openyou / emokit

Open source driver for accessing raw data from the Emotiv EPOC EEG headset
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Help with setting up program #99

Closed braeden1 closed 10 years ago

braeden1 commented 10 years ago

Hi I really hate to bother you, but I'm a total newbie and am just completely confused. I've spent 10+ hours trying to figure out how this works. I have no experience with python, some experience with other programming.

What am I supposed to do to install and run the emokit program? My biggest issue is how to install/where to put the additional required libraries.

I understand you probably hate getting requests like this. I'm a high school student working on a research project, and I would REALLY appreciate any little bit of help you could give me. This is such a cool project that you've developed and I really want to learn more.


olorin commented 10 years ago

Hi, glad you're interested. Which operating system are you running?

braeden1 commented 10 years ago

Thanks so much for your help! I'm running Windows XP, but I also have access to computers running windows vista, 7, or 8.

olorin commented 10 years ago

Hrm, I actually have no idea, sorry - I don't have a Windows system and I've never tried. I don't think hidapi distributes binaries, so you'd probably want to build the whole thing using either mingw (maybe with dev-c++ or something similar) or Visual Studio.

Alternatively, you could run (either dual-boot or run in a VM) Ubuntu, in which case the build is quite easy. :)