Open ebigMan opened 1 day ago
Version rollback commit 74d7fa6cfc21897d5a7d28507a5801a0533eefcc (tag: v0.6.0) this available
Thanks @Idea-in-Dream, it can run, if possible, I would also like to ask how the real-time performance of this algorithm is. When I run it through ROS, I find that there is a large delay in trajectory generation. Thank you very much for your help!
You can try to turn on multithreaded mode, it will get faster, otherwise single threaded, it takes 150ms per frame (android)
The cpu usage is very high. Do you have this problem?
I'm sorry, no, my CPU utilization is only a few percent. My PC has many cores, but the utilization is not high, so the bag has finished playing but the trajectory has not been drawn. Is there any relevant setting in the multi-threaded code you mentioned? I'm just starting to use this code and I'm not familiar with it yet. Thank you!
There were no problems during the installation and compilation process. I also switched to the xrslam-opencv3.4.7 branch. The file structure is as follows. . ├── data ├── xrprimer └── xrslam
When executing the ./build/xrslam-pc/player/xrslam-pc-player -sc configs/euroc_slam.yaml -dc configs/euroc_sensor.yaml --tum trajectory.tum euroc://../data/EuRoC/MH_01_easy/mav0 command,
the prompt is:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): OpenCV(3.4.7) /home/user/xrprimer/_ext/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/undistort.dispatch.cpp:177: error: (-215:Assertion failed) != in function 'undistort'
How to solve it?