Coverage decreased (-0.4%) to 99.632% when pulling a2500954aef1d30fce8708ccc1c06293f053fc1c on rohithasrk:visualizer-base into c9f52ba713940f922333b8083b1bfb9459f2f0c9 on netjson:master.
Coverage remained the same at 100.0% when pulling 5939f06cfd569b1124e40de78c835ed027c1111c on rohithasrk:visualizer-base into c9f52ba713940f922333b8083b1bfb9459f2f0c9 on netjson:master.
This is to make the views of visualizer reusable. In order to integrate it with openwisp-network-topology. The issue of which can be looked at