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Moodle forums - cannot see other user's email address via their profile, old user profiles are not available #34

Open taniwallach opened 4 years ago

taniwallach commented 4 years ago

I wanted to see another user's profile to get his email address and got to the page which reported:

You cannot view the profile of this user
More information about this error

for a different user (Danny Glin, who already created an account in Moodle on the new server) I can see a profile: but it no longer provides an email address, but does provide a message link to send a message via Moodle.

This could be related to the Email display settings in a user's profile. I set it in my taniwallach account to Allow only other course members to see my email address which seem a moderate in-the-middle option between Hide my email address from non-privileged users and Allow everyone to see my email address.

Bravo to Mike for all the hard and time-consuming work he did to get the forums up on the new server.