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skeleton of student activity table/graph #2369

Open Alex-Jordan opened 3 months ago

Alex-Jordan commented 3 months ago

This could grow to replace #2365. I want to ask if the module structure is right. Also I'm not sure about the purpose of use Mojo::Base 'Exporter', -signatures; and if I would need that here. Marking this as draft until further notice.

drgrice1 commented 3 months ago

I would say yes, but you also need more. Add our @EXPORT_OK = qw(studentActivityTable studentActivityGraph);, and then in templates/ContentGenerator/Instructor/Stats/student_stats.html.ep (or any other file using an exported method) add use WeBWorK::HTML::Activity qw(studentActivityTable); to the beginning of the file, and call it with just studentActivityTable instead of WeBWorK::HTML::Activity::studentActivityTable.

Alex-Jordan commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I made those changes and started work on a table. No styling yet, and not locked into any choices about what to show and what not to show.

Alex-Jordan commented 3 months ago

This is what the activity table looks like now. Each login row is a thead. In this shot, there is a single test submission, then a single submission from a regular homework set. The links in the "Assignment" column take you to the set details page for that user (jumping down to the particular exercise for that row). The links in the "Problem Number" column take you to the past answers page for that user, set, problem number.

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 1 07 16 PM

This is all still a draft, so people can check it out only if they are interested (especially to look for inefficiencies in the parsing/processing). I'm fairly satisfied for now with the table, and I may start the graph soon. One thing about this is it's not using Mojo templates, just because I'm not sure how to get started with those. Maybe for an HTML helper, that is OK.

Also, it seems that every successful login (regardless of the authentication method) adds a LOGIN OK line to the log, so I use that to identify logins. But the new 2FA logins were not adding that line, so I added it.

Alex-Jordan commented 3 months ago

If this table is absurdly long (like towards the end of a semester when a user has had lots of activity) we could only print the login rows, and clicking on one of those could expand it to show the answer submissions from that session.

Also this is parsing the answer log file, and I guess it could be querying the past_answer table in the database instead. Details, details...

Alex-Jordan commented 3 months ago

Looks like multiple thead is not valid HTML, so I will get around to updating that aspect.