openwichita / public-meetings

A service to show all upcoming available public meetings for the City of Wichita.
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added meeting data #15

Closed Mearnest closed 7 years ago

Mearnest commented 7 years ago

Aggregated rest of the meetings. Added two fields for building info and website url. Changed meeting_type model to add new fields.

After merch and pull, you will have to run:

mix ecto.drop mix ecto.create mix ecto.migrate mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs

Tried to have seeds do the dropping for you, but something with the foreign keys and id auto incrementing caused a problem with the joining the meeting tables (lot less than should be).

Oh, forgot to prettify the JSON again.

Mearnest commented 7 years ago

There is a question of how much information we really need to show on the website. I was thinking we could link from a meeting list to a full details of the meeting, so they could see a link to the website or meeting agenda, view the description, see the building information (name, floor, room #), and then anything additional.

Or maybe we don't need to link to that stuff. Just enough information to generate an ical event.

Mearnest commented 7 years ago

Regarding the data model:

Necessary fields: Title, date (year, month, day, hour, minute), and location (street address, wichita, zip)

ical conversion: Duration: required, defaults to 60 minutes Email: helpful to have means of contact on email calendars Url: to meeting agenda or list of agendas

Additional: type: machine name, made sense in Python for filtering subtype: some meetings have several types, and the title doesn't reflect this Description: if we want to show them an explanation of the meeting. This applies to all meetings. Building: a lot of meetings list building name, floor and sometimes room Website: can be lots of other information on meeting websites. All meetings have some website.

Then there's potential extra fields we can display, such as lunch cost or link to plat drawings. If this is useful. This is meeting specific.