present.

diff --git a/node_modules/@aries-framework/anoncreds-rs/build/services/AnonCredsRsHolderService.js b/node_modules/@aries-framework/anoncreds-rs/build/services/AnonCredsRsHolderService.js
index 0d2263e..707afcb 100644
--- a/node_modules/@aries-framework/anoncreds-rs/build/services/AnonCredsRsHolderService.js
+++ b/node_modules/@aries-framework/anoncreds-rs/build/services/AnonCredsRsHolderService.js
@@ -107,6 +107,11 @@ let AnonCredsRsHolderService = class AnonCredsRsHolderService {
             if (!linkSecretRecord.value) {
                 throw new AnonCredsRsError_1.AnonCredsRsError('Link Secret value not stored');
+            if (!selectedCredentials.selfAttestedAttributes ) {
+                selectedCredentials.selfAttestedAttributes = {}
+            }
             presentation = anoncreds_shared_1.Presentation.create({
                 credentialDefinitions: rsCredentialDefinitions,
                 schemas: rsSchemas,
TimoGlastra commented 4 months ago

Ah okay, we should fix this, so reopening this issue. Thanks for figuring this out!