Closed featman closed 9 years ago
This is my config. It works. in /etc/config/dhcp, add
config dhcp 'lan' option ra_management '1' option ra 'hybrid' option dhcpv6 'hybrid' option ndp 'relay'
config odhcpd 'odhcpd' option maindhcp '0' option leasefile '/tmp/hosts/odhcpd' option leasetrigger '/usr/sbin/odhcpd-update'
config dhcp 'wan' option interface 'wan' option ignore '1'
config dhcp 'wan6' option dhcpv6 'hybrid' option ra 'hybrid' option ndp 'relay' option master '1' option interface 'wan'
I did as above but clients can only get addresses (IPv6). Packets from or to the clients are not properly routed. The router, however, is very well connected to the IPv6 Internet. I wonder why...
这楼所有人应该都懂中文,写中文吧 odhcpd的最新版本还是有一些问题,有时会莫明其妙地挂掉,重启odhcpd后恢复 我这边如果客户端是Linux,包括Android,在获取地址之后并不能用,如果运行一个"traceroute -6",再等一会,ipv6才能正常。Windows没这个问题
以前没有odhcpd的时候6relayd很好用,但现在6relayd也不好使了,好像是因为OpenWrt的改动 我的odhcpd基本正常,不能用的话,和路由器型号还有openwrt的版本可能都有关系吧 要不你试试拿这个重新编译,。因为原先odhcpd和dnsmasq共用一个配置文件,我就改了odhcpd的配置文件名,其它没什么变化
换了个路由器和OpenWRT的版本(OpenWrt Barrier Breaker r42853),还是一样的表现。你那个我试了一下,我这里编译过不去,提示错误。你的内核是多少?我手里的都是3.10.49。
内核也是3.10.49 odhcpd不用配合其它软件 我觉得主要还是odhcpd的问题,至于具体是怎么回事我也不清楚了
config dhcp 'lan' option interface 'lan' option ra_management '1' option ra 'relay' option ndp 'relay'
config odhcpd 'odhcpd' option maindhcp '0' option leasefile '/tmp/hosts/odhcpd' option leasetrigger '/usr/sbin/odhcpd-update'
config dhcp 'wan6' option interface 'wan6' option ra 'relay' option ndp 'relay' option master '1'
我也是odhcpd会定时挂掉,体现就是pc能获得2001开头的ipv6地址,但是ping google.com就全部timeout,最后解决方法是在启动里面加了个sleep 60 /etc/init.d/odhcpd restart。要不然就是每次路由重启都手动执行一下这个命令,执行完马上能ping通外网
Hi, i used to use ur software named "6relayd" before the openwrt(14.07), and i also can get the public ipv6 addr in downstream devices , and i am successful to go the web of ipv6. but today ,i cant use 6relayd because of ,so i had compiled it in my router ,and start the odhcpd in os ,but i cant get a useful ipv6 addr on br-lan ,i am failed .Thus, i would like to know the more settings about odhcpd, i guess many people have the same problem, so please say more ,and i try it later. u can sent a email to me if its possible ,or, u can write it in the README of source ,i hope u can do some examples to help us solve it. thank u very much!!!
by the way, my network environment is native ipv6 ,and use odhcp6c ,the router can get a public ipv6 addr, and my openwrt version is Chaos Calmer trunk
my email:
im waiting for ur reply, thank u!