implemented filters to let the user specify filters or a subset to be applied to the different keys contained in each record of the results. Note, the filter at the moment are inclusive, means that all the records that match at least one filter are added to the final results.
Geppetto compliant with the README that explains how to use the component,
showcase implemented
one note:
The search component initialise the filters from the configuration and so from one prop, this could be potentially an anti pattern if the state can diverge from the prop and we can have 2 different source of truth, in reality it's not since the prop it's used only in the initialisation and from that point the source of truth is the state itself.
one note: The search component initialise the filters from the configuration and so from one prop, this could be potentially an anti pattern if the state can diverge from the prop and we can have 2 different source of truth, in reality it's not since the prop it's used only in the initialisation and from that point the source of truth is the state itself.