openzfs / spl

A shim layer which adds the core interfaces required for OpenZFS.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Unknown symbol lua_pcallk (err 0) #688

Closed 0xFEEDC0DE64 closed 6 years ago

0xFEEDC0DE64 commented 6 years ago

I followed the build instructions on a clean ubuntu 17.10 server OS installation.

I tried loading the kernel modules:

sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/unicode/zunicode.ko 
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/spl/spl.ko
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/nvpair/znvpair.ko 
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/zcommon/zcommon.ko 
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/icp/icp.ko 
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/avl/zavl.ko 
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/zfs/zfs.ko

But the last one fails and dmesg gives me these messages:

[Feb27 12:00] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pcallk (err 0)               
[  +0,000018] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_touserdata (err 0)           
[  +0,000020] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushlightuserdata (err 0)    
[  +0,000021] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_atpanic (err 0)              
[  +0,000025] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_isnumber (err 0)             
[  +0,000042] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_sethook (err 0)              
[  +0,000032] zfs: Unknown symbol luaopen_string (err 0)           
[  +0,000020] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_getfield (err 0)             
[  +0,000038] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_next (err 0)                 
[  +0,000034] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_gettop (err 0)               
[  +0,000018] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushvfstring (err 0)         
[  +0,000032] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_tointegerx (err 0)           
[  +0,000020] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushnumber (err 0)           
[  +0,000027] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_remove (err 0)               
[  +0,000015] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_setfield (err 0)             
[  +0,000071] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_isstring (err 0)             
[  +0,000078] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushvalue (err 0)            
[  +0,000052] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushnil (err 0)              
[  +0,000035] zfs: Unknown symbol luaL_error (err 0)               
[  +0,000044] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_settop (err 0)               
[  +0,000048] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushcclosure (err 0)         
[  +0,000051] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushfstring (err 0)          
[  +0,000037] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_tolstring (err 0)            
[  +0,000020] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_type (err 0)                 
[  +0,000025] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushboolean (err 0)          
[  +0,000020] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_tonumberx (err 0)            
[  +0,000030] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_settable (err 0)             
[  +0,000036] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_setmetatable (err 0)         
[  +0,000021] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_close (err 0)                
[  +0,000033] zfs: Unknown symbol luaL_newmetatable (err 0)        
[  +0,000027] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_newuserdata (err 0)          
[  +0,000107] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_newstate (err 0)             
[  +0,000040] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_setglobal (err 0)            
[  +0,000019] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_error (err 0)                
[  +0,000024] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_absindex (err 0)             
[  +0,000035] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_checkstack (err 0)           
[  +0,000018] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_gettable (err 0)             
[  +0,000017] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushstring (err 0)           
[  +0,000023] zfs: Unknown symbol luaL_argerror (err 0)            
[  +0,000016] zfs: Unknown symbol luaL_loadbufferx (err 0)         
[  +0,000045] zfs: Unknown symbol luaopen_base (err 0)             
[  +0,000037] zfs: Unknown symbol luaopen_table (err 0)            
[  +0,000044] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_replace (err 0)              
[  +0,000048] zfs: Unknown symbol luaL_traceback (err 0)           
[  +0,000058] zfs: Unknown symbol luaopen_coroutine (err 0)        
[  +0,000068] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_toboolean (err 0)            
[  +0,000015] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_typename (err 0)             
[  +0,000040] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_createtable (err 0)          
[  +0,000018] zfs: Unknown symbol lua_pushinteger (err 0)          

Is there anything missing in your build instructions?

rincebrain commented 6 years ago

A) This isn't an SPL issue B) Please use the zfs-discuss mailing list or IRC for support questions C) Where did you find instructions that even suggested using insmod for all the modules versus letting depmod and modprobe deal with the dependencies, they would have resolved the missing symbols as needing to come from the lua module added with the ZFS Channel Programs feature.