yurt-iot-manager now supports only EdgeX Foundry, I wonder if we can add a concept of platform to indicate an IoT device management solutions like EdgeX Foundry and add some functionalities to help other IoT device management solutions to be integrated to OpenYurt
Why is this needed:
users can manage devices and process data generated by those devices in different IoT device management solutions through OpenYurt declarative device api.
What would you like to be added:
yurt-iot-manager now supports only EdgeX Foundry, I wonder if we can add a concept of platform to indicate an IoT device management solutions like EdgeX Foundry and add some functionalities to help other IoT device management solutions to be integrated to OpenYurt
Why is this needed: users can manage devices and process data generated by those devices in different IoT device management solutions through OpenYurt declarative device api.
others Design proposal needed
/kind feature