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Multiple mounts of a dataset breaks listing the content of snapshots #9958

Open jibel opened 4 years ago

jibel commented 4 years ago

System information

Type Version/Name
Distribution Name Ubuntu
Distribution Version 20.04 (Dev Release)
Linux Kernel 5.4.0-13.16
Architecture amd64
ZFS Version 0.8.3-1ubuntu1

Describe the problem you're observing

When a dataset is mounted several times, the content of the snapshot cannot be accessed anymore through their .zfs/snapshot/ path.

Trying to perform a filesystem operation in the snapshot results in the following error: Too many levels of symbolic links

Our use case is to generate a grub menu with the history of all the snapshots and allow a user to revert to any version from the menu.

This issue is similar to

Describe how to reproduce the problem

  1. Create a test pool with a dataset as follow:

    tpool     169K  9,20G       25K  /tpool
    tpool/a    24K  9,20G       24K  /tpool/a
  2. Create a snapshot of the dataset and list the content of the snapshot

    $ sudo zfs snapshot tpool/a@s1
    $ ls /tpool/a/.zfs/snapshot/s1/

    The content can be listed successfully

  3. Bind mount the dataset on another mount point and list the content of the snapshot

    $ mkdir /tmp/mnt1
    $ sudo mount -o bind /tpool/a /tmp/mnt1/
    $ ls /tmp/mnt1/.zfs/snapshot/s1/
    ls: cannot access '/tmp/mnt1/.zfs/snapshot/s1/': Too many levels of symbolic links

Accessing the content of the snapshot fails

  1. Mount the dataset on another mount point and list the content of the snapshot
    $ mkdir /tmp/mnt2
    $ sudo mount -o zfsutil -t zfs tpool/a /tmp/mnt2
    $ find /tmp/mnt2/.zfs/
    find: ‘/tmp/mnt2/.zfs/snapshot/s1’: Too many levels of symbolic links

Accessing the content of the snapshot fails.

davidscherer commented 4 years ago

I have what appears to be the same or a very similar issue. I have a dataset containing my nix store mounted at /nix/, and nix bind mounts /nix/store to itself to make it read-only (so there are indeed multiple mounts, but no namespaces or containers involved to my knowledge). When I access a snapshot of the nix store I get the same "Too many levels of symbolic links" ELOOP error. What I can add to the above bug report is that the snapshot is in fact automounted, but at the wrong path: it appears in /.zfs/snapshot instead of /nix/.zfs/snapshot! So if you then go looking for the same-named snapshot of the root dataset, you actually get the wrong data:

## /nix/ is a dataset that is mounted at /nix and apparently the nix package manager does something like `mount --bind -o ro /nix/store /nix/store` to make that directory read only
# mount | grep nix
ssdpool/main/nix on /nix type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr,posixacl)
ssdpool/main/nix on /nix/store type zfs (ro,relatime,xattr,posixacl)

## Attempting to look at a snapshot of /nix/ fails:
# ls /nix/.zfs/snapshot/zcloudbackup-000000-2020-02-17-1001/
ls: cannot access '/nix/.zfs/snapshot/zcloudbackup-000000-2020-02-17-1001/': Too many levels of symbolic links

## But actually it has been mounted, just at a completely wrong path
# mount | grep \\.zfs
ssdpool/main/nix@zcloudbackup-000000-2020-02-17-1001 on /.zfs/snapshot/zcloudbackup-000000-2020-02-17-1001 type zfs (ro,relatime,xattr,posixacl)

## And sure enough looking at that path shows a snapshot of /nix/, not a snapshot of /!
# ls /.zfs/snapshot/zcloudbackup-000000-2020-02-17-1001/
store  var

## It should look like this:
# umount /.zfs/snapshot/zcloudbackup-000000-2020-02-17-1001
# ls  /.zfs/snapshot/zcloudbackup-000000-2020-02-17-1001
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  mnt  nix  proc  root  run  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

I have not, however, been able to reproduce this issue by following jibel's reproduction steps above, or come up with any similarly clean reproduction steps with a new dataset. It's even possible that the bind mount is a red herring. But I think the fact that the mount happens at the wrong path might be a pretty useful clue to identifying the bug.

Type Version/Name
Distribution Name NixOS
Distribution Version 20.03.git.a21c2fa (Markhor)
Linux Kernel 5.5.0
Architecture x86_64
ZFS Version 0.8.3-1
SPL Version 0.8.3-1
ianabc commented 3 years ago

We're seeing this issue as well with bind mounts happening inside containers (0.8.4-1)

grisu48 commented 3 years ago

System information

Type Version/Name
Distribution Name openSUSE
Distribution Version Tumbleweed
Linux Kernel 5.9.14-1-default
Architecture x86_64
ZFS Version 2.0.0-1
SPL Version 2.0.0-1

I'm seeing the same issue in a openSUSE Tumbleweed VM.

