openworm / ChannelWorm

Tools and curated datasets to build quantitative models of C. elegans ion channels
MIT License
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fix string denotation in channel worm #187

Closed russelljjarvis closed 7 years ago

russelljjarvis commented 7 years ago

Hi there is some strange string notation that uses to signify what I assume is a string data type. Anyway I think I have fixed it.

slarson commented 7 years ago

Looks great. Thank you!

VahidGh commented 7 years ago

When using ` character in models, we tell the Django to read the default string given to a foreign key in a table. I'm not sure if a double-quote is doing the same thing here!

russelljjarvis commented 7 years ago

Okay thats in fair enough. I was responding to an error message caused by the back ticks in python3, and without Django fully configured. Maybe the issue is caused by python2.7/3 differences or my partial/unconfigured installation of the Django module.

rgerkin commented 7 years ago

Yep, backticks were removed in Python 3. You can use repr() instead. 2to3 will take care of this as well.