openyou / emokit

Open source driver for accessing raw data from the Emotiv EPOC EEG headset
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Readme - dependencies #123

Closed warrenarea closed 8 years ago

warrenarea commented 10 years ago

When I first started out, I remember having a lot of issues setting up the dependencies.

Particularly getting the right version of each.

As this project has aged, so has the compiler + dependencies python, greenlet, gevent, hidapi, etc.

I recommend placing the versions of each for clarification.

I don't have linux set up at the moment, so I can't verify what versions work for that, but I can verify that these versions worked for Windows 7:

` pywinusb 0.2.9 - pycrypto 2.6 - gevent 1.0.1 - -> gevent‑1.0.1.win32‑py2.7.exe greenlet 0.4.2 - Pygame(optional) 1.9.1 - Ctypes(optional) gccxml 0.9.0 -

` This will solve issues of people installing the latest versions of each to find they don't work.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Agreed, I'm considering changing the python library to use native multiprocessing instead of gevent. I'll check what I have installed on my linux VM. I believe all my OSs have the current versions of all the libraries installed however.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Might be a good idea to move this to a wiki page or a file. I'm pretty sure the latest versions still work though.

ghost commented 8 years ago

These should be installed using pip install emokit or python install now. With the exception of pygame. requirements.txt now specifies the versions I use.