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CentOS/RHEL 7.6 repo still only has version 0.7.13. #8830

Closed dmillerc76 closed 4 years ago

dmillerc76 commented 5 years ago

System information

Type Version/Name
Distribution Name CentOS 7.6
Distribution Version 7.6
Linux Kernel 3.10.x
Architecture X86_64
ZFS Version 0.8.0
SPL Version

Describe the problem you're observing

CentOS/RHEL 7.6 repo still only has version 0.7.13. Just a reminder to please package up 0.8.0 for RHEL/CentOS 7.6 when you have time. Thank you!

Describe how to reproduce the problem

On systems that have the zfs.repo for CentOS 7.6

yum clean all

yum list zfs

Available Packages zfs.x86_64 0.7.13-1.el7_6 zfs-kmod

Include any warning/errors/backtraces from the system logs

behlendorf commented 5 years ago

Due to the overall conservative philosophy of CentOS/RHEL we do not plan to update the main CentOS/RHEL 7.6 repository with packages for 0.8.0. It will continue to be updated with 0.7.x point releases which primarily contain import bug fixes, but no new features.

The default version of ZFS will be updated to 0.8.x when we add a new repository for the next RHEL/CentOS 7.7 feature release (7.7). I've updated the wiki accordingly to mention this.

For anyone who wants to install 0.8.0 today for CentOS/RHEL 7.6 it can be installed by enabling the zfs-testing repository.

jasker5183 commented 5 years ago

If it's not ready for prime time just SAY SO. Why didn't you guys do this with 0.5 to 0.6 or 0.6 to 0.7? What is so special now that we have to wait until 7.7? At which point I'll never get upgraded because you guys always FORGET to update the zfs-release in the EPEL repo.

mskarbek commented 5 years ago

what is so special? a huge amount of new features released at once. usually, if somebody is using centos, he's doing so because of a specific release model that promotes stability including features set stability. there is nothing that will stop you from upgrading to 0.8.0 individually but do not assume that everyone is ready to switch version of one of the fundamental components of infrastructure in the middle of the centos release cycle.

jasker5183 commented 5 years ago

This is not going to be another 0.7.7 is it? If that's the case I will gladly wait for 7.7 to drop...who am I kidding I have no choice but to wait I'm not installing zfs-testing on anything production.

jasker5183 commented 5 years ago

Oh I understand I think it's a really stupid decision...but I understand (I don't).

jasker5183 commented 5 years ago

I completely understand their concern, mskarbek is correct there are a lot of new features being added with the new release. However if you guys did not think 0.8.0 was fully formed after 5 rc's then why release it as stable?

I did not say that it was stupid to be on 0.7, I'm saying the decision made by the zfs group to not package 0.8.0 for CentOS 7.6 IS because here is what is going to happen:

  1. CentOS 7.7 comes out and my system is automatically upgraded to it.
  2. epel-release is upgraded as well but the zfs-release maintainers forgot to update their package.
  3. The /etc/yum.repo.d/zfs.repo file still points to 7.6.
  4. Unless I remember to manually download the zfs-release-7.7 I will continue to run the old version.

If people are concerned 0.8.0 is going to break something why not just have a zfs0.7 and a zfs0.8. Cause I know you guys like extra work /s. Yes I could just build this myself.

behlendorf commented 5 years ago

The concern isn't that 0.8 isn't ready. It is. It's that many consumers of CentOS / RHEL expect to receive advance notice of significant software updates so they have an opportunity to plan for how and when it's deployed to their systems.

jasker5183 commented 5 years ago

Just be prepared to add a "Why is my CentOS box not upgrading to 0.8.0" to the frequently asked questions.

ryanjaeb commented 5 years ago

If I want to try 0.8, but avoid anything that's actually testing, is it just a matter of being careful about the versions I install from zfs-testing? I see:

sudo yum --enablerepo=zfs-testing-kmod --showduplicates list zfs
Installed Packages
zfs.x86_64                    0.7.13-1.el7_6                    @zfs-kmod
Available Packages
zfs.x86_64                    0.7.12-1.el7_6                    zfs-kmod
zfs.x86_64                    0.7.13-1.el7_6                    zfs-kmod
zfs.x86_64                    0.8.0-rc3.el7                     zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64                    0.8.0-rc4.el7                     zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64                    0.8.0-rc5.el7                     zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64                    0.8.0-1.el7                       zfs-testing-kmod

So if I stick to major.minor.patch versions like 0.8.0, is that actually a stable version, but published to the testing repository?

behlendorf commented 5 years ago

@ryanjaeb that's right. The 0.8.0-1.el7 packages are the final tagged released version. They've simply only been published to the zfs-testing repository for now.

seamusharris commented 5 years ago

I'm getting a different result when I run sudo yum --enablerepo=zfs-testing-kmod --showduplicates list zfs and can't see anything later than rc2.

