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The new wiki refers to itself as "new_mediawiki" #30

Closed dlglin closed 4 years ago

dlglin commented 4 years ago

When emails are sent from the wiki the subject says something like "new_mediawiki email address confirmation", which isn't very descriptive of which wiki they are from.

I believe that this is based on the variable $wgSitename in /var/www/html/new_mediawiki/LocalSettings.php. I suggest changing this to something like "WeBWorK Wiki". Does anyone know if this will have other consequences for the wiki config?

mgage commented 4 years ago

I have set this to: $wgSitename = "WeBWorK_wiki"; $wgMetaNamespace = "The WeBWorK Project wiki";

You can check this at:

So far it doesn't seem to cause trouble.