openwisp / django-rest-framework-gis

Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.
MIT License
1.09k stars 201 forks source link

Release 0.15.0 #204

Closed auvipy closed 4 years ago

brylie commented 5 years ago

Can this release please be made using GitHub releases (which uses Git tagging), rather than an issue? That would provide a more common release history including release notes and download links to code snapshots of the release branch.

nemesifier commented 5 years ago

@auvipy can you prepare the changelog please?

Racum commented 4 years ago

The version 0.14 on PyPI is incompatible with the just-released Django 3, and the fix is already on master branch, please release it!

codingjoe commented 4 years ago

FYI #206

nemesifier commented 4 years ago