I've tried removing and reinstalling as described at with no luck.

It seems odd that the two RCs that are listed for me don't show up for @ryanjaeb.

sudo yum --enablerepo=zfs-testing-kmod --showduplicates list zfs

Available Packages
zfs.x86_64      0.7.12-1.el7_6              zfs
zfs.x86_64      0.7.13-1.el7_6              zfs
zfs.x86_64      0.8.0-rc1.el7.centos        zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64      0.8.0-rc2.el7               zfs-testing-kmod
dmillerc76 commented 5 years ago

@seamusharris Make sure you do yum clean all first.

seamusharris commented 5 years ago

@dmillerc76 I had tried that but tried it again and it hasn't made any difference.

seamusharris commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure why my yum commands weren't clearing the cache properly, but manually removing /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/zfs* has worked and I can now see the newer RCs as well as the final release.

xgiovio commented 5 years ago

just asking. Is it safe to use the latest 0.8.x on centos 7.6? Thank you

behlendorf commented 5 years ago

@xgiovio yes, you can safely use the latest 0.8.x on centos 7.6.

llamafilm commented 4 years ago

How can I tell which version are considered stable? This is what I see in yum:

zfs.x86_64                0.8.0-rc3.el7                 zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64                0.8.0-rc4.el7                 zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64                0.8.0-rc5.el7                 zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64                0.8.0-1.el7                   zfs-testing-kmod
zfs.x86_64                0.8.1-1.el7                   zfs-testing-kmod

I understand rc = release candidate so I should avoid that. Above @behlendorf says 0.8.0-1.el7 is the latest, but now there is 0.8.1-1.el7.

BTW, Red Hat 7.7 is now released.

h1z1 commented 4 years ago

tldr As has been said, there is nothing stopping you from building 0.8 or rolling your own RPM.

You're confusing zfs being stable with the rpm release being stable, they are different things. A bug with the RPM itself for example doesn't change zfs in any way.

When you have Petabytes of data on the line, Enterprises don't just upgrade storage for good reason. I can only imagine the critical environments ZFS is deployed in where proper test processes are in place. Understanding the system is more valuable then new features and yes that includes any regressions. I'm more concerned with upstream kernels breaking zfs because yet another Intel CPU bug requires a kernel upgrade.

koollman commented 4 years ago

Due to the overall conservative philosophy of CentOS/RHEL we do not plan to update the main CentOS/RHEL 7.6 repository with packages for 0.8.0. It will continue to be updated with 0.7.x point releases which primarily contain import bug fixes, but no new features.

The default version of ZFS will be updated to 0.8.x when we add a new repository for the next RHEL/CentOS 7.7 feature release (7.7). I've updated the wiki accordingly to mention this.

For anyone who wants to install 0.8.0 today for CentOS/RHEL 7.6 it can be installed by enabling the zfs-testing repository.

Now that both rhel 7.7 and centos 7.7 are released, is zfs-testing repository still the way to go, or will there be soon-ish a corresponding repo, and ?

The wiki still say "These packages should not be used on production systems" (for zfs-testing repo)

tonyhutter commented 4 years ago

@koollman the plan is to have Centos 7.7 packages for 0.8.2, which is going though testing right now (#9161) and should be out soon.

snajpa commented 4 years ago

@jasker5183 Well if you value uptime and availability, you really might not want to deploy 0.8.x just yet. The project leadership is right not to include it (yet) for EL users, I've too been burned by 0.8.x in multiple ways, it's going to take a while to stabilize this.

The changes are just too many, too much at once, too many combinations to QA on together.

Believe me, when it comes to storage systems, you might not want to be as agile as everywhere else... it's only, you know, your data at stake :))

jasker5183 commented 4 years ago

I've waited a year and change to be rid of spl I can wait longer. Should they not have created a 7.7 repo and created a 0.7.13 package? CentOS 7.7 has been out for a while now.

snajpa commented 4 years ago

Well I hate to break it to you, but 0.8.0 uses SPL just as well as 0.7.x did. And it probably always will, it's just included in the zfs repo now ;-)

jasker5183 commented 4 years ago

Guess I should have mentioned was talking about the spl kernel module being merged into zfs leading to (hopefully) no mismatched dkms problems upon update.

jasker5183 commented 4 years ago

Looks like they created a 7.7 repo and file but you'll have to go into your zfs.repo and change 7.7.7 to 7.7 maybe they caught this already though. 0.8.2 installed fine so far so good.

tonyhutter commented 4 years ago

@jasker5183 yea, I just caught that and fixed it.

shodanshok commented 4 years ago

What if we want to continue using zfs-0.7.x on newer RHEL/CentOS 7.x releases (eg: 7.7, 7.8, etc) instead of upgrading to zfs-0.8? Should we continue using the 7.6 repo? What about kmod compatibility? Thanks.

gmelikov commented 4 years ago

Looks like stale, I'll close it.