To me it looks like a mounted snapshot cannot be accessed via the .zfs/snapshot directory and vice-versa, once .zfs/snapshot is accessed, you cannot mount a snapshot. See the following steps for more details:

Too many levels of symbolic links when listing a mounted snapshot

  1. Mount snapshot with the mount command
  2. List snapshots in /tank/.zfs/snapshot

Here is the output

tumbleweed:~ # mount -t zfs tank@second /mnt/tank/second
tumbleweed:~ # ls -al /tank/.zfs/snapshot/
ls: cannot access '/tank/.zfs/snapshot/second': Too many levels of symbolic links
total 1
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 2 Dec 22 12:03 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 22 12:04 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 Dec 22 11:24 initial
d????????? ? ?    ?    ?            ? second
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Dec 22 11:27 third

After a umount /mnt/tank/second the listing ls -al /tank/.zfs/snapshot works as expected.

Mount fail when .zfs/snapshot has been accessed before

  1. List snapshots in /tank/.zfs/snapshot
  2. Try to mount a snapshot via mount -t zfs ...

And here is the output

tumbleweed:~ # cd /tank/.zfs/snapshot/
tumbleweed:/tank/.zfs/snapshot # ls -al
total 2
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 2 Dec 22 11:52 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 22 11:52 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 Dec 22 11:24 initial
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3 Dec 22 11:27 second
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Dec 22 11:27 third
tumbleweed:/tank/.zfs/snapshot # mount -t zfs tank@second /mnt/tank/second
filesystem 'tank@second' is already mounted

Are we just doing something wrong here or is this a bug?

No0ne commented 1 year ago

Still happening on Debian 11 using zfsnap:

root@batman:/var/lib/mysql/.zfs/snapshot# ls
ls: cannot access '2022-08-09_06.00.01--7d': Too many levels of symbolic links
ls: cannot access '2022-08-11_19.00.01--7d': Too many levels of symbolic links
ls: cannot access '2022-08-10_18.00.01--7d': Too many levels of symbolic links
ls: cannot access '2022-08-12_23.00.02--7d': Too many levels of symbolic links
root@batman:/var/lib/mysql/.zfs/snapshot# uname -a
Linux batman 5.10.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.127-2 (2022-07-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@batman:/var/lib/mysql/.zfs/snapshot# zfs version
root@batman:/var/lib/mysql/.zfs/snapshot# crontab -l
0 * * * * /usr/sbin/zfSnap -a 7d -r zcave
ghost commented 1 year ago

Just a thought, the snapshots are separate (hidden) mountpoints that get mounted on demand, so maybe you need a recursive bind mount? And I'm not sure if the "on demand" part would work through the bind mount if it's not already mounted. That seems like it would be more of a Linux issue than a ZFS issue. What I don't expect to work is for ZFS to perform the snapshot mounts inside of the bind instead of the actual mount. I'm pretty sure there are checks preventing it.

No0ne commented 1 year ago

Also noticed it doesn't happen on the root mountpoint:

root@batman:~# cd /.zfs/snapshot
root@batman:/.zfs/snapshot# ls
2022-08-02_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_12.00.01--7d
2022-08-03_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_13.00.01--7d
2022-08-04_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_14.00.01--7d
2022-08-05_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_15.00.01--7d
2022-08-06_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_16.00.01--7d
2022-08-07_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_17.00.01--7d
2022-08-08_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_18.00.01--7d
2022-08-09_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_19.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_00.01.01--1m  2022-08-10_20.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_01.00.01--7d  2022-08-10_21.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_02.00.01--7d  2022-08-10_22.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_03.00.01--7d  2022-08-10_23.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_04.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_00.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_05.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_00.01.01--1m
2022-08-10_06.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_01.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_07.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_02.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_08.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_03.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_09.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_04.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_10.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_05.00.01--7d
2022-08-10_11.00.01--7d  2022-08-11_06.00.01--7d
root@batman:/.zfs/snapshot# cd /home/.zfs/snapshot
root@batman:/home/.zfs/snapshot# ls
ls: cannot access '2022-08-14_22.00.01--7d': Too many levels of symbolic links
ls: cannot access '2022-08-16_21.00.01--7d': Too many levels of symbolic links
ls: cannot access '2022-08-15_23.00.01--7d': Too many levels of symbolic links
root@batman:~# zfs list
zcave               713G   352G     27.5G  /
zcave/home          588G   352G      462G  /home
valpackett commented 1 year ago

Huh… how did that sudo mount -o zfsutil -t zfs tpool/a /tmp/mnt2 succeed even back on 0.8.3?

Looking at earlier code even, it should've hit the same "owning" codepath that results in EBUSY. (Unfortunate as I'd like to mount the same snapshot in many places instead of using bind mounts but that seems to not be allowed… but it was unintentionally "allowed" due to a bug in the past??)