I have a test where all agents are credo agents. All agents restart with the configuration illustrated below in the test, and the test completes successfully. Bob at the end of the test is the mediator for Acme and Faber. Acme and Faber were restarted without inbound transports set. Any subsequent restarts of Bob fails, it will just hang on agent.shutdown() though Bob will still seem to process inbound and outbound messages; Messages like this,
[2024-09-20T19:02:01.157] [DEBUG] [TSED] - Found session with return routing for message 'a46750b5-42e9-45e8-9382-147b1c34edea' (connection 'a4c06271-7d4d-4d83-8907-73b9d9d40524'
[2024-09-20T19:02:01.157] [DEBUG] [TSED] - Packing message and sending it via existing session WebSocket...
[2024-09-20T19:02:01.158] [DEBUG] [TSED] - Pack outbound message https://didcomm.org/messagepickup/2.0/status
[2024-09-20T19:02:01.162] [DEBUG] [TSED] - Sending message
[2024-09-20T19:02:01.162] [DEBUG] [TSED] - Processed inbound message: {"@type":"https://didcomm.org/messagepickup/2.0/status-request","@id":"500b28ac-eaec-4658-a559-5ca6c8548924","~transport":{"return_route":"all"}}
[2024-09-20T19:02:01.162] [DEBUG] [TSED] - WebSocket sent message successfully.
This is the test specification:
@T004-RFC0211 @UsesCustomParameters @RFC0025 @Transport_Http @Transport_Ws @normal @AcceptanceTest
Scenario Outline: Two agents creating a connection using a mediator without having inbound transports
Given we have "2" agents
| name | role |
| Acme | recipient |
| Bob | mediator |
| Faber | sender |
And "Acme" is running with parameters "{"inbound_transports": <acme-inbound-transports>, "outbound_transports": <acme-outbound-transports> }"
And "Bob" is running with parameters "{"inbound_transports": <bob-inbound-transports>, "outbound_transports": <bob-outbound-transports> }"
And "Faber" is running with parameters "{"inbound_transports": <faber-inbound-transports>, "outbound_transports": <faber-outbound-transports> }"
# Create connection, request mediation
When "Bob" and "Acme" create a new connection
And "Acme" requests mediation from "Bob"
And "Bob" grants the mediation request from "Acme"
Then "Acme" has "Bob" set up as a mediator
When "Bob" and "Faber" create a new connection
And "Faber" requests mediation from "Bob"
And "Bob" grants the mediation request from "Faber"
Then "Faber" has "Bob" set up as a mediator
# Create connection through the mediator
When "Acme" uses "Bob" as a mediator
And "Faber" uses "Bob" as a mediator
And "Faber" and "Acme" create a new connection
Examples: Acme and Faber creating a 0160 connection using Bob as a mediator without having inbound transports
| acme-inbound-transports | acme-outbound-transports | bob-inbound-transports | bob-outbound-transports | faber-inbound-transports | faber-outbound-transports |
| [] | ["ws", "http"] | ["ws", "http"] | ["ws", "http"] | [] | ["ws", "http"] |
I have a test where all agents are credo agents. All agents restart with the configuration illustrated below in the test, and the test completes successfully. Bob at the end of the test is the mediator for Acme and Faber. Acme and Faber were restarted without inbound transports set. Any subsequent restarts of Bob fails, it will just hang on agent.shutdown() though Bob will still seem to process inbound and outbound messages; Messages like this,
This is the test specification: