Closed DY-ATL closed 6 days ago
Which algorithm is being run here? Some algorithms iterate 1000 times on the first frame, so they may run slowly. You can try Co-SLAM first to quickly verify the environment setup; alternatively, you can directly modify the iteration count for the corresponding algorithm in to avoid it getting stuck.
I used point-slam and stucks. I try co-slam and it works! Thank you!
Is the speed normal for a RTX3090 GPU? 64%|███████████████▎ | 1285/2000 [22:00<12:58, 1.09s/it]
I'm new to SLAM area. Can you recommend some paper on dense visual SLAM? (We have monocular/stereo camera, IMU, without depth map. Deep learning based methods are preferred. Need to run real-time on robot.) Thanks again!
Co-SLAM runs very quickly, while Point-SLAM and SplaTAM run relatively slower. You can refer to the runtime details in our paper. Additionally, the algorithms currently integrated in XRDSLAM only support RGBD-SLAM. If you don’t have depth images, you may consider using an RGB-SLAM approach, such as Splat-SLAM.
Thank you!
The terminal looks like this