Those values require global atomics to get current hash_elements values in few of the hottest code paths, while in all the years I never cared about it. If somebody wants, it should be easy to get it by periodic sampling, since neither ARC header nor DBUF counts change so fast that it would be difficult to catch.
For now I've left hash_elements_max kstat for ARC, since it was used/reported by arc_summary and it would break older versions, but now it just reports the current value.
Types of changes
[ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[x] Performance enhancement (non-breaking change which improves efficiency)
[ ] Code cleanup (non-breaking change which makes code smaller or more readable)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
[ ] Library ABI change (libzfs, libzfs_core, libnvpair, libuutil and libzfsbootenv)
[ ] Documentation (a change to man pages or other documentation)
Those values require global atomics to get current hash_elements values in few of the hottest code paths, while in all the years I never cared about it. If somebody wants, it should be easy to get it by periodic sampling, since neither ARC header nor DBUF counts change so fast that it would be difficult to catch.
For now I've left hash_elements_max kstat for ARC, since it was used/reported by arc_summary and it would break older versions, but now it just reports the current value.
Types of changes