Closed ZoZhang closed 4 years ago
My router is only connected to one device. Why did I return 2 different mac addresses (v4 and v6) when getting the dhcp device information ?
Am I the only one experiencing this problem ?
root@OpenWrt:~# ubus call luci-rpc getDHCPLeases { "dhcp_leases": [ { "expires": 41004, "hostname": "local", "macaddr": "00:E0:4C:68:4A:2F", "duid": "01:00:e0:4c:68:4a:2f", "ipaddr": "" } ], "dhcp6_leases": [ { "expires": 39596, "macaddr": "25:A3:30:4C:14:10", "duid": "0001000125a3304c14109fe10235", "ip6addr": "fd56:ece5:8cd8::79f", "ip6addrs": [ "fd56:ece5:8cd8::79f" ] } ] }
The MAC of the DHCPv6 lease was extracted from the DUID. Many modern DHCPv6 clients randomize the DUID for privacy reasons.
Thanks for your patience. @jow-
My router is only connected to one device. Why did I return 2 different mac addresses (v4 and v6) when getting the dhcp device information ?
Am I the only one experiencing this problem ?